navigation: quick_start: Quick Start learn: Learn plugins: Plugins community: Community blog: Blog search: Search start_page: header: title: Embark into the Ether. tagline: The all-in-one developer platform for building and deploying decentralized applications. link: Get Started intro_section: heading: title: More than a framework. referal: Embark is a platform that enables easy development and deployment of decentralized applications. link: Join the Community box_1: title: Smart Contract Management text: Build, test, and deploy your Smart Contracts without the hassle. Embark takes care of the ground work, watches for changes, and redeploys your application when needed. link: Learn more box_2: title: Easy to use Debugger and Testing text: Testing shouldn't be an afterthought. Embark makes debugging and testing first-class citizens of your development workflow. link: Learn more box_3: title: End to End DApp Development text: Go beyond Smart Contracts if you want to. Embark offers great integrations with decentralised services such as IPFS and Whisper. link: Learn more cli_section: heading: title: Powerful CLI referal: Embark's command line interface comes with a rich dashboard so you are in control. checklist: item_1: Service Monitoring item_2: Interactive REPL item_3: Real-time Deployment link: label: Get Started title: Creating apps using the CLI modular_section: heading: title: Modular by Design referal: Pick and choose which features, plugins and tools you want to integrate with. Embark is built with modularity in mind. checklist: item_1: Smart Contract only or full-fledged DApps item_2: Integrate with existing tools item_3: Extend it to your needs link_1: title: Plugins label: See plugins link_2: title: Creating Plugins label: Create your own cockpit_section: heading: title: Mission control with Cockpit. referal: A web interface for building, debugging and deploying decentralised applications. box_1: title: Web UI Dashboard text: Gives an overview of all processes controlled by Embark. It also comes with an interactive console and predictive commands. link: label: Learn more → title: Cockpit Dashboard box_2: title: Explorer text: Cockpit's explorer lets you easily review any transactions, Smart Contracts, and accounts. link: label: Learn more → title: Cockpit Explorer box_3: title: Deployment text: With Cockpit you can iteratively and selectively deploy your Smart Contracts, removing headaches associated with complex applications. link: label: Learn more → title: Cockpit Deployment box_4: title: Code Editor text: Edit your source files from right within Cockpit for quick and easy updates. link: title: Cockpit Editor label: Learn more → outro_section: heading: title: For developers, by developers referal: Embark is a fully open source effort. Get involved and be part of the journey. link: Join the Community newsletter_section: heading: title: Sign up for updates text: Sign up for our newsletter and get updates about Embark and our development progress first! button: label: Subscribe community_page: header: title: Join the growing community tagline: Get support, give support, and help build Embark. link: Join the conversation spotbox: title: Checkout the GitHub Repos text: Look for issues with specifics tags you may be interested in. link: View repositories contribute_section: heading: title: How to contribute referal: There are a number of ways to contribute and get involved, from submitting a pull request to growing the community. not_just_code_section: heading: title: It's not just code referal: We believe that contributions go far beyond working on our code base. Help out with writing docs, creating a tutorial, or simply talk to us on our channels. link: Join us in Gitter box_1: title: Help improve the docs text: You don't have to code to contribute, we're happy about any improvements to our documentation. box_2: title: Create a tutorial text: Record a video of a simple tutorial and share it with the community. box_3: title: Help answer questions text: Help out newcomers with questions in our Gitter channel or Stack Overflow. box_4: title: Create a plugin text: Embark integrates well with other tools. Build a plugin to get support for your tool of choice. box_5: title: Report a bug text: If you find a bug, let us know and we'll work on fixing it. box_6: title: Work on new features text: Collaborate with peers on new features you want to see in Embark. team_section: heading: title: Meet the team. job_team_lead: Creator and Team Lead job_engineer: Software Engineer plugins_page: header: title: Plugins tagline: Extend Embark to your needs. intro_section: heading: referal: Plugins extend Embark and provide integration with other tools and technologies. link: Build your own! learn_more_link: Learn More plugins: bamboo: desc: Plugin to add Bamboo support to Embark solc: desc: Uses the command line Solidity Compiler for light-speed compile times solium: desc: The official Solium Plugin for the Embark Framework verifier: desc: Plugin for Embark to flatten and verify contracts on Etherscan status: desc: Status plugin to interact with Embark remix: desc: Plugin to start Remix directly with Embark slither: desc: Plugin to analyse solidity source code with Slither snark: desc: Plugin to compile circom circuits and generate a Solidity proof fortune: desc: Displays a fortune message after every build pug: desc: Embark plugin to support pug / jade templates haml: desc: Embark plugin to support haml templates mythx: desc: Adds console commands to run MythX security analysis from the Embark console docs_landing_page: header: title: Building with Embark tagline: Learn how you can use Embark to build your apps. link: Quickstart → intro_section: heading: title: Start here. referal: There are many ways to work with Embark. Here are a few good places to start. box_1: title: Documentation text: Go straight to the docs and explore what Embark has to offer! link: Learn more box_2: title: Using the CLI text: Learn how to use Embark's command line interface to develop your apps. link: Learn more box_3: title: Smart Contract Development text: Embark provides a lot of flexibility when it comes to configuring, compiling, and deploying your Smart Contracts. link: Learn more box_4: title: Create a plugin text: Extend Embark to your needs! Learn how to build a plugin that integrates your favourite tools with Embark. link: Learn more link: label: Take me to the docs → title: Docs Overview blog: header: title: Blog tagline: News and updates by the Embark team view_all_link: View All archives: header: title: All posts link: ← Back to blog article_box: read_more_link: Read more back_to_blog_link: label: ← Back to blog title: Back to blog footer: text: Embark is part of the Status Network section_resources: title: Resources quick_start: Quick Start documentation: Documentation blog: Blog faq: FAQ troubleshooting: Troubleshooting section_help: issues: Report issues coc: Code of Conduct section_community: contribute: Contribute team: Team privacy_policy: Privacy Policy paginator: prev: label: Previous title: Previous article next: label: Next title: Next article page: contents: Contents back_to_top: Back to Top improve: Improve this doc prev: Prev next: Next last_updated: "Last updated: %s" sidebar: docs: getting_started: Getting Started overview: Overview installation: Installation faq: FAQ creating_project: Creating apps structure: App structure running_apps: Running apps dashboard: Using the dashboard using_the_console: Using the console what_is_dapp: What is a DApp quick_start: Quick Start tutorials_&_guides: Tutorials & Guides basic_usage: Basic Usage smart_contracts: Smart Contract Development storage: Storage (IPFS/Swarm) messages: Messages (Whisper) testing: Testing configuration: Configuration pipeline_and_webpack: Building & Compiling distributing: Distributing your DApp deploying: Deploying to IPFS/Swarm plugins: Plugins installing_a_plugin: Installing plugins creating_a_plugin: Creating plugins plugin_reference: Plugin APIs advanced_topis: Advanced Topics webpack: Webpack reference: Reference console_commands: Console Commands embark_commands: CLI Commands web3js: Web3.js solidity: Solidity vyper: Vyper bamboo: Bamboo commands: Commands migration: Migration writing: Writing front_matter: Front-matter tag_plugins: Tag Plugins asset_folders: Asset Folders data_files: Data Files server: Server generating: Generating deployment: Deployment customization: Customization permalinks: Permalinks themes: Themes templates: Templates variables: Variables helpers: Helpers internationalization: Internationalization (i18n) miscellaneous: Miscellaneous migrating_from_3: Migrating from Embark 3.x troubleshooting: Troubleshooting contributing: Contributing contracts_configuration: Configuration contracts_javascript: Smart Contracts in JavaScript contracts_deployment: Accounts & Deployment contracts_imports: Special Imports contracts_testing: Testing blockchain_node: Blockchain Client blockchain_configuration: Configuration blockchain_basic_configuration: Basic Configuration blockchain_accounts_configuration: Managing Accounts storage_configuration: Configuration storage_javascript: Storage APIs in JavaScript storage_troubleshooting: Troubleshooting storage_deployment: Deploying apps messages_configuration: Configuration messages_javascript: Messages in JavaScript messages_troubleshooting: Troubleshooting general_usage: General Usage environments: Environments javascript_usage: Using EmbarkJS naming: Naming Systems (ENS) naming_configuration: Configuration naming_javascript: Naming Systems in JavaScript embarkjs: EmbarkJS installing_embarkjs: Configuration smart_contract_objects: Smart Contract Objects using_storages: Storage (IPFS/Swarm) sending_and_receiving_messages: Messages (Whisper) working_with_name_systems: Name System (ENS) setting_up_storages: Setting up Storages uploading_data: Uploading data configuring_whisper: Messages with Whisper working_with_ens: Working with ENS cockpit: Cockpit Guides cockpit_introduction: Introduction cockpit_dashboard: Using the Dashboard cockpit_deployment: Deployment cockpit_explorer: Explorer View cockpit_editor: Code Editor cockpit_utils: Utils cockpit_debugger: Using the Debugger