handle exit codes and documentation changes

This commit is contained in:
mahim23 2018-09-16 14:41:29 +05:30
parent ed98f19394
commit a1d372d580

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@ -52,36 +52,41 @@ function Start-Embark {
foreach ($env_var in "LANG", "LANGUAGE", "LC_ALL", "TERM") {
if (Test-Path "Env:$env_var") {
$run_opts = $run_opts + "-e" + "$env_var"
$run_opts = $run_opts + @("-e", "$env_var")
if ($EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN_RM -eq $true) {
$run_opts = $run_opts + "--rm"
$run_opts = $run_opts + @("--rm")
$OldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
# 'Continue' - Preference for printing errors and continuing the execution in case of non-terminating errors.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
function Cleanup {
$retval = $lastexitcode
function Cleanup ( [parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [int] $RetVal) {
Remove-Item -Path Function:\Set-Value
Remove-Item -Path Function:\Confirm-Docker
Remove-Item -Path Function:\Cleanup
$ErrorActionPreference = $OldErrorActionPreference
return $retval
$Global:LASTEXITCODE = $RetVal
function Confirm-Docker () {
if (-not (Get-Command docker -errorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
"Error: the command ``docker`` must be in a path on `$PATH or aliased"
Write-Host "Error: " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "the command ``docker`` must be in a path on `$PATH or aliased"
return 127
return 0
$docker_return_code = Confirm-Docker
if (-not($?)) {
return Cleanup
if ($docker_return_code) {
return Cleanup -RetVal $docker_return_code
$had_run_opts = $false
@ -132,9 +137,10 @@ function Start-Embark {
$run_script = Get-Content $EMBARK_DOCKER_RUN
# " doesn't directly get passed to the container so has to be replaced by \"
# " doesn't get passed to the container so has to be replaced by \"
$run_script = $run_script -join "`n" -replace '"', '\"'
# do not alter indentation, tabs in lines below
$run_script = "exec bash -${i_flag}s `$(tty) ${cmd} << 'RUN'
@ -145,6 +151,8 @@ SCRIPT
chmod +x `$script
exec `$script `$@ < `$__tty
# do not alter indentation, tabs in lines above
$cmd = ("bash", "-${i_flag}c", "$run_script")
@ -152,10 +160,15 @@ RUN"
docker run $opts
if (-not $?) {
return Cleanup -RetVal 1
return Cleanup
# Invokes Start-Embark only if the source is this script.
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName.EndsWith($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)) {
Start-Embark @args