locals { host_suffix = "${var.zone}.${var.env}.${var.stage}" host_full_suffix = "${local.host_suffix}.${var.subdomain}.${var.domain}" /* got to add some default groups */ groups = distinct(concat([var.zone, var.env, var.stage], var.groups)) } /* the image needs to be queried */ data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" { owners = [var.image_owner] filter { name = "name" values = [var.image_name] } } resource "aws_security_group" "main" { name = "default-${var.zone}-${var.env}-${var.stage}" description = "Allow SSH and other ports. (Terraform)" /* unrestricted outging traffic */ egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } /* always enable SSH */ ingress { from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } dynamic "ingress" { iterator = port for_each = var.open_ports content { from_port = port.value to_port = port.value protocol = "-1" /* means ALL */ } } } resource "aws_instance" "main" { instance_type = var.instance_type availability_zone = var.zone count = var.host_count /* necessary for SSH access */ associate_public_ip_address = true ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id key_name = var.keypair_name security_groups = [aws_security_group.main.name] tags = { Name = "node-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}.${local.host_suffix}" Fqdn = "node-${format("%02d", count.index+1)}.${local.host_full_suffix}" } /* bootstraping access for later Ansible use */ provisioner "ansible" { plays { playbook { file_path = "${path.cwd}/ansible/bootstrap.yml" } hosts = [self.public_ip] groups = local.groups extra_vars = { hostname = self.tags.Name ansible_ssh_user = var.ssh_user data_center = var.zone env = var.env stage = var.stage } } } } resource "gandi_zonerecord" "main" { zone = var.gandi_zone_id name = "${aws_instance.main[count.index].tags.Name}.${var.subdomain}" type = "A" ttl = 600 values = [aws_instance.main[count.index].public_ip] count = length(aws_instance.main) } /* this adds the host to the Terraform state for Ansible inventory */ resource "ansible_host" "main" { inventory_hostname = aws_instance.main[count.index].tags.Name groups = local.groups count = length(aws_instance.main) vars = { ansible_host = aws_instance.main[count.index].public_ip hostname = aws_instance.main[count.index].tags.Name region = aws_instance.main[count.index].availability_zone dns_entry = aws_instance.main[count.index].tags.Fqdn dns_domain = "${var.subdomain}.${var.domain}" data_center = var.zone env = var.env stage = var.stage } }