/* global assert */ function isException(error) { let strError = error.toString(); return strError.includes('VM Exception') || strError.includes('invalid opcode') || strError.includes('invalid JUMP'); } function ensureException(error) { assert(isException(error), error.toString()); } const PREFIX = "Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: "; async function tryCatch(promise, message) { try { await promise; throw null; } catch (error) { assert(error, "Expected an error but did not get one"); assert(error.message.startsWith(PREFIX + message), "Expected an error starting with '" + PREFIX + message + "' but got '" + error.message + "' instead"); } }; module.exports = { zeroAddress : '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', isException : isException, ensureException : ensureException, catchRevert : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "revert" );}, catchOutOfGas : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "out of gas" );}, catchInvalidJump : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "invalid JUMP" );}, catchInvalidOpcode : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "invalid opcode" );}, catchStackOverflow : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "stack overflow" );}, catchStackUnderflow : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "stack underflow" );}, catchStaticStateChange : async function(promise) {await tryCatch(promise, "static state change");}, };