In case you're experiencing problems with using Embark, here is a list of solutions to some frequently encountered issues. If this page doesn't help you solve your problem, try doing a search on [GitHub](
node-gyp can cause problems, because it requires a C++ compiler.
If you do have problems caused by it, first follow the installation steps for your OS [here](
If you still have problems and are on Windows, try the following:
- run `npm config set msvs_version 2015` before `npm install`
- Repair Windows Build tools that the node-gyp doc made you install. If it tells you to remove a conflicting version do it. After the repair succeeded, reboot.
## EACCES / npm ERR Permission denied
Issues typically occur if NodeJS and/or Embark are installed using `sudo`, avoid using it possible. There are [several options]( to fix this. We recommend installing node using [NVM](