mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 12:46:29 +00:00
add better internal logging for requeests & actions
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
"dependencies": {
"embark-utils": "^4.1.0-beta.5",
"fs-extra": "7.0.1"
"fs-extra": "7.0.1",
"web3": "1.0.0-beta.37"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "5.7.0",
@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
import { __ } from 'embark-i18n';
import { dappPath, sha3 } from 'embark-utils';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
const Web3 = require('web3');
class DeployTracker {
constructor(embark, options) {
this.logger = embark.logger;
this.events = embark.events;
this.plugins = options.plugins;
this.fs = embark.fs;
this.embark = embark;
this.trackContracts = (options.trackContracts !== false);
// TODO: unclear where it comes from
// TODO: unclear where env comes from
// TODO: we should be getting the env from a request to the config
this.env = options.env;
this.chainConfig = {};
this.chainFile = embark.config.contractsConfig.tracking;
// this.loadChainTrackerFile();
// this.registerEvents();
this.events.on("blockchain:started", this.loadChainTrackerFile.bind(this));
this.embark.registerActionForEvent('deployment:deployContracts:beforeAll', this.setCurrentChain.bind(this));
// this.embark.registerActionForEvent("deployment:contract:deployed", this.trackAndSaveContract.bind(this));
// this.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:contract:shouldDeploy", this.checkIfDeploymentIsNeeded.bind(this));
trackAndSaveContract(params, cb) {
if (!this.embark.config.contractsConfig.tracking) return;
let contract = params.contract;
this.trackContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs, contract.deployedAddress);
checkIfDeploymentIsNeeded(params, cb) {
if (!this.embark.config.contractsConfig.tracking) return;
if (!this.trackContracts) {
return cb(null, params);
let contract = params.contract;
let trackedContract = this.getContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs);
if (trackedContract) {
params.contract.address = trackedContract.address;
if (params.shouldDeploy && trackedContract) {
params.shouldDeploy = true;
cb(null, params);
loadChainTrackerFile() {
if (this.chainFile === false) return;
if (this.chainFile === undefined) this.chainFile = ".embark/chains.json";
this.chainFile = dappPath(this.chainFile);
if (!fs.existsSync(this.chainFile)) {
if (!this.fs.existsSync(this.chainFile)) {
this.logger.info(this.chainFile + ' ' + __('file not found, creating it...'));
fs.outputJSONSync(this.chainFile, {});
this.fs.outputJSONSync(this.chainFile, {});
this.chainConfig = fs.readJSONSync(this.chainFile);
this.chainConfig = this.fs.readJSONSync(this.chainFile);
registerEvents() {
setCurrentChain(_params, callback) {
if (!this.embark.config.contractsConfig.tracking) return;
if (this.chainFile === false) return;
const self = this;
// TODO: re-add
// this.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:beforeAll", this.setCurrentChain.bind(this));
this.events.on("deploy:contract:deployed", (contract) => {
self.trackContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs, contract.deployedAddress);
self.embark.registerActionForEvent("deploy:contract:shouldDeploy", (params, cb) => {
if (!self.trackContracts) {
return cb(null, params);
let contract = params.contract;
let trackedContract = self.getContract(contract.className, contract.realRuntimeBytecode, contract.realArgs);
if (trackedContract) {
params.contract.address = trackedContract.address;
if (params.shouldDeploy && trackedContract) {
params.shouldDeploy = true;
cb(null, params);
setCurrentChain(callback) {
const self = this;
if (this.chainConfig === false) {
this.currentChain = {contracts: []};
return callback();
function getBlock(blockNum, cb) {
self.events.request("blockchain:block:byNumber", blockNum, (err, block) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
let chainId = block.hash;
if (self.chainConfig[chainId] === undefined) {
self.chainConfig[chainId] = {contracts: {}};
self.currentChain = self.chainConfig[chainId];
self.currentChain.name = self.env;
getBlock(0, (err) => {
this.getBlock(0, (err) => {
if (err) {
// Retry with block 1 (Block 0 fails with Ganache-cli using the --fork option)
return getBlock(1, callback);
return this.getBlock(1, callback);
async getBlock(blockNum, cb) {
let provider = await this.events.request2("blockchain:client:provider", "ethereum");
var web3 = new Web3(provider);
try {
let block = await web3.eth.getBlock(blockNum, true);
let chainId = block.hash;
if (self.chainConfig[chainId] === undefined) {
self.chainConfig[chainId] = { contracts: {} };
self.currentChain = self.chainConfig[chainId];
self.currentChain.name = self.env;
} catch (err) {
return cb(err);
loadConfig(config) {
this.chainConfig = config;
return this;
trackContract(contractName, code, args, address) {
trackContract(name, code, args, address) {
if (!this.currentChain) return false;
this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + contractName + args.join(','))] = {
name: contractName,
address: address
this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + name + args.join(','))] = { name, address };
getContract(contractName, code, args) {
getContract(name, code, args) {
if (!this.currentChain) return false;
let contract = this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + contractName + args.join(','))];
let contract = this.currentChain.contracts[sha3(code + name + args.join(','))];
if (contract && contract.address === undefined) {
return false;
return contract;
// TODO: abstract this
// chainConfig can be an abstract PersistentObject
save() {
if (this.chainConfig === false) {
fs.writeJSONSync(this.chainFile, this.chainConfig, {spaces: 2});
this.fs.writeJSONSync(this.chainFile, this.chainConfig, {spaces: 2});
@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ class EmbarkController {
engine.registerModulePackage('embark-deploy-tracker', {plugins: engine.plugins});
engine.events.on('deployment:deployContracts:afterAll', () => {
console.dir("--- generating files...")
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { __ } from 'embark-i18n';
var EventEmitter = require('events');
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
function warnIfLegacy(eventName) {
const legacyEvents = [];
if (legacyEvents.indexOf(eventName) >= 0) {
@ -9,15 +11,41 @@ function warnIfLegacy(eventName) {
function log(eventType, eventName) {
function getOrigin() {
let origin = ((new Error().stack).split("at ")[3]).trim();
origin = origin.split("(")[0].trim();
return origin;
function log(eventType, eventName, origin) {
if (!(process && process.env && process.env.DEBUGEVENTS)) return;
if (['end', 'prefinish', 'error', 'new', 'demo', 'block', 'version'].indexOf(eventName) >= 0) {
if (eventType.indexOf("log") >= 0) {
// fs.appendFileSync(".embark/events.log", (new Error().stack) + "\n");
if (!origin && origin !== "") {
origin = ((new Error().stack).split("at ")[3]).trim();
origin = origin.split("(")[0].trim();
// origin = getOrigin();
fs.appendFileSync(".embark/events.log", eventType + ": " + eventName + " -- (" + origin + ")\n");
const cmdNames = {};
function trackCmd(cmdName) {
if (!(process && process.env && process.env.DEBUGEVENTS)) return;
let origin = ((new Error().stack).split("at ")[3]).trim();
origin = origin.split("(")[0].trim();
cmdNames[cmdName] = origin;
EventEmitter.prototype.log = log;
EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = 350;
const _on = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
const _once = EventEmitter.prototype.once;
@ -32,50 +60,32 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(requestName) {
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(requestName, cb) {
log("listening to event: ", requestName);
// log("EVENT LISTEN", requestName);
return _on.call(this, requestName, cb);
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(requestName, cb) {
log("listening to event (once): ", requestName);
// log("EVENT LISTEN ONCE", requestName);
return _once.call(this, requestName, cb);
EventEmitter.prototype.setHandler = function(requestName, cb) {
log("setting handler for: ", requestName);
log("SET HANDLER", requestName);
return _setHandler.call(this, requestName, cb);
EventEmitter.prototype.get = function() {
let requestName = arguments[0];
let other_args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
log("get: ", requestName);
const listenerName = 'get:' + requestName;
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return this.emit(listenerName, ...other_args, (err, res) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
return resolve(res);
return promise;
EventEmitter.prototype.request2 = function() {
let requestName = arguments[0];
let other_args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
log("requesting: ", requestName);
log("\nREQUEST", requestName);
console.log("requesting: " + requestName);
if (this._events && !this._events['request:' + requestName]) {
log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
log("NO REQUEST LISTENER", requestName)
console.log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
@ -106,11 +116,11 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.request = function() {
let requestName = arguments[0];
let other_args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
log("requesting: ", requestName);
log("\nREQUEST(OLD)", requestName);
console.log("requesting: " + requestName);
if (this._events && !this._events['request:' + requestName]) {
log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
log("NO REQUEST LISTENER", requestName)
console.log("made request without listener: " + requestName)
@ -131,9 +141,22 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.request = function() {
return this.emit(listenerName, ...other_args);
// TODO: ensure that it's only possible to create 1 command handler
EventEmitter.prototype.setCommandHandler = function(requestName, cb) {
log("setting command handler for: " + requestName);
log("SET COMMAND HANDLER", requestName);
// let origin = ((new Error().stack).split("at ")[3]).trim();
// origin = origin.split("(")[0].trim();
let origin = getOrigin();
let listener = function(_cb) {
log("== REQUEST RESPONSE", requestName, origin);
// console.dir(cb)
// console.dir(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cb))
// console.dir(cb.length)
// console.dir(Object.values(cb))
// process.exit(0)
cb.call(this, ...arguments);
const listenerName = 'request:' + requestName;
@ -141,6 +164,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.setCommandHandler = function(requestName, cb) {
// unlike events, commands can only have 1 handler
_removeAllListeners.call(this, listenerName);
// TODO: remove this, it will lead to illusion of things working when this situatio shouldnt' hapepn in the first place
// if this event was requested prior to the command handler
// being set up,
// 1. delete the premature request(s) from the toFire array so they are not fired again
@ -161,7 +185,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.setCommandHandler = function(requestName, cb) {
EventEmitter.prototype.setCommandHandlerOnce = function(requestName, cb) {
log("setting command handler for: ", requestName);
log("SET COMMAND HANDLER ONCE", requestName);
const listenerName = 'request:' + requestName;
@ -161,18 +161,68 @@ Plugins.prototype.getPluginsProperty = function(pluginType, property, sub_proper
return matchingProperties.reduce((a,b) => { return a.concat(b); }) || [];
Plugins.prototype.getPluginsPropertyAndPluginName = function(pluginType, property, sub_property) {
let matchingPlugins = this.plugins.filter(function(plugin) {
return plugin.has(pluginType);
// Sort internal plugins first
matchingPlugins.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.isInternal) {
return -1;
if (b.isInternal) {
return 1;
return 0;
let matchingProperties = []
matchingPlugins.map((plugin) => {
if (sub_property) {
let newList = []
for (let kall of (plugin[property][sub_property] || [])) {
matchingProperties.push([kall, plugin.name])
return newList;
let newList = []
for (let kall of (plugin[property] || [])) {
matchingProperties.push([kall, plugin.name])
return newList;
// Remove empty properties
matchingProperties = matchingProperties.filter((property) => property[0]);
//return flattened list
if (matchingProperties.length === 0) return [];
// return matchingProperties.reduce((a,b) => { return a.concat(b); }) || [];
return matchingProperties;
// TODO: because this is potentially hanging, we should issue a trace warning if the event does not exists
Plugins.prototype.runActionsForEvent = function(eventName, args, cb) {
const self = this;
if (typeof (args) === 'function') {
cb = args;
let actionPlugins = this.getPluginsProperty('eventActions', 'eventActions', eventName);
let actionPlugins = this.getPluginsPropertyAndPluginName('eventActions', 'eventActions', eventName);
if (actionPlugins.length === 0) {
return cb(null, args);
async.reduce(actionPlugins, args, function(current_args, plugin, nextEach) {
this.events.log("ACTION", eventName, "");
async.reduce(actionPlugins, args, function(current_args, pluginObj, nextEach) {
const [plugin, pluginName] = pluginObj;
self.events.log("== ACTION FOR " + eventName, plugin.name, pluginName);
if (typeof (args) === 'function') {
plugin.call(plugin, (...params) => {
nextEach(...params || current_args);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user