2019-06-28 09:32:47 -04:00

222 lines
7.2 KiB

const async = require('async');
const shelljs = require('shelljs');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function compileSolcContract(logger, compileSettings, allowedDirectories, callback) {
const command = `solc --standard-json --allow-paths ${allowedDirectories.join(',')}`;
shelljs.ShellString(JSON.stringify(compileSettings)).exec(command, {silent: true}, (code, stdout, stderr) => {
if (stderr) {
if (code !== 0) {
return callback(`solc exited with error code ${code}`);
if (!stdout) {
return callback('solc execution returned nothing');
callback(null, stdout.replace(/\n/g, ''));
function getSolcVersion(logger, callback) {
shelljs.exec('solc --version', {silent: true}, (code, stdout, stderr) => {
if (stderr) {
if (code !== 0) {
return callback(`solc exited with error code ${code}`);
if (!stdout) {
return callback('solc execution returned nothing');
const result = stdout.match(/(\d+.\d+.\d+)/);
callback(null, result[1]);
function compileSolc(embark, contractFiles, contractDirectories, options, callback) {
if (!contractFiles || !contractFiles.length) {
return callback();
const logger = embark.logger;
const outputBinary = embark.pluginConfig.outputBinary;
const outputDir = embark.config.buildDir + embark.config.contractDirectories[0];
const solcConfig = embark.config.embarkConfig.options.solc;
let allowedDirectories = [];
const remappings = [];
const compilationSettings = {
language: 'Solidity',
sources: {},
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: solcConfig['optimize'],
runs: solcConfig['optimize-runs']
outputSelection: {
'*': {
'': ['ast'],
'*': [
function checkSolc(next) {
const solc = shelljs.which('solc');
if (!solc) {
logger.error('solc is not installed on your machine');
logger.info('You can install it by following the instructions on: http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing-solidity.html');
return next('Compiler not installed');
logger.info("compiling solidity contracts with command line solc...");
function getContentAndRemappings(next) {
async.each(contractFiles, (file, eachCb) => {
file.prepareForCompilation(options.isCoverage).then((content) => {
// add contract directory and all it's recusrive import direcotries to allowed directories
let dir = path.dirname(file.path);
if (!allowedDirectories.includes(dir)) allowedDirectories.push(dir);
file.importRemappings.forEach((importRemapping) => {
dir = path.dirname(importRemapping.target);
if (!allowedDirectories.includes(dir)) allowedDirectories.push(dir);
const remapping = `${importRemapping.prefix}=${importRemapping.target}`;
if (!remappings.includes(remapping)) {
// TODO change this to Embark's utils function once embark-solc is in the mono-repo
compilationSettings.sources[file.path.replace(/\\/g, '/')] = {
content: content.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
}, next);
function compile(next) {
compileSolcContract(logger, compilationSettings, allowedDirectories, (err, compileString) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
let json;
try {
json = JSON.parse(compileString);
} catch (e) {
logger.error(e.message || e);
return callback(`Compiling returned an unreadable result`);
embark.events.emit('contracts:compiled:solc', json);
const contracts = json.contracts;
// Check for errors
if (json.errors) {
let isError = false;
json.errors.forEach(error => {
if (error.severity === 'error') {
isError = true;
} else {
logger.debug(error.message); // Print more error information in debug
if (isError) {
return next(`Error while compiling`);
next(null, contracts);
function populateCompiledObject(contracts, next) {
const compiledObject = {};
for (let contractFile in contracts) {
for (let contractName in contracts[contractFile]) {
let contract = contracts[contractFile][contractName];
let filename = contractFile;
for (let directory of contractDirectories) {
let match = new RegExp("^" + directory);
filename = filename.replace(match, '');
let className = contractName;
const contractFileMatch = className.match(/.sol:(.*)/);
if (contractFileMatch) {
className = contractFileMatch[1];
compiledObject[className] = {};
compiledObject[className].code = contract.evm.bytecode.object;
compiledObject[className].linkReferences = contract.evm.bytecode.linkReferences;
compiledObject[className].runtimeBytecode = contract.evm.deployedBytecode.object;
compiledObject[className].realRuntimeBytecode = contract.evm.deployedBytecode.object.slice(0, -68);
compiledObject[className].swarmHash = contract.evm.deployedBytecode.object.slice(-68).slice(0, 64);
compiledObject[className].gasEstimates = contract.evm.gasEstimates;
compiledObject[className].functionHashes = contract.evm.methodIdentifiers;
compiledObject[className].abiDefinition = contract.abi;
compiledObject[className].userdoc = contract.userdoc;
compiledObject[className].filename = filename;
const normalized = path.normalize(filename);
const origContract = contractFiles.find(contractFile => normalized.includes(path.normalize(contractFile.originalPath)));
if (origContract) {
compiledObject[className].originalFilename = path.normalize(origContract.originalPath);
next(null, compiledObject);
], (err, compiledObject) => {
callback(err, compiledObject);
if (outputBinary) {
embark.events.once("outputDone", () => {
async.eachOf(compiledObject, (contract, className, eachCb) => {
fs.writeFile(path.join(outputDir, className + ".bin"), compiledObject[className].code, eachCb);
}, (err) => {
if (err) {
logger.error("Error writing binary file", err.message || err);
module.exports = {