title: Embark subtitle: "The all-in-one developer platform for building and deploying decentralized applications." description: "Embark is a simple & powerful framework for decentralized applications" author: Embark language: en url: https://blog.embarklabs.io permalink: news/:year/:month/:day/:title/ code_dir: downloads/code new_post_name: :year-:month-:day-:title.md # File name of new posts post_asset_folder: true per_page: 0 theme: embark deploy: type: git repo: git@github.com:embarklabs/blog.git highlight: enable: true line_number: false disqus_shortname: hexojs google_analytics: UA-79146816-4 fb_admins: 100000247608790 algolia: en: apiKey: 439d8dc2add18007a2f31be4a9c0ed70 indexName: embark twitter: EmbarkProject github: embarklabs/embark autoprefixer: enable: true browsers: - 'last 2 versions' node_sass: outputStyle: nested precision: 5 sourceComments: false