mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 22:00:44 +00:00
refactor contracts manager buildContracts
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,11 +5,24 @@ const constants = require('embark-core/constants');
const path = require('path');
const { dappPath, proposeAlternative, toposort } = require('embark-utils');
async._waterfall = async.waterfall;
async.waterfall = function (_tasks, callback) {
let tasks = _tasks.map(function (t) {
let fn = function () {
console.log("async " + (new Error()).stack.split("\n")[1] + ": " + t.name);
t.apply(t, arguments);
return fn;
async._waterfall(tasks, callback);
// TODO: create a contract object
class ContractsManager {
constructor(embark, options) {
const self = this;
console.dir("---- contracts manager---- ")
this.embark = embark;
this.logger = embark.logger;
this.events = embark.events;
this.fs = embark.fs;
@ -22,6 +35,23 @@ class ContractsManager {
this.compileError = false;
this.compileOnceOnly = options.compileOnceOnly;
this.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:build", this.buildContracts.bind(this));
console.dir("---- contracts manager---- ")
// this.registerCommands()
// this.registerAPIs()
registerCommands() {
const self = this;
// self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:build", (configOnly, cb) => {
// self.deployOnlyOnConfig = configOnly; // temporary, should refactor
// self.build((err) => {
// cb(err);
// });
// });
self.events.setCommandHandler('contracts:list', (cb) => {
cb(self.compileError, self.listContracts());
@ -46,13 +76,6 @@ class ContractsManager {
self.getContractByTxHash(txHash, cb);
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:build", (configOnly, cb) => {
self.deployOnlyOnConfig = configOnly; // temporary, should refactor
self.build((err) => {
self.events.setCommandHandler("contracts:reset:dependencies", (cb) => {
self.contractDependencies = {};
@ -91,6 +114,12 @@ class ContractsManager {
registerAPIs() {
let embark = this.embark;
const self = this;
@ -256,72 +285,14 @@ class ContractsManager {
buildContracts(contractsConfig, compiledContracts, done) {
const self = this;
_contractsForApi() {
const result = [];
this.events.request('contracts:formatted:all', (contracts) => {
contracts.forEach((contract) => {
this.events.request('contracts:contract', contract.className, (c) => (
result.push(Object.assign(contract, c))
return result;
build(done, _useContractFiles = true, resetContracts = true) {
let self = this;
if(resetContracts) self.contracts = {};
function beforeBuild(callback) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent("build:beforeAll", () => {
function loadContractFiles(callback) {
self.events.request("config:contractsFiles", (contractsFiles) => {
self.contractsFiles = contractsFiles;
function loadContractConfigs(callback) {
self.events.request("config:contractsConfig", (contractsConfig) => {
self.contractsConfig = cloneDeep(contractsConfig);
function allContractsCompiled(callback) {
const allContractsCompiled =
self.compiledContracts &&
self.contractsFiles &&
self.contractsFiles.every(contractFile =>
Object.values(self.compiledContracts).find(contract =>
contract.originalFilename === path.normalize(contractFile.originalPath)
callback(null, allContractsCompiled);
function compileContracts(allContractsCompiled, callback) {
self.events.emit("status", __("Compiling..."));
const hasCompiledContracts = self.compiledContracts && Object.keys(self.compiledContracts).length;
if (self.compileOnceOnly && hasCompiledContracts && allContractsCompiled) {
return callback();
self.events.request("compiler:contracts", self.contractsFiles, function (err, compiledObject) {
self.compiledContracts = compiledObject;
function prepareContractsFromConfig(callback) {
self.events.emit("status", __("Building..."));
// if we are appending contracts (ie fiddle), we
// don't need to build a contract from config, so
// we can skip this entirely
if(!resetContracts) return callback();
async.eachOf(self.contractsConfig.contracts, (contract, className, eachCb) => {
async.eachOf(contractsConfig.contracts, (contract, className, eachCb) => {
if (!contract.artifact) {
contract.className = className;
contract.args = contract.args || [];
@ -348,13 +319,12 @@ class ContractsManager {
}, callback);
function getGasPriceForNetwork(callback) {
return callback(null, self.contractsConfig.gasPrice);
function prepareContractsForCompilation(gasPrice, callback) {
for (const className in self.compiledContracts) {
const compiledContract = self.compiledContracts[className];
const contractConfig = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className];
function prepareContractsForCompilation(callback) {
let gasPrice = contractsConfig.gasPrice;
for (const className in compiledContracts) {
const compiledContract = compiledContracts[className];
const contractConfig = contractsConfig.contracts[className];
const contract = self.contracts[className] || {className: className, args: []};
@ -370,7 +340,7 @@ class ContractsManager {
contract.originalFilename = compiledContract.originalFilename || ("contracts/" + contract.filename);
contract.path = dappPath(contract.originalFilename);
contract.gas = (contractConfig && contractConfig.gas) || self.contractsConfig.gas || 'auto';
contract.gas = (contractConfig && contractConfig.gas) || contractsConfig.gas || 'auto';
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
contract.type = 'file';
@ -389,16 +359,16 @@ class ContractsManager {
let showInterfaceMessageTrace = false;
let showInterfaceMessageWarn = false;
const isTest = self.currentContext.includes(constants.contexts.test);
const contractsInConfig = Object.keys(self.contractsConfig.contracts);
const contractsInConfig = Object.keys(contractsConfig.contracts);
for (className in self.contracts) {
contract = self.contracts[className];
contract.deploy = (contract.deploy === undefined) || contract.deploy;
if (self.deployOnlyOnConfig && !self.contractsConfig.contracts[className]) {
if (self.deployOnlyOnConfig && !contractsConfig.contracts[className]) {
contract.deploy = false;
if (!self.contractsConfig.contracts[className] && self.contractsConfig.strategy === constants.deploymentStrategy.explicit) {
if (!contractsConfig.contracts[className] && contractsConfig.strategy === constants.deploymentStrategy.explicit) {
contract.deploy = false;
@ -579,17 +549,359 @@ class ContractsManager {
], function (err) {
if (err) {
self.compileError = true;
self.events.emit("status", __("Compile/Build error"));
self.events.emit("status", __("Build error"));
self.events.emit("outputError", __("Error building Dapp, please check console"));
self.logger.error(__("Error Compiling/Building contracts"));
self.logger.error(__("Error Building contracts"));
} else {
self.compileError = false;
done(err, self);
done(err, self.contracts);
_contractsForApi() {
const result = [];
this.events.request('contracts:formatted:all', (contracts) => {
contracts.forEach((contract) => {
this.events.request('contracts:contract', contract.className, (c) => (
result.push(Object.assign(contract, c))
return result;
// build(done, _useContractFiles = true, resetContracts = true) {
// let self = this;
// if(resetContracts) self.contracts = {};
// async.waterfall([
// function beforeBuild(callback) {
// self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent("build:beforeAll", () => {
// callback();
// });
// },
// function loadContractFiles(callback) {
// self.events.request("config:contractsFiles", (contractsFiles) => {
// self.contractsFiles = contractsFiles;
// callback();
// });
// },
// function loadContractConfigs(callback) {
// self.events.request("config:contractsConfig", (contractsConfig) => {
// self.contractsConfig = cloneDeep(contractsConfig);
// callback();
// });
// },
// function allContractsCompiled(callback) {
// const allContractsCompiled =
// self.compiledContracts &&
// self.contractsFiles &&
// self.contractsFiles.every(contractFile =>
// Object.values(self.compiledContracts).find(contract =>
// contract.originalFilename === path.normalize(contractFile.originalPath)
// )
// );
// callback(null, allContractsCompiled);
// },
// function compileContracts(allContractsCompiled, callback) {
// self.events.emit("status", __("Compiling..."));
// const hasCompiledContracts = self.compiledContracts && Object.keys(self.compiledContracts).length;
// if (self.compileOnceOnly && hasCompiledContracts && allContractsCompiled) {
// return callback();
// }
// self.events.request("compiler:contracts", self.contractsFiles, function (err, compiledObject) {
// self.compiledContracts = compiledObject;
// callback(err);
// });
// },
// function prepareContractsFromConfig(callback) {
// self.events.emit("status", __("Building..."));
// // if we are appending contracts (ie fiddle), we
// // don't need to build a contract from config, so
// // we can skip this entirely
// if(!resetContracts) return callback();
// async.eachOf(self.contractsConfig.contracts, (contract, className, eachCb) => {
// if (!contract.artifact) {
// contract.className = className;
// contract.args = contract.args || [];
// self.contracts[className] = contract;
// return eachCb();
// }
// self.fs.readFile(dappPath(contract.artifact), (err, artifactBuf) => {
// if (err) {
// self.logger.error(__('Error while reading the artifact for "{{className}}" at {{path}}', {className, path: contract.artifact}));
// return eachCb(err);
// }
// try {
// self.contracts[className] = JSON.parse(artifactBuf.toString());
// if (self.contracts[className].deployedAddress) {
// self.contracts[className].address = self.contracts[className].deployedAddress;
// }
// eachCb();
// } catch (e) {
// self.logger.error(__('Artifact file does not seem to be valid JSON (%s)', contract.artifact));
// eachCb(e.message);
// }
// });
// }, callback);
// },
// function getGasPriceForNetwork(callback) {
// return callback(null, self.contractsConfig.gasPrice);
// },
// function prepareContractsForCompilation(gasPrice, callback) {
// for (const className in self.compiledContracts) {
// const compiledContract = self.compiledContracts[className];
// const contractConfig = self.contractsConfig.contracts[className];
// const contract = self.contracts[className] || {className: className, args: []};
// contract.code = compiledContract.code;
// contract.runtimeBytecode = compiledContract.runtimeBytecode;
// contract.realRuntimeBytecode = (compiledContract.realRuntimeBytecode || compiledContract.runtimeBytecode);
// contract.linkReferences = compiledContract.linkReferences;
// contract.swarmHash = compiledContract.swarmHash;
// contract.gasEstimates = compiledContract.gasEstimates;
// contract.functionHashes = compiledContract.functionHashes;
// contract.abiDefinition = compiledContract.abiDefinition;
// contract.filename = compiledContract.filename;
// contract.originalFilename = compiledContract.originalFilename || ("contracts/" + contract.filename);
// contract.path = dappPath(contract.originalFilename);
// contract.gas = (contractConfig && contractConfig.gas) || self.contractsConfig.gas || 'auto';
// contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
// contract.type = 'file';
// contract.className = className;
// if (contract.address) {
// contract.deployedAddress = contract.address;
// }
// self.contracts[className] = contract;
// }
// callback();
// },
// function setDeployIntention(callback) {
// let className, contract;
// let showInterfaceMessageTrace = false;
// let showInterfaceMessageWarn = false;
// const isTest = self.currentContext.includes(constants.contexts.test);
// const contractsInConfig = Object.keys(self.contractsConfig.contracts);
// for (className in self.contracts) {
// contract = self.contracts[className];
// contract.deploy = (contract.deploy === undefined) || contract.deploy;
// if (self.deployOnlyOnConfig && !self.contractsConfig.contracts[className]) {
// contract.deploy = false;
// }
// if (!self.contractsConfig.contracts[className] && self.contractsConfig.strategy === constants.deploymentStrategy.explicit) {
// contract.deploy = false;
// }
// if (contract.code === "") {
// const message = __("assuming %s to be an interface", className);
// if (contract.silent || (isTest && !contractsInConfig.includes(className))) {
// showInterfaceMessageTrace = true;
// self.logger.trace(message);
// } else {
// showInterfaceMessageWarn = true;
// self.logger.warn(message);
// }
// contract.deploy = false;
// }
// }
// if (showInterfaceMessageTrace || showInterfaceMessageWarn) {
// let logFunction = showInterfaceMessageWarn ? self.logger.warn : self.logger.trace;
// logFunction.call(self.logger, __('To get more details on interface Smart contracts, go here: %s', 'https://embark.status.im/docs/troubleshooting.html#Assuming-Contract-to-be-an-interface'.underline));
// }
// callback();
// },
// /*eslint complexity: ["error", 11]*/
// function dealWithSpecialConfigs(callback) {
// let className, contract, parentContractName, parentContract;
// let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts);
// for (className in self.contracts) {
// contract = self.contracts[className];
// if (contract.instanceOf === undefined) {
// continue;
// }
// parentContractName = contract.instanceOf;
// parentContract = self.contracts[parentContractName];
// if (parentContract === className) {
// self.logger.error(__("%s : instanceOf is set to itself", className));
// continue;
// }
// if (parentContract === undefined) {
// self.logger.error(__("{{className}}: couldn't find instanceOf contract {{parentContractName}}", {
// className: className,
// parentContractName: parentContractName
// }));
// let suggestion = proposeAlternative(parentContractName, dictionary, [className, parentContractName]);
// if (suggestion) {
// self.logger.warn(__('did you mean "%s"?', suggestion));
// }
// continue;
// }
// if (parentContract.args && parentContract.args.length > 0 && ((contract.args && contract.args.length === 0) || contract.args === undefined)) {
// contract.args = parentContract.args;
// }
// if (contract.code !== undefined) {
// self.logger.error(__("{{className}} has code associated to it but it's configured as an instanceOf {{parentContractName}}", {
// className: className,
// parentContractName: parentContractName
// }));
// }
// contract.path = parentContract.path;
// contract.originalFilename = parentContract.originalFilename;
// contract.filename = parentContract.filename;
// contract.code = parentContract.code;
// contract.runtimeBytecode = parentContract.runtimeBytecode;
// contract.realRuntimeBytecode = (parentContract.realRuntimeBytecode || parentContract.runtimeBytecode);
// contract.gasEstimates = parentContract.gasEstimates;
// contract.functionHashes = parentContract.functionHashes;
// contract.abiDefinition = parentContract.abiDefinition;
// contract.linkReferences = parentContract.linkReferences;
// contract.gas = contract.gas || parentContract.gas;
// contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || parentContract.gasPrice;
// contract.type = 'instance';
// }
// callback();
// },
// function removeContractsWithNoCode(callback) {
// let className, contract;
// let dictionary = Object.keys(self.contracts);
// for (className in self.contracts) {
// contract = self.contracts[className];
// if (contract.code === undefined && !contract.abiDefinition) {
// self.logger.error(__("%s has no code associated", className));
// let suggestion = proposeAlternative(className, dictionary, [className]);
// if (suggestion) {
// self.logger.warn(__('did you mean "%s"?', suggestion));
// }
// delete self.contracts[className];
// }
// }
// self.logger.trace(self.contracts);
// callback();
// },
// // TODO: needs refactoring, has gotten too complex
// /*eslint complexity: ["error", 19]*/
// /*eslint max-depth: ["error", 19]*/
// function determineDependencies(callback) {
// try {
// for (const className in self.contracts) {
// const contract = self.contracts[className];
// self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className] || [];
// // if (Array.isArray(contract.deps)) {
// // self.contractDependencies[className] = self.contractDependencies[className].concat(contract.deps);
// // }
// // // look in linkReferences for dependencies
// // if (contract.linkReferences) {
// // Object.values(contract.linkReferences).forEach(fileReference => {
// // Object.keys(fileReference).forEach(libName => {
// // self.contractDependencies[className].push(libName);
// // });
// // });
// // }
// // // look in arguments for dependencies
// // if (contract.args === []) continue;
// // let ref;
// // if (Array.isArray(contract.args)) {
// // ref = contract.args;
// // } else {
// // ref = Object.values(contract.args);
// // }
// // for (let j = 0; j < ref.length; j++) {
// // let arg = ref[j];
// // if (arg[0] === "$" && !arg.startsWith('$accounts')) {
// // self.contractDependencies[className].push(arg.substr(1));
// // self.checkDependency(className, arg.substr(1));
// // }
// // if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
// // for (let sub_arg of arg) {
// // if (sub_arg[0] === "$" && !sub_arg.startsWith('$accounts')) {
// // self.contractDependencies[className].push(sub_arg.substr(1));
// // self.checkDependency(className, sub_arg.substr(1));
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // // look in onDeploy for dependencies
// // if (Array.isArray(contract.onDeploy)) {
// // let regex = /\$\w+/g;
// // contract.onDeploy.map((cmd) => {
// // if (cmd.indexOf('$accounts') > -1) {
// // return;
// // }
// // cmd.replace(regex, (match) => {
// // if (match.substring(1) === contract.className) {
// // // Contract self-referencing. In onDeploy, it should be available
// // return;
// // }
// // self.contractDependencies[className].push(match.substr(1));
// // });
// // });
// // }
// // // Remove duplicates
// // if (self.contractDependencies[className]) {
// // const o = {};
// // self.contractDependencies[className].forEach(function (e) {
// // o[e] = true;
// // });
// // self.contractDependencies[className] = Object.keys(o);
// // }
// }
// callback();
// } catch (err) {
// console.dir("---- done")
// console.dir(err)
// }
// }
// ], function (err) {
// console.dir("contract build done")
// if (err) {
// self.compileError = true;
// self.events.emit("status", __("Compile/Build error"));
// self.events.emit("outputError", __("Error building Dapp, please check console"));
// self.logger.error(__("Error Compiling/Building contracts"));
// } else {
// self.compileError = false;
// }
// self.logger.trace("finished".underline);
// done(err, self);
// });
// }
checkDependency(className, dependencyName) {
if (!this.contractDependencies[className]) {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const constants = require('embark-core/constants');
const Logger = require('embark-logger');
const {reset: embarkReset, paths: defaultResetPaths} = require('embark-reset');
const fs = require('../lib/core/fs.js');
const cloneDeep = require('clone-deep');
@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ class EmbarkController {
// engine.startService("processManager");
// engine.startService("web3");
@ -209,7 +211,17 @@ class EmbarkController {
engine.events.request("config:contractsFiles", (contractsFiles) => {
engine.events.request("compiler:contracts:compile", contractsFiles, (err, compiledContracts) => {
console.dir("compilation done")
// console.dir(compiledContracts)
console.dir("requesting contracts configuration")
engine.events.request("config:contractsConfig", (_contractsConfig) => {
let contractsConfig = cloneDeep(_contractsConfig);
engine.events.request("contracts:build", contractsConfig, compiledContracts, () => {
console.dir("contracts config build done")
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ class Engine {
let groups = {
"blockchain": this.blockchainComponents,
"coreComponents": this.coreComponents,
"compiler": this.compilerComponents
"compiler": this.compilerComponents,
"contracts": this.contractsComponents
let group = groups[groupName];
@ -151,6 +152,10 @@ class Engine {
contractsComponents(options) {
this.registerModulePackage('embark-contracts-manager', {plugins: this.plugins, compileOnceOnly: options.compileOnceOnly});
startService(serviceName, _options) {
let options = _options || {};
@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.request = function() {
let other_args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
log("requesting: ", requestName);
console.log("requesting: " + requestName);
if (this._events && !this._events['request:' + requestName]) {
log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
console.log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user