## Nim-Libp2p ## Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import unittest2 import ../libp2p/crypto/minasn1 import nimcrypto/utils as ncrutils when defined(nimHasUsed): {.used.} const Asn1EdgeValues = [ 0'u64, (1'u64 shl 7) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 7), (1'u64 shl 8) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 8), (1'u64 shl 16) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 16), (1'u64 shl 24) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 24), (1'u64 shl 32) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 32), (1'u64 shl 40) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 40), (1'u64 shl 48) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 48), (1'u64 shl 56) - 1'u64, (1'u64 shl 56), 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64 ] const Asn1EdgeExpects = [ "00", "7F", "8180", "81FF", "820100", "82FFFF", "83010000", "83FFFFFF", "8401000000", "84FFFFFFFF", "850100000000", "85FFFFFFFFFF", "86010000000000", "86FFFFFFFFFFFF", "8701000000000000", "87FFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "880100000000000000", "88FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", ] const Asn1UIntegerValues8 = [ 0x00'u8, 0x7F'u8, 0x80'u8, 0xFF'u8, ] const Asn1UIntegerExpects8 = [ "020100", "02017F", "02020080", "020200FF" ] const Asn1UIntegerValues16 = [ 0x00'u16, 0x7F'u16, 0x80'u16, 0xFF'u16, 0x7FFF'u16, 0x8000'u16, 0xFFFF'u16 ] const Asn1UIntegerExpects16 = [ "020100", "02017F", "02020080", "020200FF", "02027FFF", "0203008000", "020300FFFF" ] const Asn1UIntegerValues32 = [ 0x00'u32, 0x7F'u32, 0x80'u32, 0xFF'u32, 0x7FFF'u32, 0x8000'u32, 0xFFFF'u32, 0x7FFF_FFFF'u32, 0x8000_0000'u32, 0xFFFF_FFFF'u32 ] const Asn1UIntegerExpects32 = [ "020100", "02017F", "02020080", "020200FF", "02027FFF", "0203008000", "020300FFFF", "02047FFFFFFF", "02050080000000", "020500FFFFFFFF" ] const Asn1UIntegerValues64 = [ 0x00'u64, 0x7F'u64, 0x80'u64, 0xFF'u64, 0x7FFF'u64, 0x8000'u64, 0xFFFF'u64, 0x7FFF_FFFF'u64, 0x8000_0000'u64, 0xFFFF_FFFF'u64, 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64, 0x8000_0000_0000_0000'u64, 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF'u64 ] const Asn1UIntegerExpects64 = [ "020100", "02017F", "02020080", "020200FF", "02027FFF", "0203008000", "020300FFFF", "02047FFFFFFF", "02050080000000", "020500FFFFFFFF", "02087FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "0209008000000000000000", "020900FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" ] suite "Minimal ASN.1 encode/decode suite": test "Length encoding edge values": var empty = newSeq[byte](0) for i in 0 ..< len(Asn1EdgeValues): var value = newSeq[byte](9) let r1 = asn1EncodeLength(empty, Asn1EdgeValues[i]) let r2 = asn1EncodeLength(value, Asn1EdgeValues[i]) value.setLen(r2) check: r1 == (len(Asn1EdgeExpects[i]) shr 1) r2 == (len(Asn1EdgeExpects[i]) shr 1) check: ncrutils.fromHex(Asn1EdgeExpects[i]) == value test "ASN.1 DER INTEGER encoding/decoding of native unsigned values test": proc decodeBuffer(data: openArray[byte]): uint64 = var ab = Asn1Buffer.init(data) let fres = ab.read() doAssert(fres.isOk() and fres.get().kind == Asn1Tag.Integer) fres.get().vint proc encodeInteger[T](value: T): seq[byte] = var buffer = newSeq[byte](16) let res = asn1EncodeInteger(buffer, value) buffer.setLen(res) buffer for i in 0 ..< len(Asn1UIntegerValues8): let buffer = encodeInteger(Asn1UIntegerValues8[i]) check: toHex(buffer) == Asn1UIntegerExpects8[i] decodeBuffer(buffer) == uint64(Asn1UIntegerValues8[i]) for i in 0 ..< len(Asn1UIntegerValues16): let buffer = encodeInteger(Asn1UIntegerValues16[i]) check: toHex(buffer) == Asn1UIntegerExpects16[i] decodeBuffer(buffer) == uint64(Asn1UIntegerValues16[i]) for i in 0 ..< len(Asn1UIntegerValues32): let buffer = encodeInteger(Asn1UIntegerValues32[i]) check: toHex(buffer) == Asn1UIntegerExpects32[i] decodeBuffer(buffer) == uint64(Asn1UIntegerValues32[i]) for i in 0 ..< len(Asn1UIntegerValues64): let buffer = encodeInteger(Asn1UIntegerValues64[i]) check: toHex(buffer) == Asn1UIntegerExpects64[i] decodeBuffer(buffer) == uint64(Asn1UIntegerValues64[i]) test "ASN.1 DER INTEGER incorrect values decoding test": proc decodeBuffer(data: string): Asn1Result[Asn1Field] = var ab = Asn1Buffer.init(fromHex(data)) ab.read() check: decodeBuffer("0200").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect decodeBuffer("0201").error == Asn1Error.Incomplete decodeBuffer("02020000").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect decodeBuffer("0203000001").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect test "ASN.1 DER BITSTRING encoding/decoding with unused bits test": proc encodeBits(value: string, bitsUsed: int): seq[byte] = var buffer = newSeq[byte](16) let res = asn1EncodeBitString(buffer, fromHex(value), bitsUsed) buffer.setLen(res) buffer proc decodeBuffer(data: string): Asn1Field = var ab = Asn1Buffer.init(fromHex(data)) let fres = ab.read() doAssert(fres.isOk() and fres.get().kind == Asn1Tag.BitString) fres.get() check: toHex(encodeBits("FF", 7)) == "03020780" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 6)) == "030206C0" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 5)) == "030205E0" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 4)) == "030204F0" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 3)) == "030203F8" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 2)) == "030202FC" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 1)) == "030201FE" toHex(encodeBits("FF", 0)) == "030200FF" let f0 = decodeBuffer("030200FF") let f0b = @(f0.buffer.toOpenArray(f0.offset, f0.offset + f0.length - 1)) let f1 = decodeBuffer("030201FE") let f1b = @(f1.buffer.toOpenArray(f1.offset, f1.offset + f1.length - 1)) let f2 = decodeBuffer("030202FC") let f2b = @(f2.buffer.toOpenArray(f2.offset, f2.offset + f2.length - 1)) let f3 = decodeBuffer("030203F8") let f3b = @(f3.buffer.toOpenArray(f3.offset, f3.offset + f3.length - 1)) let f4 = decodeBuffer("030204F0") let f4b = @(f4.buffer.toOpenArray(f4.offset, f4.offset + f4.length - 1)) let f5 = decodeBuffer("030205E0") let f5b = @(f5.buffer.toOpenArray(f5.offset, f5.offset + f5.length - 1)) let f6 = decodeBuffer("030206C0") let f6b = @(f6.buffer.toOpenArray(f6.offset, f6.offset + f6.length - 1)) let f7 = decodeBuffer("03020780") let f7b = @(f7.buffer.toOpenArray(f7.offset, f7.offset + f7.length - 1)) check: f0.ubits == 0 toHex(f0b) == "FF" f1.ubits == 1 toHex(f1b) == "FE" f2.ubits == 2 toHex(f2b) == "FC" f3.ubits == 3 toHex(f3b) == "F8" f4.ubits == 4 toHex(f4b) == "F0" f5.ubits == 5 toHex(f5b) == "E0" f6.ubits == 6 toHex(f6b) == "C0" f7.ubits == 7 toHex(f7b) == "80" test "ASN.1 DER BITSTRING incorrect values decoding test": proc decodeBuffer(data: string): Asn1Result[Asn1Field] = var ab = Asn1Buffer.init(fromHex(data)) ab.read() check: decodeBuffer("0300").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect decodeBuffer("030180").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect decodeBuffer("030107").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect decodeBuffer("030200").error == Asn1Error.Incomplete decodeBuffer("030208FF").error == Asn1Error.Incorrect