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Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/iurimatias/embark-framework/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/iurimatias/embark-framework) @@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ Table of Contents Installation ====== -Requirements: geth (1.5.8 or higher), node (6.9.1 or higher is recommended) and npm +Requirements: geth (1.6.5 or higher recommended, 1.6.0 or lower for whisper v1 support; whisper v5 support coming soon), node (6.9.1 or higher is recommended) and npm Optional: testrpc (3.0 or higher) if using the simulator or the test functionality. Further: depending on the dapp stack you choose: [IPFS](https://ipfs.io/) @@ -389,7 +391,7 @@ EmbarkJS - Communication **initialization** -For Whisper: +For Whisper (note: currently requires geth 1.6.0): ```Javascript EmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('whisper') @@ -549,4 +551,4 @@ For more information on how to develop your own plugin, please see the [plugin d Donations ====== -If you like Embark, please consider donating to 0x8811FdF0F988f0CD1B7E9DE252ABfA5b18c1cDb1 +If you like Embark, please consider donating to 0xFA239D14c7117C3D2370B2a4c4238534391fadd9 diff --git a/boilerplate/config/blockchain.json b/boilerplate/config/blockchain.json index 3453a87d7..26c14fcce 100644 --- a/boilerplate/config/blockchain.json +++ b/boilerplate/config/blockchain.json @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ "rpcCorsDomain": "http://localhost:8000", "account": { "password": "config/development/password" - } + }, + "wsOrigins": "http://localhost:8000" }, "testnet": { "enabled": true, diff --git a/boilerplate/config/communication.json b/boilerplate/config/communication.json index 07c7851aa..80ec2f80e 100644 --- a/boilerplate/config/communication.json +++ b/boilerplate/config/communication.json @@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ "default": { "enabled": true, "provider": "whisper", - "available_providers": ["whisper", "orbit"] + "available_providers": ["whisper", "orbit"], + "connection": { + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8546, + "type": "ws" + } } } diff --git a/boilerplate/config/contracts.json b/boilerplate/config/contracts.json index f9bbf576f..41db174dd 100644 --- a/boilerplate/config/contracts.json +++ b/boilerplate/config/contracts.json @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ { "default": { + "versions": { + "web3.js": "1.0.0-beta", + "solc": "0.4.17" + }, + "deployment": { + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8545, + "type": "rpc" + }, + "dappConnection": [ + "$WEB3", + "http://localhost:8545" + ], "gas": "auto", "contracts": { } diff --git a/boilerplate/config/development/genesis.json b/boilerplate/config/development/genesis.json index 9f2d15625..4a50a438b 100644 --- a/boilerplate/config/development/genesis.json +++ b/boilerplate/config/development/genesis.json @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ { + "config": { + "homesteadBlock": 1 + }, "nonce": "0x0000000000000042", "difficulty": "0x0", "alloc": { diff --git a/boilerplate/config/storage.json b/boilerplate/config/storage.json index f9516470b..f1041e849 100644 --- a/boilerplate/config/storage.json +++ b/boilerplate/config/storage.json @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ "enabled": true, "provider": "ipfs", "host": "localhost", - "port": 5001 + "port": 5001, + "getUrl": "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/" } } diff --git a/boilerplate/package.json b/boilerplate/package.json index a1ab4c7fa..46a574886 100644 --- a/boilerplate/package.json +++ b/boilerplate/package.json @@ -9,7 +9,5 @@ "license": "ISC", "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { - "embark": "^2.4.3", - "mocha": "^2.2.5" } } diff --git a/boilerplate/test/contract_spec.js b/boilerplate/test/contract_spec.js index e0a6a9dc3..d2a8be47e 100644 --- a/boilerplate/test/contract_spec.js +++ b/boilerplate/test/contract_spec.js @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -var assert = require('assert'); -var EmbarkSpec = require('embark/lib/core/test.js'); - - // describe("SimpleStorage", function() { // before(function(done) { // this.timeout(0); @@ -29,4 +25,4 @@ var EmbarkSpec = require('embark/lib/core/test.js'); // }); // }); // -// }); \ No newline at end of file +// }); diff --git a/demo/app/contracts/simple_storage.sol b/demo/app/contracts/simple_storage.sol index 13957b2de..955ad8994 100644 --- a/demo/app/contracts/simple_storage.sol +++ b/demo/app/contracts/simple_storage.sol @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ pragma solidity ^0.4.7; contract SimpleStorage { uint public storedData; - function SimpleStorage(uint initialValue) { + function SimpleStorage(uint initialValue) public { storedData = initialValue; } - function set(uint x) { + function set(uint x) public { storedData = x; } - function get() constant returns (uint retVal) { + function get() public view returns (uint retVal) { return storedData; } diff --git a/demo/app/index.html b/demo/app/index.html index 9dcde0444..10b27f231 100644 --- a/demo/app/index.html +++ b/demo/app/index.html @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@