import options, tables, chronos, bearssl, switch, peerid, peerinfo, stream/connection, multiaddress, crypto/crypto, transports/[transport, tcptransport], muxers/[muxer, mplex/mplex], protocols/[identify, secure/secure, secure/noise], connmanager export switch, peerid, peerinfo, connection, multiaddress, crypto type SecureProtocol* {.pure.} = enum Noise, Secio {.deprecated.} proc newStandardSwitch*(privKey = none(PrivateKey), address = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet(), secureManagers: openarray[SecureProtocol] = [ SecureProtocol.Noise, ], transportFlags: set[ServerFlags] = {}, rng = newRng(), inTimeout: Duration = 5.minutes, outTimeout: Duration = 5.minutes, maxConnections = MaxConnections, maxIn = -1, maxOut = -1, maxConnsPerPeer = MaxConnectionsPerPeer): Switch = proc createMplex(conn: Connection): Muxer = Mplex.init( conn, inTimeout = inTimeout, outTimeout = outTimeout) if rng == nil: # newRng could fail raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: "Cannot initialize RNG") let seckey = privKey.get(otherwise = PrivateKey.random(rng[]).tryGet()) peerInfo = PeerInfo.init(seckey, [address]) mplexProvider = newMuxerProvider(createMplex, MplexCodec) transports = @[Transport(TcpTransport.init(transportFlags))] muxers = {MplexCodec: mplexProvider}.toTable identify = newIdentify(peerInfo) var secureManagerInstances: seq[Secure] for sec in secureManagers: case sec of SecureProtocol.Noise: secureManagerInstances &= newNoise(rng, seckey).Secure of SecureProtocol.Secio: quit("Secio is deprecated!") # use of secio is unsafe let switch = newSwitch( peerInfo, transports, identify, muxers, secureManagers = secureManagerInstances, maxConnections = maxConnections, maxIn = maxIn, maxOut = maxOut, maxConnsPerPeer = maxConnsPerPeer) return switch