/*global contract, config, it, assert, embark, web3, before, describe, beforeEach*/ const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); const constants = require('../utils/FormulaConstants.js'); const catchRevert = require("../utils/Utils").catchRevert; const TestBancorFormula = require('Embark/contracts/TestBancorFormula'); config({ blockchain: { accounts: [ { mnemonic: 'foster gesture flock merge beach plate dish view friend leave drink valley shield list enemy', balance: '5 ether', numAddresses: '10', }, ], }, contracts: { deploy: { 'TestBancorFormula': {}, }, }, }, (_err, web3_accounts) => { accounts = web3_accounts }) contract('TestBancorFormula', function () { let ILLEGAL_VAL = new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(256); let MAX_BASE_N = new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(256 - constants.MAX_PRECISION).minus(1); let MIN_BASE_D = new BigNumber(1); let MAX_EXPONENT = 1000000; for (let percent = 1; percent <= 100; percent++) { let baseN = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N); let baseD = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N.minus(1)); let expN = MAX_EXPONENT * percent / 100; let expD = MAX_EXPONENT; let test = `Function power(0x${baseN.toString(16)}, 0x${baseD.toString(16)}, ${expN}, ${expD})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { await TestBancorFormula.methods.powerTest(baseN, baseD, expN, expD).call(); }); } for (let percent = 1; percent <= 100; percent++) { let baseN = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N); let baseD = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N.minus(1)); let expN = MAX_EXPONENT; let expD = MAX_EXPONENT * percent / 100; let test = `Function power(0x${baseN.toString(16)}, 0x${baseD.toString(16)}, ${expN}, ${expD})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { await TestBancorFormula.methods.powerTest(baseN, baseD, expN, expD).call(); }); } for (let percent = 1; percent <= 100; percent++) { let baseN = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N); let baseD = web3.utils.toHex((MIN_BASE_D)); let expN = MAX_EXPONENT * percent / 100; let expD = MAX_EXPONENT; let test = `Function power(0x${baseN.toString(16)}, 0x${baseD.toString(16)}, ${expN}, ${expD})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { if (percent < 64) await TestBancorFormula.methods.powerTest(baseN, baseD, expN, expD).call(); else await catchRevert(TestBancorFormula.methods.powerTest(baseN, baseD, expN, expD).call()); }); } for (let percent = 1; percent <= 100; percent++) { let baseN = web3.utils.toHex(MAX_BASE_N); let baseD = web3.utils.toHex(MIN_BASE_D); let expN = MAX_EXPONENT; let expD = MAX_EXPONENT * percent / 100; let test = `Function power(0x${baseN.toString(16)}, 0x${baseD.toString(16)}, ${expN}, ${expD})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { await catchRevert(TestBancorFormula.methods.powerTest(baseN, baseD, expN, expD).call()); }); } let values = [ MAX_BASE_N.dividedBy(MIN_BASE_D).integerValue(), MAX_BASE_N.dividedBy(MAX_BASE_N.minus(1)).integerValue(), MIN_BASE_D.plus(1).dividedBy(MIN_BASE_D).integerValue(), ]; for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { let test = `Function generalLog(0x${values[index].toString(16)})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { try { let temp = web3.utils.toHex(values[index]); let retVal = await TestBancorFormula.methods.generalLogTest(temp).call(); let check = new BigNumber(parseInt(retVal, 10) * MAX_EXPONENT); assert(check.isLessThan(ILLEGAL_VAL), `${test}: output is too large`); } catch (error) { assert(false, error.message); } }); } for (let precision = constants.MIN_PRECISION; precision <= constants.MAX_PRECISION; precision++) { let maxExp = new BigNumber(constants.maxExpArray[precision]); let shlVal = new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(constants.MAX_PRECISION - precision); let tuples = [ {'input' : maxExp.plus(0).times(shlVal).minus(1), 'output' : new BigNumber(precision-0)}, {'input' : maxExp.plus(0).times(shlVal).minus(0), 'output' : new BigNumber(precision-0)}, {'input' : maxExp.plus(1).times(shlVal).minus(1), 'output' : new BigNumber(precision-0)}, {'input' : maxExp.plus(1).times(shlVal).minus(0), 'output' : new BigNumber(precision-1)}, ]; for (let index = 0; index < tuples.length; index++) { let input = web3.utils.toHex(tuples[index]['input' ]); let output = tuples[index]['output']; let test = `Function findPositionInMaxExpArray(0x${input.toString(16)})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { if (precision == constants.MIN_PRECISION && output.isLessThan(BigNumber(precision))) { await catchRevert(TestBancorFormula.methods.findPositionInMaxExpArrayTest(input).call()); } else { let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.findPositionInMaxExpArrayTest(input).call(); let retVal = new BigNumber(temp); assert(retVal.isEqualTo(output), `${test}: output should be ${output.toString(10)} but it is ${retVal.toString(10)}`); } }); } } for (let precision = constants.MIN_PRECISION; precision <= constants.MAX_PRECISION; precision++) { let maxExp = new BigNumber(constants.maxExpArray[precision]); let maxVal = new BigNumber(constants.maxValArray[precision]); let errExp = maxExp.plus(1); let maxExpi = web3.utils.toHex(maxExp); let errExpi = web3.utils.toHex(errExp); let test1 = `Function generalExp(0x${maxExp.toString(16)}, ${precision})`; let test2 = `Function generalExp(0x${errExp.toString(16)}, ${precision})`; it(`${test1}:`, async () => { let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.generalExpTest(maxExpi, precision).call(); let retVal = new BigNumber(temp); assert(retVal.isEqualTo(maxVal), `${test1}: output is wrong`); }); it(`${test2}:`, async () => { let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.generalExpTest(errExpi, precision).call(); let retVal = new BigNumber(temp); assert(retVal.isLessThan(maxVal), `${test2}: output indicates that maxExpArray[${precision}] is wrong`); }); } for (let precision = constants.MIN_PRECISION; precision <= constants.MAX_PRECISION; precision++) { let minExp = new BigNumber(constants.maxExpArray[precision-1]).plus(1); let minVal = new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(precision); let minExpi = web3.utils.toHex(minExp); let test = `Function generalExp(0x${minExp.toString(16)}, ${precision})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.generalExpTest(minExpi, precision).call(); let retVal = new BigNumber(temp); assert(retVal.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(minVal), `${test}: output is too small`); }); } for (let n = 1; n <= 255; n++) { let tuples = [ {'input' : new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n) , 'output' : new BigNumber(n)}, {'input' : new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n).plus(1) , 'output' : new BigNumber(n)}, {'input' : new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n+1).minus(1), 'output' : new BigNumber(n)}, ]; for (let index = 0; index < tuples.length; index++) { let input = web3.utils.toHex(tuples[index]['input' ]); let output = tuples[index]['output']; let test = `Function floorLog2(0x${input.toString(16)})`; it(`${test}:`, async () => { let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.floorLog2Test(input).call(); let retVal = new BigNumber(temp); assert(retVal.isEqualTo(output), `${test}: output should be ${output.toString(10)} but it is ${retVal.toString(10)}`); }); } } let Decimal = require("decimal.js"); Decimal.set({precision: 100, rounding: Decimal.ROUND_DOWN}); BigNumber.config({DECIMAL_PLACES: 100, ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN}); let LOG_MIN = 1; let EXP_MIN = 0; let LOG_MAX = new BigNumber(Decimal.exp(1).toFixed()); let EXP_MAX = new BigNumber(Decimal.pow(2,4).toFixed()); let FIXED_1 = new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(constants.MAX_PRECISION); for (let percent = 0; percent < 100; percent++) { let x = new BigNumber(percent).dividedBy(100).times(LOG_MAX.minus(LOG_MIN)).plus(LOG_MIN); it(`Function optimalLog(${x.toFixed()})`, async () => { try { let tmp = web3.utils.toHex(FIXED_1.times(x).integerValue()); let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.optimalLogTest(tmp).call(); let fixedPoint = new BigNumber(temp); let floatPoint = new BigNumber(Decimal(x.toFixed()).ln().times(FIXED_1.toFixed()).toFixed()); let ratio = fixedPoint.isEqualTo(floatPoint) ? BigNumber(1) : fixedPoint.dividedBy(floatPoint); assert(ratio.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo("0.99999999999999999999999999999999999") && ratio.isLessThanOrEqualTo("1"), `ratio = ${ratio.toFixed()}`); } catch (error) { assert(false, error.message); } }); } for (let percent = 0; percent < 100; percent++) { let x = new BigNumber(percent).dividedBy(100).times(EXP_MAX.minus(EXP_MIN)).plus(EXP_MIN); it(`Function optimalExp(${x.toFixed()})`, async () => { try { let tmp = web3.utils.toHex(FIXED_1.times(x).integerValue()); let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.optimalExpTest(tmp).call(); let fixedPoint = new BigNumber(temp); let floatPoint = new BigNumber(Decimal(x.toFixed()).exp().times(FIXED_1.toFixed()).toFixed()); let ratio = fixedPoint.isEqualTo(floatPoint) ? new BigNumber(1) : fixedPoint.dividedBy(floatPoint); assert(ratio.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo("0.99999999999999999999999999999999999") && ratio.isLessThanOrEqualTo("1"), `ratio = ${ratio.toFixed()}`); } catch (error) { assert(false, error.message); } }); } for (let n = 0; n < 256 - constants.MAX_PRECISION; n++) { let values = [ new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n), new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n).plus(1), new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n).times(1.5), new BigNumber(2).exponentiatedBy(n+1).minus(1), ]; for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { let x = values[index]; it(`Function generalLog(${x.toFixed()})`, async () => { try { let tmp = web3.utils.toHex(FIXED_1.times(x).integerValue()); let temp = await TestBancorFormula.methods.generalLogTest(tmp).call(); let fixedPoint = new BigNumber(temp); let floatPoint = new BigNumber(Decimal(x.toFixed()).ln().times(FIXED_1.toFixed()).toFixed()); let ratio = fixedPoint.isEqualTo(floatPoint) ? new BigNumber(1) : fixedPoint.dividedBy(floatPoint); assert(ratio.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo("0.99999999999999999999999999999999999") && ratio.isLessThanOrEqualTo("1"), `ratio = ${ratio.toFixed()}`); } catch (error) { assert(false, error.message); } }); } } });