When trying to either sending, or listening to whisper channels within
Embark's consoles (CLI and Cockpit), the console outputs an error that
`EmbarkJS` isn't defined.
E.g. running:
> EmbarkJS.Messages.listenTo({ topic: ['somechannel'])
EmbarkJS is not defined
This seemed very odd as outputting `EmbarkJS` and all of its members
worked totally fine.
It turns out that both methods, `listenTo()` and `sendMessage()`, in
`EmbarkJS.Messages` are not necessarily what one thinks they are.
EmbarkJS decorates both methods to create some options that need to be
available in the delegate, two of them being `EmbarkJS.Utils.toAscii`
and `EmbarkJS.Utils.fromAscii` (ac76a40a61/packages/embarkjs-whisper/src/index.js (L43-L62) and ac76a40a61/packages/embarkjs-whisper/src/index.js (L64-L73))
These two global references to `EmbarkJS` are the only ones in `embarkjs-whisper`
and they are not the same reference as the `EmbarkJS` sandbox global
registered in the VM here ac76a40a61/packages/embark-code-runner/src/index.ts (L33).
In other words, the `EmbarkJS is not defined` message actually refers
to the `EmbarkJS` in the wrapping method, not the one registered with
the VM, which is also why inspecting the `EmbarkJS` object through the
VM works fine.
Since the `toAscii()` and `fromAscii()` methods in use are really just
facades around `web3.utils.[fromAscii|toAscii]()`, we can replace the
global EmbarkJS dependency with web3 utils that are already available
feature(@embark/embarkjs-whisper: make embarkjs whisper plugin a module on its own
feature(@embark/embarkjs-whisper: make embarkjs whisper plugin a module on its own