2024-10-18 12:01:01 +02:00

130 lines
3.9 KiB

use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use anyhow::Result;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use plonky2::plonk::circuit_data::{CircuitConfig, CircuitData};
use plonky2::plonk::config::{AlgebraicHasher, GenericConfig, Hasher, PoseidonGoldilocksConfig};
use plonky2::iop::witness::PartialWitness;
use plonky2::hash::poseidon::PoseidonHash;
use plonky2::field::extension::Extendable;
use plonky2::hash::hash_types::RichField;
use plonky2_poseidon2::poseidon2_hash::poseidon2::Poseidon2;
use plonky2::plonk::circuit_builder::CircuitBuilder;
use codex_plonky2_circuits::circuits::params::TESTING_SLOT_INDEX;
use codex_plonky2_circuits::circuits::sample_cells::DatasetTreeCircuit;
macro_rules! pretty_print {
($($arg:tt)*) => {
print!("\x1b[0;36mINFO ===========>\x1b[0m ");
// Hash function used
type HF = PoseidonHash;
fn prepare_data<
F: RichField + Extendable<D> + Poseidon2,
C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>,
const D: usize,
H: Hasher<F> + AlgebraicHasher<F>,
>() -> Result<(
DatasetTreeCircuit<F, C, D, H>,
)> {
// Initialize the dataset tree with testing data
let mut dataset_t = DatasetTreeCircuit::<F,C,D,H>::new_for_testing();
let slot_index = TESTING_SLOT_INDEX;
let entropy = 123;
Ok((dataset_t, slot_index, entropy))
fn build_circuit<
F: RichField + Extendable<D> + Poseidon2,
C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>,
const D: usize,
H: Hasher<F> + AlgebraicHasher<F>,
dataset_tree: &mut DatasetTreeCircuit<F, C, D, H>,
slot_index: usize,
entropy: usize,
// proofs: &[MerkleProof<F, H>],
) -> Result<(CircuitData<F, C, D>, PartialWitness<F>)>
// Create the circuit
let config = CircuitConfig::standard_recursion_config();
let mut builder = CircuitBuilder::<F, D>::new(config);
let mut targets = dataset_tree.sample_slot_circuit(&mut builder);
// Create a PartialWitness
let mut pw = PartialWitness::new();
dataset_tree.sample_slot_assign_witness(&mut pw, &mut targets,slot_index,entropy);
// Build the circuit
let data = builder.build::<C>();
Ok((data, pw))
fn sampling_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Sampling Benchmark");
// Circuit parameters
const D: usize = 2;
type C = PoseidonGoldilocksConfig;
type F = <C as GenericConfig<D>>::F;
type H = PoseidonHash;
// Prepare the data that will be used in all steps
let (mut dataset_tree, slot_index, entropy) = prepare_data::<F, C, D, H>().unwrap();
// Benchmark the circuit building
group.bench_function("Single Cell Proof Build", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
build_circuit::<F, C, D, H>(&mut dataset_tree, slot_index, entropy).unwrap();
// Build the circuit
let (data, pw) = build_circuit::<F, C, D, H>(&mut dataset_tree, slot_index, entropy).unwrap();
"Circuit size: 2^{} gates",
let start_time = Instant::now();
let proof_with_pis = data.prove(pw.clone()).unwrap();
println!("prove_time = {:?}", start_time.elapsed());
// Benchmark the proving time
group.bench_function("Single Cell Proof Prove", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
let _proof_with_pis = data.prove(pw.clone()).unwrap();
// Generate the proof
let proof_with_pis = data.prove(pw.clone()).unwrap();
let verifier_data = data.verifier_data();
pretty_print!("Proof size: {} bytes", proof_with_pis.to_bytes().len());
// Benchmark the verification time
group.bench_function("Single Cell Proof Verify", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
criterion_group!(name = benches;
config = Criterion::default().sample_size(10);
targets = sampling_benchmark);