title: Embark 5.1 author: iuri_matias summary: "Embark 5.1 release" categories: - announcements - releases layout: blog-post --- Embark 5.1 === ## Interfaces & Libraries Configuration Embark 5.1 adds two new configuration settings for Smart Contract configuration: `interfaces` - Any Smart Contract that represent an interface or is used for inheritance `libraries` - Any Smart Contract that is used as a library This makes the configuration less redundant in cases where otherwise the deploy property has been set to false, such as: ``` deploy: { Ownable: { deploy: false }, ... } ``` The above can now be done via: ``` interfaces: ['Ownable'], deploy: { ... } ``` Find the complete documentation [here](https://framework.embarklabs.io/docs/contracts_configuration.html#Defining-interfaces). ## getEvmVersion for conditional tests Embark tests now include a helper `getEvmVersion` that can be used to consult what EVM the tests are being run on. This is useful when you have certain tests that can only be run in a particular type of node, but you still want to be able to run tests everywhere without them breaking. For example: ``` it("cannot bid after 5 minutes", async () => { const evmVersion = await global.getEvmVersion(); if (evmVersion.indexOf("TestRPC") === -1) return; increaseTime(5000) await assert.reverts(Auction.methods.bid(), {from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}, 'Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: cannot bid after auction expired'); }) ``` ## Nethermind plugin Embark now comes with a [Nethermind](https://nethermind.io/) plugin. More info about the plugin can be found [here](https://github.com/embarklabs/embark/tree/master/packages/plugins/nethermind) ## Changelog Features @embark/deployment: introduce interfaces and libraries configuration (73d0443) @embark/nethermind: add Nethermind blockchain client plugin (6db8d87) @embark/test-runner: expose evmClientVersion for conditional tests (e37d3f7) @embark/testing: introduce proper request2 api for async/await (c947517) @embark/testing: add missing APIs to register console commands and API calls (bef582d) support Node.js v12.x and newer (c093cf8) Bug Fixes @embark/cmd_controller: fix build command to escape on finish (e2767c2) @embark/debugger: Prevent error if contract not tracked by Embark (1e1172e) @embark/ens: fix Infura connection and testnet use of ENS (42bd3b7) @embark/test-dapp: fix test_dapp broken for ENS resolve (f5849e0) @embark/tests: Fix failing test with —node=embark (81af3af) @embark/transaction-logger: Circular JSON log and unknown contract log level (5843a8e) @embark/utils: fix deconstruct url to return port as an integer (4190d5e) transaction-logger: fix circular dep issue with util.inspect (6f239f4) @embark/embarkjs: change enableEthereum to not rely on returned accounts array (b8f93ea) @embark/test: increase default gas limit to 8M so tests support bigger contracts (b6856b2) @embark/ens: connect to web3 only with dappAutoEnable is true (e0ac539) @embark/proxy: Parse rpcPort from config as integer (9f7c682)