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# Nim-LibP2P
# Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4):
{.push raises: [Defect].}
{.push raises: [].}
import std/[options, deques, sequtils]
import chronos, metrics
import ../switch
import ../protocols/[connectivity/autonat]
import ../utils/heartbeat
import ../crypto/crypto
declarePublicGauge(libp2p_autonat_reachability_confidence, "autonat reachability confidence", labels = ["reachability"])
AutonatService* = ref object of Service
newConnectedPeerHandler: PeerEventHandler
scheduleHandle: Future[void]
networkReachability: NetworkReachability
confidence: Option[float]
answers: Deque[NetworkReachability]
autonat: Autonat
statusAndConfidenceHandler: StatusAndConfidenceHandler
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext
scheduleInterval: Option[Duration]
askNewConnectedPeers: bool
numPeersToAsk: int
maxQueueSize: int
minConfidence: float
dialTimeout: Duration
NetworkReachability* {.pure.} = enum
NotReachable, Reachable, Unknown
StatusAndConfidenceHandler* = proc (networkReachability: NetworkReachability, confidence: Option[float]): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
proc new*(
T: typedesc[AutonatService],
autonat: Autonat,
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext,
scheduleInterval: Option[Duration] = none(Duration),
askNewConnectedPeers = true,
numPeersToAsk: int = 5,
maxQueueSize: int = 10,
minConfidence: float = 0.3,
dialTimeout = 30.seconds): T =
return T(
scheduleInterval: scheduleInterval,
networkReachability: Unknown,
confidence: none(float),
answers: initDeque[NetworkReachability](),
autonat: autonat,
rng: rng,
askNewConnectedPeers: askNewConnectedPeers,
numPeersToAsk: numPeersToAsk,
maxQueueSize: maxQueueSize,
minConfidence: minConfidence,
dialTimeout: dialTimeout)
proc networkReachability*(self: AutonatService): NetworkReachability {.inline.} =
return self.networkReachability
proc callHandler(self: AutonatService) {.async.} =
if not isNil(self.statusAndConfidenceHandler):
await self.statusAndConfidenceHandler(self.networkReachability, self.confidence)
proc handleAnswer(self: AutonatService, ans: NetworkReachability) {.async.} =
if ans == Unknown:
if self.answers.len == self.maxQueueSize:
self.networkReachability = Unknown
self.confidence = none(float)
const reachabilityPriority = [Reachable, NotReachable]
for reachability in reachabilityPriority:
let confidence = self.answers.countIt(it == reachability) / self.maxQueueSize
libp2p_autonat_reachability_confidence.set(value = confidence, labelValues = [$reachability])
if self.confidence.isNone and confidence >= self.minConfidence:
self.networkReachability = reachability
self.confidence = some(confidence)
trace "Current status", currentStats = $self.networkReachability, confidence = $self.confidence
proc askPeer(self: AutonatService, s: Switch, peerId: PeerId): Future[NetworkReachability] {.async.} =
trace "Asking for reachability", peerId = $peerId
let ans =
discard await self.autonat.dialMe(peerId).wait(self.dialTimeout)
except AutonatUnreachableError:
trace "dialMe answer is not reachable", peerId = $peerId
except AsyncTimeoutError:
trace "dialMe timed out", peerId = $peerId
except CatchableError as err:
trace "dialMe unexpected error", peerId = $peerId, errMsg = $err.msg
await self.handleAnswer(ans)
if not isNil(self.statusAndConfidenceHandler):
await self.statusAndConfidenceHandler(self.networkReachability, self.confidence)
return ans
proc askConnectedPeers(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch) {.async.} =
var peers = switch.connectedPeers(Direction.Out)
var answersFromPeers = 0
for peer in peers:
if answersFromPeers >= self.numPeersToAsk:
elif (await askPeer(self, switch, peer)) != Unknown:
proc schedule(service: AutonatService, switch: Switch, interval: Duration) {.async.} =
heartbeat "Schedule AutonatService run", interval:
await service.run(switch)
method setup*(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let hasBeenSetup = await procCall Service(self).setup(switch)
if hasBeenSetup:
if self.askNewConnectedPeers:
self.newConnectedPeerHandler = proc (peerId: PeerId, event: PeerEvent): Future[void] {.async.} =
discard askPeer(self, switch, peerId)
await self.callHandler()
switch.connManager.addPeerEventHandler(self.newConnectedPeerHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined)
if self.scheduleInterval.isSome():
self.scheduleHandle = schedule(self, switch, self.scheduleInterval.get())
return hasBeenSetup
method run*(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch) {.async, public.} =
await askConnectedPeers(self, switch)
await self.callHandler()
method stop*(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch): Future[bool] {.async, public.} =
let hasBeenStopped = await procCall Service(self).stop(switch)
if hasBeenStopped:
if not isNil(self.scheduleHandle):
self.scheduleHandle = nil
if not isNil(self.newConnectedPeerHandler):
switch.connManager.removePeerEventHandler(self.newConnectedPeerHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined)
return hasBeenStopped
proc statusAndConfidenceHandler*(self: AutonatService, statusAndConfidenceHandler: StatusAndConfidenceHandler) =
self.statusAndConfidenceHandler = statusAndConfidenceHandler