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contractFiles, cb) { logger.info("compiling solidity contracts with command line solc..."); const allowedDirectories = contractFiles.map((contractFile) => path.dirname(path.join(process.cwd(), contractFile.path))) - .filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) == i); + .filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) === i); let compiled_object = {}; async.each(contractFiles, @@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ function compileSolc(embark, contractFiles, cb) { let json = JSON.parse(compileString.substr(jsonStart - 1)); for (let contractFile in json.contracts) { - let className = contractFile.substr( contractFile.indexOf(":") + 1); + let className = contractFile.substr(contractFile.indexOf(":") + 1); let filename = contractFile.substr(0, contractFile.indexOf(":")); let contract = json.contracts[contractFile]; - if(compiled_object[className] && compiled_object[className].filename != filename){ + if(compiled_object[className] && compiled_object[className].filename !== filename){ logger.warn(`Duplicated contract '${className}' found. Using '${compiled_object[className].filename}' instead of '${file.filename}'`); continue; } compiled_object[className] = {}; - compiled_object[className].code = contract.bin + compiled_object[className].code = contract.bin; compiled_object[className].runtimeBytecode = contract["bin-runtime"]; compiled_object[className].functionHashes = contract.hashes; compiled_object[className].abiDefinition = JSON.parse(contract.abi); @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function compileSolc(embark, contractFiles, cb) { cb(err, compiled_object); if(outputBinary){ embark.events.on("outputDone", function() { - Object.keys(compiled_object).map(function(className, index) { + Object.keys(compiled_object).map(function(className, _index) { fs.writeFile(path.join(outputDir, className + ".bin"), compiled_object[className].code, (err) => { if (err) { logger.error("Error writing binary file: " + JSON.stringify(err));