For payable methods inside of the contract interatction section of cockpit, the value input has been updated to pass wei to the API. The input field now accepts value like `100 ether` or 25 szabo`. The value entered is automatically converted to wei and shown to the user in real time.
Additionally, the input is validated for a correct value, with an error shown to the user for incorrectly entered values.
A tooltip has been added to help the user enter correct values.
UI updates can be seen in video here:
The embark-utils package, since 4.1.0-beta.1, is a transitive DApp dependency;
but it's loaded in the main process (not a child process), so embark-utils' own
deps can't be indirectly supplied from embark itself via NODE_PATH.
This package comes with a `setUpEnv()` function that can be called to
prepare Embark's environment variables for different process contexts.
This allows us to set up Embark's environment within a test runner context
without the requirement of importing `packages/embark/src/lib/core/env.js`,
which happens to set up those necessary environment variables as a side effect.
It's important that a path to `packages/embark`'s root is passed down to `setUpEnv()`
to ensure `EMBARK_PATH` gets the correct value.
E.g. within a package `embark-console`, `setUpEnv()` can be called within its tests
like the following:
// packages/embark-console/src/test/console.js
import { joinPath, setUpEnv } from 'embark-utils';
setUpEnv(joinPath(__dirname, '../../../embark'));
Here, `__dirname + '../../../embark'` ensures `EMBARK_PATH` points to the root
of `packages/embark`. This might look different in other contexts.
For example calling this function from a test file within `packages/embark`, this would
look like this:
// packages/embark/src/test/some_file.js
import { joinPath, setUpEnv } from 'embark-utils';
setUpEnv(joinPath(__dirname, '../../'));
This enables removing unnecessary `core/fs` dependencies which can be
replaced with `fs-extra`.
This commit also fixes a bug introduced in f868d1216d
where methods from `embark.fs` weren't available.
The reason for that is because we have several *Process instances
that are created through child process communication, specifically
process.send() APIs. Using those APIs, we can only send data structures
however, methods attached on any of those will get lost.
This is the case when sending embark.fs through process.send().
We still need fs in those places though, mostly because they are relying
on embarkPath and dappPath().
These places are now importing those functions from `embark-core`. Other
API such as writeFile or mkdirp() can be accessed through fs-extra
or fs modules.
This pull-request upgrades `ethereumjs-wallet`, which has upgraded the underlying dependency on scrypt.js to 0.3.0, making scrypt an optional dependency and offering a pure JS version as a fallback.
The reasoning behind this is that scrypt is problematic to install in some systems, particularly those that don't have node-gyp setup and we have seen some weird issues when installing with elevated privileges (i.e. `sudo npm install -g scrypt`)
We could use similar comments for imports related to other `@types` packages,
but the need to do it for `@types/embark` (located in
`packages/embark-typings`) seems more pressing since `import ... from "embark"`
statements in the monorepo can be so easily misunderstood.
Note that the comments, and indeed the whole lines, are automatically erased
during babel transpilation of TypeScript since TS types aren't relevant after
the `.js` files are built.