Display five contracts per page in the dashboard. Display ten contracts per
page in the contracts explorer and deployment page.
Sort contracts by name. In the future we can implement an option to sort by
block number and index within a block by calculating and including that
information as part of the server-side api response (based on a contract's
Remove unnecessary contract filtering in the components since the containers
take care of it.
Make use of `listenToContracts` / `stopContracts` in DeploymentContainer.
During work on PRs #1492 and #1494 it became evident that it's not desirable to
show pagination controls unless the number of pages is greater than one.
Display a truncated account balance if the balance is greater than 20
characters in length. This keeps the "Balance", "Tx Count", and "Index" fields
well-aligned in lists of accounts.
In the account details page continue to show the full balance.
Display two accounts per page in the explorer overview. Display ten accounts
per page in the accounts explorer page.
Sort accounts by their api-supplied index numbers with the lowest index coming
Change the `initBlockHeader` saga so that it triggers a re-fetch of accounts
and therefore the "Tx Count" numbers of displayed accounts will reflect
increased counts.
Make tabs draggable so they can be arranged how the user would like.
The dragging functionality locks the tabs to the parent container.
Support for multiple rows of tabs.
Styling updates for selected tabs.
When connected to metamask, and “Injected Web3” is selected on the Deployment page of Cockpit, check to see if contracts have already been deployed or not.
For contracts that have not been deployed, or set to an address in the config, these should now all be re-deployable.
Supports libraries (that have bytecode with `0x73<address><bytecode>`).
Unregister (disable) the service worker in production builds of Cockpit. The
CRA dev server doesn't enable the service worker, so no changes are needed in
that context, i.e. `yarn start` in the monorepo.
**NOTE**: to effect these changes a user will need to load production Cockpit at
`localhost:55555` and then close all Cockpit tabs (or restart the
browser). This should be done for each browser that has been used to access
production Cockpit. See the *Step-by-Step* section below for more information.
There are a couple of factors:
* It's a bit confusing that after stopping `embark run` the production build of
Cockpit is still accessible at `localhost:55555`. That's owing to CRA's
[offline-first behavior][PWA] per the service worker it creates, which
Cockpit [currently registers][current] (enables).
* It can be really confusing, if you don't know or forget about the service
worker's behavior, that after a production rebuild of Cockpit the old build
is still used in the browser, even after a page refresh. As [explained][ofb]
in CRA's docs: *"users will end up seeing older content until they
close (reloading is not enough) their existing, open tabs."* A similar effect
is seen when switching between DApps, e.g. teller and embark_demo.
The CRA docs point to [some code][code] that could be adapted to an alert in
the UI prompting the user to close all tabs and reopen the app. That approach
definitely makes sense for DApps built with CRA that have opted-in to the
service worker. In fact, the service worker behavior would be critical in DApps
that make use of connected-/react-router because cold loads of routes that
don't actually correspond to static files couldn't otherwise work, i.e. if the
DApp is being served from ipfs/swarm.
But for Cockpit itself, when served from localhost with an express backend that
we control, little seems to be gained from offline-first behavior vs. a more
familiar behavior, i.e. when `embark run` isn't running then Cockpit isn't
Flushing a site's service worker from cache can be tricky. The following steps
outline an approach to making sure the Cockpit in use is the one with service
worker disabled.
1. The first screenshot below shows the JavaScript console from a fresh load of
Cockpit with the service worker enabled, i.e. from a build on `master` at time
of writing and `embark run` running for the `embark_demo`. Note the messages
re: *"workbox"* and *"precaching"*.
2. The next screenshot shows what happens when `embark run` is stopped and the
browser is refreshed. Service worker makes the page available offline, though
there are errors related to embark's API not being accessible.
3. (a) Cockpit gets rebuilt on this PR's `refactor/cockpit-service-worker`
branch and `EMBARK_UI_STATIC=t embark run` is started; see [previous
commit][prevcom] re: `EMBARK_UI_STATIC`. (b) The browser is refreshed. Note the
message at the bottom re: *"New content is available"*.
4. The Chrome browser is closed completely (command-Q), reopened and
`localhost:55555` is loaded again. Note there are *still* messages re:
*"workbox"* and *"precaching"*.
5. The page is refreshed again and now the messages are completely gone.
6. `embark run` is stopped and the page is reloaded, but there's a connection
error because no process is listening on `localhost:55555` — proof that
the service worker is no longer in play!
Steps 3(b) to 6 will need to be repeated for each browser (Firefox, Safari,
etc.) that visited `localhost:55555` when the service worker was enabled. And
they'll need to be repeated again if the browser is later used with a build of
Cockpit predating this PR.
[PWA]: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/making-a-progressive-web-app
[current]: 4d4704ac6f/packages/embark-ui/src/index.js (L39)
[ofb]: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/making-a-progressive-web-app#offline-first-considerations
[code]: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/src/serviceWorker.js#L66-L93
[step-1]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885199-adfa0900-4e47-11e9-830b-1b92816b2354.jpg
[step-2]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885202-b3575380-4e47-11e9-9c1e-24817472d9c4.jpg
[step-3]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885209-bb16f800-4e47-11e9-8e23-8fbc3b4f48fa.jpg
[prevcom]: https://github.com/embark-framework/embark/commit/322033cc
[step-4]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885212-bfdbac00-4e47-11e9-9c8c-db90228d953a.jpg
[step-5]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885214-c538f680-4e47-11e9-9963-58fd041675f0.jpg
[step-6]: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194260/54885217-ccf89b00-4e47-11e9-967a-7f8a523d4a92.jpg
When a fallback function is encountered give its signature as `function()`,
disable row expansion, and omit the interaction form. Also label with a
`fallback` badge.
Create React App automatically determines the base path for links within
production build artifacts based on the project's `"homepage"` field in
An [alternative][alt-setting] is to set the `PUBLIC_URL` environment variable
in `.env.production`. Take that approach so embark-ui's `"homepage"` can
continue to point to its home in the monorepo on GitHub.
Generate source maps in the production build of embark-ui. Doing so increases
the size of the package's tarball by a few MB (it was already large because of
the editor component), but the benefits of being able to much more easily debug
a production build (e.g. when interacting with users experiencing problems)
outweigh the size cost.
[alt-setting]: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/config/paths.js#L36
Don't implicitly rely on explorer overview having been loaded to initially
populate `entities.transactions`. Also, that container should watch for new
blocks/transactions same as the other explorer containers.
Restore `fetchTransactions` and related to TransactionsContainer. It's no
longer the basis of pagination (it didn't work as desired), but when navigating
through the transaction pages that action will ensure more transactions are
fetched so that the account page will list more of an account's transactions
over time. That was a side effect of `getTransactions` before it was removed in
favor of `getBlocksFull`, which is still the basis of revised pagination logic
in the transactions explorer.
Revise calculations related to transactions and pagination in the transactions
explorer and explorers overview.
Make the number of transactions to display per page configurable and set it to
3 in the explorers overview. Display a "No transactions..." message instead of
"0" when there are no transactions to display.
Introduce a `blocksFull` prop, action, api, etc. for calculating lists of
transactions relative to block objects that contain full transaction objects
instead of hash strings (the function backing the blocks endpoint already
supports that) and transaction receipts. In the future, the receipts can be
used to filter out constructor transactions for silent contracts.
Make pagination display conditional within the blocks explorer, same as in the
transactions explorer.
Filter silent contracts in the views that display contracts lists rather than
with `formatContractForDisplay` because the old approach prevents interaction
with a silent contract if a link to it is followed from the blocks or
transactions explorer, which is not desirable.
Rename contract "Transactions" tab to "Log". Display and allow filtering of all
contract methods. Disable debug button for pure/view functions and the
Revise the filtering logic so that filters are combined together. Make the
status filter a drop down menu like the others.
Revise styling for consistent row height, alignment of text, and button sizes;
use a monospaced font in some cases to achieve the effect.
Handle enter/return correctly in forms within a contract's Interact tab.
Remove event rows from a contract's Interact tab.
Track pure/view calls in the blockchain proxy so they can be logged server-side
by console listener and reported in Cockpit within a contract's Log tab.
Eliminate double logging in the contracts manager. Ensure contracts deployed on
a fresh `embark run` have an `address` / `deployedAddress` property.
Revise calculations related to block numbers and pagination in the blocks
explorer and explorers overview.
Make the number of blocks to display per page configurable and set it to 5 in
the explorers overview.
Make changes by running these commands in the root of the monorepo:
npx lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- \
'DIRPATH=$(realpath $PWD --relative-to=$LERNA_ROOT_PATH); \
npx json -I -f package.json -e "this.bugs=\
npx lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- \
'DIRPATH=$(realpath $PWD --relative-to=$LERNA_ROOT_PATH); \
npx json -I -f package.json -e "this.homepage=\
Don't commit changes to private packages, with the exceptions of embark-typings
and embark-reset because those may switch from private to public, and also
because the latter will be included in `node_modules` of embark even if it is
private since embark-reset is presently a bundled dependency of embark.
Don't include the homepage and bugs fields in dapps generated from the template
packages, except for the demo. Set those dapps' description field to an empty
Ensure every package (inc. private packages) has a description.
Ensure every package (inc. private packages) has a README that begins with:
> [pkgJson.description]
Visit [embark.status.im](https://embark.status.im/) to get started with
Don't include the README in dapps generated from the template packages, except
for the demo.
`package.json` allows for a [`"files"` whitelist][files] to be specified as an
alternative to a top-level `.npmignore` within a package root. Maintaining
whitelists is generally easier and less error-prone than maintaining
blacklists, so implement a `"files"` list for all non-private packages in the
monorepo and remove unneeded `.npmignore` files.
Switch `embark-reset` from being a private package to one that will be
published, adjust the workspace's `"nohoist"` setting accordingly, and no
longer specify `embark-reset` as a bundled dependency of `packages/embark`. I
originally thought there might be a good reason not to publish it, but I no
longer think so.
Remove unnecessary LICENSE files in `packages/{embark,embark-ui}` since Lerna
will automatically copy the root LICENSE into any packages lacking that file,
i.e. before tarballs are packed and published to the NPM registry.
Change the `"author"` field of `packages/embarkjs-connector-web3` to match the
other packages, i.e. such that it matches the copyright assignment in the root
LICENSE. If that's not a desirable thing to do, then instead that package can
have a separate LICENSE file that has a copyright assignment for `"Jonathan
Supply some missing `.npmrc` files in `packages/*`.
[files]: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#files
See: https://github.com/npm/rfcs/blob/latest/implemented/0010-monorepo-subdirectory-declaration.md
Make changes by running this command in the root of the monorepo:
npx lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- \
'DIRPATH=$(realpath $PWD --relative-to=$LERNA_ROOT_PATH); \
npx json -I -f package.json -e \
{\"directory\": \"$DIRPATH\", \
\"type\": \"git\", \
\"url\": \"https://github.com/embark-framework/embark.git\"}"'
Don't commit changes to private packages, with the exceptions of embark-typings
and embark-reset because those may switch from private to public, and also
because the latter will be included in `node_modules` of embark even if it is
private since embark-reset is presently a bundled dependency of embark.
Don't include the repository field in dapps generated from the template
packages, except for the demo.
Switching between the two tabs shown on the Dashboard for the cockpit was removing some of the logs that were previously displayed. This was due to an overlap in `id`’s being assigned to the logs from different processes.
To alleviate this, the reducers has been updated to not only check `id` but also `process.name`.
Additionally, the reducer was updated so that the number of logs for **each process** is set to `ELEMENTS_LIMIT`. For example, our `ELEMENT_LIMIT` is currently set to `200` and it would have meant that the total number of process logs across all processes would have been capped at 200. The current changes in this PR allow for 400 total logs, given that we have two processes being monitored for logs.
The services websocket was initiated in the AppContainer and causing all child components to continuously re-render every time there was a service check (which is effectively every second). In addition, the socket was never stopped when not needed (ie when the services component was unmounted).
Create a ServicesContainer that initiates the websocket as part of the container, and stops the socket when the container is unmounted.
Move the ContractsList to be part of the ContractsContainer with a `mode` switch.
Add Deployment page title and description.