#!/usr/bin/env bash run_embark () { local EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_SOURCE="${EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_SOURCE:-$PWD}" local EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_TARGET="${EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_TARGET:-/dapp}" local EMBARK_DOCKER_IMAGE="${EMBARK_DOCKER_IMAGE:-statusim/embark}" local EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN="${EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN}" local EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_INTERACTIVE=${EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_INTERACTIVE:-false} local EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_OPTS_REPLACE=${EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_OPTS_REPLACE:-false} local EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_RM=${EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_RM:-true} local EMBARK_DOCKER_TAG="${EMBARK_DOCKER_TAG:-latest}" local -a run_opts=( "-i" "-t" "-p" "5001:5001" "-p" "8000:8000" "-p" "8080:8080" "-p" "8500:8500" "-p" "8545:8545" "-p" "8546:8546" "-p" "8555:8555" "-p" "8556:8556" "-p" "30301:30301/udp" "-p" "30303:30303" "-v" "${EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_SOURCE}:${EMBARK_DOCKER_MOUNT_TARGET}" "-e" "TERM" ) if [[ $EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_RM = true ]]; then run_opts=( "${run_opts[@]}" "--rm" ) fi local txtbld=$(tput bold) local txtrst=$(tput sgr0) local bldcyn=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 6) local bldred=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 1) local bldylw=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 3) local ERROR=${bldred}ERROR${txtrst} local INFO=${bldcyn}INFO${txtrst} local WARNING=${bldylw}WARNING${txtrst} local oldopts case $- in *e*) oldopts="set -e" ;; *) oldopts="set +e" ;; esac set +e check_bash_version () { if [[ $BASH_VERSINFO -lt 4 ]]; then echo "$ERROR: this script requires Bash version >= 4.0" return 1 fi } check_bash_version if [[ $? = 1 ]]; then unset check_bash_version eval "$oldopts" if [[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]; then return 1 else exit 1 fi fi check_docker () { if ! type docker &> /dev/null; then echo "$ERROR: the command \`docker\` must be in a path on \$PATH or aliased" return 127 fi } check_docker if [[ $? = 127 ]]; then unset check_bash_version unset check_docker eval "$oldopts" if [[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]; then return 127 else exit 127 fi fi local had_run_opts=false local -a _run_opts=() local -a _cmd=() local -a cmd while [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; do if [[ "$1" = "--" ]]; then had_run_opts=true else if [[ $had_run_opts = true ]]; then _cmd=( "${_cmd[@]}" "$1" ) else _run_opts=( "${_run_opts[@]}" "$1" ) fi fi shift done if [[ $had_run_opts = true ]]; then cmd=( "${_cmd[@]}" ) if [[ $EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_OPTS_REPLACE = true ]]; then run_opts=( "${_run_opts[@]}" ) else run_opts=( "${run_opts[@]}" "${_run_opts[@]}" ) fi else cmd=( "${_run_opts[@]}" ) fi if [[ -z "$EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN" ]]; then case "${cmd[0]}" in -V|--version|-h|--help|new|demo|build|run|blockchain|simulator|test|\ reset|graph|upload|version) cmd=( "embark" "${cmd[@]}" ) ;; esac else local i_flag if [[ $EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_INTERACTIVE = true ]]; then i_flag='i' else i_flag='' fi local run_script=$(< "$EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN") # do not alter indentation, tabs in lines below run_script=$(cat <<- RUN_SCRIPT exec bash -${i_flag}s \$(tty) ${cmd[@]} << 'RUN' __tty=\$1 shift script=/tmp/run_embark_script cat << 'SCRIPT' > \$script $run_script SCRIPT chmod +x \$script exec \$script \$@ < \$__tty RUN RUN_SCRIPT ) # do not alter indentation, tabs in lines above cmd=( "bash" "-${i_flag}c" "$run_script" ) fi docker run \ "${run_opts[@]}" \ "${EMBARK_DOCKER_IMAGE}:${EMBARK_DOCKER_TAG}" \ "${cmd[@]}" local docker_exit_status=$? unset check_bash_version unset check_docker eval "$oldopts" if [[ $docker_exit_status != 0 ]]; then if [[ "$0" != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]; then return $docker_exit_status else exit $docker_exit_status fi fi } export -f run_embark if [[ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]; then run_embark "$@" fi