Iuri Matias 323eea0d96
Merge pull request #21 from embark-framework/bug_fix/on-ready-error
Actually return the error for onReady
2018-09-12 18:59:23 -04:00

368 lines
9.9 KiB

import {reduce} from './async'
let Blockchain = {};
function isNewWeb3_1() {
return (typeof(web3.version) === "string");
function getAccounts(cb) {
if (isNewWeb3_1()) {
return web3.eth.getAccounts().then(function(accounts) {
return cb(null, accounts);
}).catch(function(err) {
return cb(err);
Blockchain.connect = function(connectionList, opts, doneCb) {
const self = this;
const checkConnect = (next) => {
getAccounts(function(err, a) {
if (err) {
return next(null, !err)
const connectWeb3 = (next) => {
let exited = false;
if (web3.givenProvider) {
return checkConnect(next);
window.addEventListener('message', ({ data } = msg) => {
if (data && data.type === 'ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_SUCCESS') {
if(exited) {
return console.warn("%cNote: The application might be in a corrupted state, please reload the page", "font-size: 2em");
exited = true;
window.postMessage({ type: 'ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_REQUEST' }, '*');
setTimeout(() => {
if (exited) {
exited = true;
next(null, false);
}, 20000);
const connectWebsocket = (value, next) => {
web3.setProvider(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(value));
const connectHttp = (value, next) => {
web3.setProvider(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(value));
this.doFirst(function(cb) {
reduce(connectionList, false, function(connected, value, next) {
if (connected) {
return next(null, connected);
if (typeof Web3 === 'undefined' || typeof web3 === 'undefined') {
return next(null, false);
if (value === '$WEB3') {
} else if (value.indexOf('ws://') >= 0) {
connectWebsocket(value, next)
} else {
connectHttp(value, next)
}, function(err, _connected) {
self.web3 = web3;
getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {
if (opts.warnAboutMetamask) {
if (web3.eth.currentProvider && web3.eth.currentProvider.isMetaMask) {
console.warn("%cNote: Embark has detected you are in the development environment and using Metamask, please make sure Metamask is connected to your local node", "font-size: 2em");
if (accounts) {
web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
Blockchain.execWhenReady = function(cb) {
if (this.done) {
return cb(this.err);
if (!this.list) {
this.list = [];
Blockchain.doFirst = function(todo) {
var self = this;
todo(function(err) {
self.done = true;
self.err = err;
if (self.list) {
self.list.map((x) => x.apply(x, [self.err]));
let Contract = function (options) {
var self = this;
var i, abiElement;
var ContractClass;
this.abi = options.abi;
this.address = options.address;
this.gas = options.gas;
this.code = '0x' + options.code;
this.web3 = options.web3;
if (Contract.isNewWeb3(this.web3)) {
ContractClass = new this.web3.eth.Contract(this.abi, this.address);
ContractClass.options.data = this.code;
ContractClass.options.from = this.from || this.web3.eth.defaultAccount;
ContractClass.abi = ContractClass.options.abi;
ContractClass.address = this.address;
ContractClass.gas = this.gas;
let originalMethods = Object.keys(ContractClass);
Blockchain.execWhenReady(function() {
ContractClass.options.from = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
ContractClass._jsonInterface.forEach((abi) => {
if (originalMethods.indexOf(abi.name) >= 0) {
console.log(abi.name + " is a reserved word and cannot be used as a contract method, property or event");
if (!abi.inputs) {
let numExpectedInputs = abi.inputs.length;
if (abi.type === 'function' && abi.constant) {
ContractClass[abi.name] = function () {
let options = {}, cb = null, args = Array.from(arguments || []).slice(0, numExpectedInputs);
if (typeof (arguments[numExpectedInputs]) === 'function') {
cb = arguments[numExpectedInputs];
} else if (typeof (arguments[numExpectedInputs]) === 'object') {
options = arguments[numExpectedInputs];
cb = arguments[numExpectedInputs + 1];
let ref = ContractClass.methods[abi.name];
let call = ref.apply(ref, ...arguments).call;
return call.apply(call, []);
} else if (abi.type === 'function') {
ContractClass[abi.name] = function () {
let options = {}, cb = null, args = Array.from(arguments || []).slice(0, numExpectedInputs);
if (typeof (arguments[numExpectedInputs]) === 'function') {
cb = arguments[numExpectedInputs];
} else if (typeof (arguments[numExpectedInputs]) === 'object') {
options = arguments[numExpectedInputs];
cb = arguments[numExpectedInputs + 1];
let ref = ContractClass.methods[abi.name];
let send = ref.apply(ref, args).send;
return send.apply(send, [options, cb]);
} else if (abi.type === 'event') {
ContractClass[abi.name] = function (options, cb) {
let ref = ContractClass.events[abi.name];
return ref.apply(ref, [options, cb]);
return ContractClass;
} else {
ContractClass = this.web3.eth.contract(this.abi);
this.eventList = [];
if (this.abi) {
for (i = 0; i < this.abi.length; i++) {
abiElement = this.abi[i];
if (abiElement.type === 'event') {
var messageEvents = function () {
this.cb = function () {
messageEvents.prototype.then = function (cb) {
this.cb = cb;
messageEvents.prototype.error = function (err) {
return err;
this._originalContractObject = ContractClass.at(this.address);
this._methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._originalContractObject).filter(function (p) {
// TODO: check for forbidden properties
if (self.eventList.indexOf(p) >= 0) {
self[p] = function () {
var promise = new messageEvents();
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
args.push(function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
self._originalContractObject[p].apply(self._originalContractObject[p], args);
return promise;
return true;
} else if (typeof self._originalContractObject[p] === 'function') {
self[p] = function (_args) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var fn = self._originalContractObject[p];
var props = self.abi.find((x) => x.name == p);
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
args.push(function (err, transaction) {
promise.tx = transaction;
if (err) {
return reject(err);
var getConfirmation = function () {
self.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transaction, function (err, receipt) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
if (receipt !== null) {
return resolve(receipt);
setTimeout(getConfirmation, 1000);
if (typeof transaction !== "string" || props.constant) {
} else {
fn.apply(fn, args);
return promise;
return true;
return false;
Contract.checkWeb3 = function () {};
Contract.isNewWeb3 = function (web3Obj) {
var _web3 = web3Obj || (new Web3());
if (typeof(_web3.version) === "string") {
return true;
return parseInt(_web3.version.api.split('.')[0], 10) >= 1;
Contract.prototype.deploy = function (args, _options) {
var self = this;
var contractParams;
var options = _options || {};
contractParams = args || [];
from: this.web3.eth.accounts[0],
data: this.code,
gas: options.gas || 800000
var contractObject = this.web3.eth.contract(this.abi);
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
contractParams.push(function (err, transaction) {
if (err) {
} else if (transaction.address !== undefined) {
resolve(new Contract({
abi: self.abi,
code: self.code,
address: transaction.address
contractObject["new"].apply(contractObject, contractParams);
return promise;
Contract.prototype.new = Contract.prototype.deploy;
Contract.prototype.at = function (address) {
return new Contract({abi: this.abi, code: this.code, address: address});
Contract.prototype.send = function (value, unit, _options) {
var options, wei;
if (typeof unit === 'object') {
options = unit;
wei = value;
} else {
options = _options || {};
wei = this.web3.toWei(value, unit);
options.to = this.address;
options.value = wei;
Blockchain.Contract = Contract;
export default Blockchain;