"Use a specific ethereum client [%s] (default: %s)":"Uporabi določen odjemalec za ethereum [%s] (privzeto: %s)",
"Unknow client \"%s\". Please use one of the following: %s":"Neznan odjemalec \"%s\". Uporabite enega od sledečih: %s",
"Miner requested, but Parity does not embed a miner! Use Geth or install ethminer (https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer)":"Rudar je zahtevan, vendar ga Parity ne omogoča! Uporabite Geth ali ethminer (https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer)",
"run blockchain server (default: %s)":"zaženi strežnik za verigo blokov (privzeto: %s)",
"run a fast ethereum rpc simulator":"zaženi hiter ethereum rpc simulator",
"use testrpc as the rpc simulator [%s]":"uporabi testrpc kot rpc simulator [%s]",
"port to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)":"vrata za rpc simulator (privzeto: %s)",
"host to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)":"gostitelj za rpc simulator (privzeto: %s)",
"number of accounts (default: %s)":"število računov (privzeto: %s)",
"Amount of ether to assign each test account (default: %s)":"Količina ethra za vsak testni račun (privzeto: %s)",
"custom gas limit (default: %s)":"trenuten gas limit (privzeto: %s)",
"run tests":"zaženi preizkuse",
"resets embarks state on this dapp including clearing cache":"ponastavi embarks stanje na tem dappu, vključno s čiščenjem predpomnilnika",
"generates documentation based on the smart contracts configured":"generiraj dokumentacijo s pomočjo konfiguracije pogodbe",
"Upload your dapp to a decentralized storage":"Naložite svoj dapp na decentralizirano shrambo",
"output the version number":"izpiši številko različice",
"The web3 object and the interfaces for the deployed contracts and their methods are also available":"Web3 objekt in The web3 object and the vmesniki so na voljo",
"versions in use":"različice v uporabi",
"language to use (default: en)":"jezik za uporabo (privzeto: en)",
"writing file":"pisanje datoteke",
"errors found while generating":"najdene napake pri generiranju",
"Looking for documentation? You can find it at":"Iščete dokumentacijo? Najdete jo lahko na",
"Graph will not include undeployed contracts":"Graf ne bo vseboval nerazvitih pogodb",
"Graph will not include functions":"Graf ne bo vseboval funkcij",
"Graph will not include events":"Graf ne bo vseboval dogodkov",
"no config file found at %s using default config":"konfiguracijske datoteke z uporabo privzete konfiguracije v %s ni bilo mogoče najti",
"Development blockchain has changed to use the --dev option.":"Razvijalna veriga blokov se je spremenila za uporabo --dev možnosti.",
"You can reset your workspace to fix the problem with":"Za popravilo težav lahko ponastavite delovno mesto z",
"Otherwise, you can change your data directory in blockchain.json (datadir)":"Drugače lahko spremenite imenik za podatke v blockchain.json (datadir)",
"tip: you can resize the terminal or disable the dashboard with":"nasvet: okno terminala lahko povečte ali onemogočite delovno mesto z",
"Error Compiling/Building contracts: ":"Napaka pri prevajanju pogodb: ",
"file not found, creating it...":"datoteka ni najdena, ustvarjanje ...",
"{{className}} has code associated to it but it's configured as an instanceOf {{parentContractName}}":"{{className}} ima določeno kodo, vendar ju nastavljen kot instanceOf {{parentContractName}}",
"Swarm node is offline...":"Swarm node je ni dosegljiv ...",
"Swarm node detected...":"Swarm node zaznan ...",
"Cannot find file %s Please ensure you are running this command inside the Dapp folder":"Datoteke %s ni mogoče najti. Prepričajte se, da ta ukaz zaganjate znotraj dapp mape",
"No Blockchain node found":"Node verige blokov ni najden",
"Couldn't connect to an Ethereum node are you sure it's on?":"Napaka pri povezovanju na Ethereum Node. Ste prepričani, da je zagnan?",
"make sure you have an Ethereum node or simulator running. e.g '%s'":"prepričajte se, da imate zagnan Ethereum node ali simulator. npr. '%s'",
"Embark is building, please wait...":"Embark prevaja in gradi, prosimo počakajte ...",
"finished building DApp and deploying to":"konec grajenja in razvijanja na",
"to see the list of available commands":"za seznam ukazov, ki so na voljo",
"instantiated js-ipfs object configured to the current environment (available if ipfs is enabled)":"instantiran js-ipfs objekt nastavljen na trenutno okolje (na voljo, ko je ipfs omogočen)",
"reset done!":"ponastavitev končana!",
"finished building":"konec grajenja",
"finished deploying":"konec razvijanja",
"adding %s to ipfs":"dodajanje %s na ipfs",
"DApp available at":"DApp na voljo na",
"successfully uploaded to ipfs":"nalaganje na ipfs uspešno",
"Starting Blockchain node in another process":"Zaganjanje node verige blokov v drugem procesu",
"Blockchain node is ready":"Node verige blokov je pripravljen",
"terminating due to error":"zaustavfitev zaradi napake",
"Error while downloading the file":"Napaka pri prenašanju datoteke",
"Error while loading the content of ":"Napaka pri pridobivanju vsebine od ",
"open another console in the same directory and run":"odpri drugo konzolo v istem imeniku in zaženi",
"deploying to swarm!":"razvijanjje na swarm!",
"adding %s to swarm":"dodajanje %s na swarm",
"successfully uploaded to swarm":"uspešno naloženo na swarm",
"Cannot upload: {{plaform}} node is not running on {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.":"Napaka pri nalaganju: {{platform}} node ni zagnan na {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.",
"no contracts found":"pogodbe niso najdene",
"IPFS node is offline":"IPFS node ni dosegljiv",
"IPFS node detected":"IPFS node zaznan",
"Webserver is offline":"Spletni strežnik ni dosegljiv",
"DApp path length is too long: \"":"DApp pot je predolga: \"",
"This is known to cause issues with some applications, please consider reducing your DApp path's length to 66 characters or less.":"To bo povzročilo težave z nekaterimi aplikacijami. Zmanjšajte DApp pot na največ 66 znakov.",
"Cannot upload: {{platform}} node is not running on {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.":"Napaka pri nalaganju: {{platform}} node ni zagnan na {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.",
"DApp path length is too long: ":"DApp pot je predolga: ",
"WARNING! DApp path length is too long: ":"OPOZORILO! DApp pot je predolga: ",
"This is known to cause issues with starting geth, please consider reducing your DApp path's length to 66 characters or less.":"To bo povzročilo težave z zagonom geth. Zmanjšajte DApp pot na največ 66 znakov.",
"Ethereum client bin not found:":"Ethereum client bin ni najden:",
"%s is not installed on your machine":"%s ni nameščen na vaš računalnik",
"You can install it by visiting: %s":"Namestite ga lahko prek %s",
"Simulator not found; Please install it with \"%s\"":"Simulator ni najden. Namestite ga z \"%s\"",
"IMPORTANT: if you using a NodeJS version older than 6.9.1 then you need to install an older version of testrpc \"%s\"":"POMEMBNO: če uporabljate NodeJS starejši od 6.9.1 morate namestiti starejšo različico testrpc \"%s\"",
"swarm process started":"swarm process started",
"Storage process for swarm ended before the end of this process. Code: 12":"Proces za shrambo swarm se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: 12",
"Storage process for swarm ended before the end of this process. Code: 1":"Proces za shrambo swarm se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: 1",
"Storage process for ipfs ended before the end of this process. Code: 12":"Proces za shrambo ipfs se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: 12",
"Blockchain process ended before the end of this process. Code: %s":"Proces za verigo blokov se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: %s",
"Cannot start {{platform}} node on {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.":"Napaka pri zaganjanju {{platform}} node na {{protocol}}://{{host}}{{port}}.",
"Cannot upload: {{platform}} node is not running on {{url}}.":"Napaka pri nalaganju: {{platform}} node ni zagnan na {{url}}.",
"Cannot start {{platform}} node on {{url}}.":"Napaka pri zagonu {{platform}} node na {{url}}.",
"Storage process for swarm ended before the end of this process. Code: 0":"Proces za shrambo swarm se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: 0",
"error uploading to swarm":"napaka pri nalaganju na swarm",
"Ethereum node detected":"Ethereum node zaznan",
"Deployment Done":"Razvijanje končano",
"Name your app (default is %s):":"Ime aplikacije (privzeto %s):",
"download template":"prenos predloge",
"Start the Embark console":"Zagon Embark konzole",
"When set, will print the gas cost for each contract deploy":"Ko bo nastavljen, bo izpisal gas cost za vsako razvijanje pogodbe",
"ENS domain to associate to":"Dodeljena ENS domena",
"output usage information and help information":"izpiše informacije o uporabi in pomoči",
"Starting %s process":"Zaganjanje %s procesov",
"Storage process for {{storageName}} ended before the end of this process. Code: {{code}}":"Proces za shrambo {{storageName}} se je končal pred tem procesom. Koda: {{code}}",