2017-12-16 15:39:30 -05:00
let async = require ( '../../utils/async_extend.js' ) ;
let SolcW = require ( './solcW.js' ) ;
class Solidity {
constructor ( embark , options ) {
this . logger = embark . logger ;
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this . events = embark . events ;
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this . contractDirectories = options . contractDirectories ;
embark . registerCompiler ( ".sol" , this . compile _solidity . bind ( this ) ) ;
compile _solidity ( contractFiles , cb ) {
let self = this ;
let input = { } ;
let solcW ;
async . waterfall ( [
function prepareInput ( callback ) {
async . each ( contractFiles ,
function ( file , fileCb ) {
let filename = file . filename ;
for ( let directory of self . contractDirectories ) {
filename = filename . replace ( directory , '' ) ;
file . content ( function ( fileContent ) {
2018-01-27 15:07:48 -05:00
input [ filename ] = { content : fileContent } ;
2017-12-16 15:39:30 -05:00
fileCb ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( err ) {
callback ( err ) ;
) ;
} ,
function loadCompiler ( callback ) {
// TODO: there ino need to load this twice
2017-12-30 16:48:53 -05:00
solcW = new SolcW ( { logger : self . logger , events : self . events } ) ;
2017-12-16 15:39:30 -05:00
if ( solcW . isCompilerLoaded ( ) ) {
return callback ( ) ;
self . logger . info ( "loading solc compiler.." ) ;
solcW . load _compiler ( function ( err ) {
callback ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function compileContracts ( callback ) {
self . logger . info ( "compiling contracts..." ) ;
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let jsonObj = {
language : 'Solidity' ,
sources : input ,
settings : {
optimizer : {
enabled : true ,
runs : 200
} ,
outputSelection : {
'*' : {
'*' : [ 'abi' , 'metadata' , 'userdoc' , 'devdoc' , 'evm.legacyAssembly' , 'evm.bytecode' , 'evm.deployedBytecode' , 'evm.methodIdentifiers' , 'evm.gasEstimates' ]
} ;
solcW . compile ( jsonObj , function ( output ) {
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if ( output . errors ) {
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for ( let i = 0 ; i < output . errors . length ; i ++ ) {
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if ( output . errors [ i ] . type === 'Warning' ) {
self . logger . warn ( output . errors [ i ] . formattedMessage ) ;
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if ( output . errors [ i ] . type === 'Error' || output . errors [ i ] . severity === 'error' ) {
2017-12-16 15:39:30 -05:00
return callback ( new Error ( "Solidity errors: " + output . errors ) . message ) ;
self . logger . warn ( output . errors . join ( '\n' ) ) ;
callback ( null , output ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function createCompiledObject ( output , callback ) {
let json = output . contracts ;
2018-01-17 15:09:19 -05:00
if ( ! output || ! output . contracts ) {
return callback ( new Error ( "error compiling for unknown reasons" ) ) ;
2017-12-27 13:07:13 -05:00
if ( Object . keys ( output . contracts ) . length === 0 && output . sourceList . length > 0 ) {
return callback ( new Error ( "error compiling. There are sources available but no code could be compiled, likely due to fatal errors in the solidity code" ) . message ) ;
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let compiled _object = { } ;
2018-01-27 15:07:48 -05:00
for ( let contractFile in json ) {
for ( let contractName in json [ contractFile ] ) {
let contract = json [ contractFile ] [ contractName ] ;
const className = contractName ;
const filename = contractFile ;
compiled _object [ className ] = { } ;
compiled _object [ className ] . code = contract . evm . bytecode . object ;
compiled _object [ className ] . runtimeBytecode = contract . evm . deployedBytecode . object ;
compiled _object [ className ] . realRuntimeBytecode = contract . evm . deployedBytecode . object . slice ( 0 , - 68 ) ;
compiled _object [ className ] . swarmHash = contract . evm . deployedBytecode . object . slice ( - 68 ) . slice ( 0 , 64 ) ;
compiled _object [ className ] . gasEstimates = contract . evm . gasEstimates ;
compiled _object [ className ] . functionHashes = contract . evm . methodIdentifiers ;
compiled _object [ className ] . abiDefinition = contract . abi ;
compiled _object [ className ] . filename = filename ;
2017-12-16 15:39:30 -05:00
callback ( null , compiled _object ) ;
] , function ( err , result ) {
cb ( err , result ) ;
} ) ;
module . exports = Solidity ;