/* IMAGE ----------------------------------------*/ variable "image_name" { description = "Name of AMI image to use." type = string default = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20190212.1" } variable "image_owner" { description = "ID of the owner of AMI image." type = string default = "099720109477" } variable "ssh_user" { description = "User used for SSH access." type = string default = "ubuntu" } /* HOSTING --------------------------------------*/ variable "zone" { description = "Name of availability zone to deploy to." type = string default = "us-east-1a" } variable "subdomain" { description = "Subdomain for hosts entries." type = string } variable "domain" { description = "Public DNS Domain address" type = string } variable "open_ports" { description = "Which ports should be opened on the firewal." type = list(number) } variable "keypair_name" { description = "Name of SSH key pair in AWS." type = string } /* DNS ------------------------------------------*/ variable "gandi_zone_id" { description = "ID of the zone in Gandi DNS registrar." type = string } /* SCALING --------------------------------------*/ variable "host_count" { description = "Number of instances to create." type = number } variable "instance_type" { description = "Name of instance type to use" type = string default = "t2.micro" } /* SPECIFIC -------------------------------------*/ variable "groups" { description = "Name of Ansible group" type = list(string) } variable "env" { description = "Name of environment to create" type = string } variable "stage" { description = "Name of stage, like prod, dev, or staging." type = string }