title: Vyper --- As of Embark 3.0, Vyper is supported out of the box. You only need to [install the compiler](https://vyper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing-vyper.html) yourself. Embark's Vyper support means that any files with the extension `.vy` in the contracts directory will be deployed with the file name as the contract name, so, for instance, `contracts/Crowdfunding.vy` will be deployed as `Crowdfunding`. To see Vyper in action, generate a new demo project by running:
$ embark demo
Inside the demo's root directory, remove `contracts/simple_storage.sol` and replace it with this file instead:
# contracts/SimpleStorage.vy
storedData: public(uint256)

def __init__(initialValue: uint256):
  self.storedData = initialValue

def set(x: uint256):
  self.storedData = x

def get() -> uint256:
  return self.storedData
This has exactly the same logic as its Solidity counterpart, so the tests will still pass:
$ embark test
The full documentation for Vyper can be found [here](https://vyper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/vyper-by-example.html)