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synced 2025-03-03 12:00:58 +00:00
Autonat service: handle connections limits (#846)
Co-authored-by: diegomrsantos <diego@status.im>
This commit is contained in:
@ -444,6 +444,13 @@ proc getOutgoingSlot*(c: ConnManager, forceDial = false): ConnectionSlot {.raise
raise newTooManyConnectionsError()
return ConnectionSlot(connManager: c, direction: Out)
proc slotsAvailable*(c: ConnManager, dir: Direction): int =
case dir:
of Direction.In:
return c.inSema.count
of Direction.Out:
return c.outSema.count
proc release*(cs: ConnectionSlot) =
if cs.direction == In:
@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ method dialMe*(self: AutonatClient, switch: Switch, pid: PeerId, addrs: seq[Mult
except CatchableError as err:
raise newException(AutonatError, "Unexpected error when dialling", err)
defer: await conn.close()
# To bypass maxConnectionsPerPeer
let incomingConnection = switch.connManager.expectConnection(pid)
await conn.close()
incomingConnection.cancel() # Safer to always try to cancel cause we aren't sure if the peer dialled us or not
await conn.sendDial(switch.peerInfo.peerId, switch.peerInfo.addrs)
let response = getResponseOrRaise(AutonatMsg.decode(await conn.readLp(1024)))
return case response.status:
@ -59,8 +59,13 @@ proc sendResponseOk(conn: Connection, ma: MultiAddress) {.async.} =
await conn.writeLp(pb.buffer)
proc tryDial(autonat: Autonat, conn: Connection, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]) {.async.} =
await autonat.sem.acquire()
await autonat.sem.acquire()
# This is to bypass the per peer max connections limit
let outgoingConnection = autonat.switch.connManager.expectConnection(conn.peerId)
# Safer to always try to cancel cause we aren't sure if the connection was established
defer: outgoingConnection.cancel()
# This is to bypass the global max connections limit
let ma = await autonat.switch.dialer.tryDial(conn.peerId, addrs).wait(autonat.dialTimeout)
if ma.isSome:
await conn.sendResponseOk(ma.get())
@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ proc callHandler(self: AutonatService) {.async.} =
if not isNil(self.statusAndConfidenceHandler):
await self.statusAndConfidenceHandler(self.networkReachability, self.confidence)
proc hasEnoughIncomingSlots(switch: Switch): bool =
# we leave some margin instead of comparing to 0 as a peer could connect to us while we are asking for the dial back
return switch.connManager.slotsAvailable(In) >= 2
proc handleAnswer(self: AutonatService, ans: NetworkReachability) {.async.} =
if ans == Unknown:
@ -98,19 +102,25 @@ proc handleAnswer(self: AutonatService, ans: NetworkReachability) {.async.} =
trace "Current status", currentStats = $self.networkReachability, confidence = $self.confidence
proc askPeer(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch, peerId: PeerId): Future[NetworkReachability] {.async.} =
trace "Asking for reachability", peerId = $peerId
peerId = $peerId
if not hasEnoughIncomingSlots(switch):
trace "No incoming slots available, not asking peer", incomingSlotsAvailable=switch.connManager.slotsAvailable(In)
return Unknown
trace "Asking for reachability"
let ans =
discard await self.autonatClient.dialMe(switch, peerId).wait(self.dialTimeout)
except AutonatUnreachableError:
trace "dialMe answer is not reachable", peerId = $peerId
trace "dialMe answer is not reachable"
except AsyncTimeoutError:
trace "dialMe timed out", peerId = $peerId
trace "dialMe timed out"
except CatchableError as err:
trace "dialMe unexpected error", peerId = $peerId, errMsg = $err.msg
trace "dialMe unexpected error", errMsg = $err.msg
await self.handleAnswer(ans)
if not isNil(self.statusAndConfidenceHandler):
@ -124,7 +134,10 @@ proc askConnectedPeers(self: AutonatService, switch: Switch) {.async.} =
for peer in peers:
if answersFromPeers >= self.numPeersToAsk:
elif (await askPeer(self, switch, peer)) != Unknown:
if not hasEnoughIncomingSlots(switch):
debug "No incoming slots available, not asking peers", incomingSlotsAvailable=switch.connManager.slotsAvailable(In)
if (await askPeer(self, switch, peer)) != Unknown:
proc schedule(service: AutonatService, switch: Switch, interval: Duration) {.async.} =
@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ import ../libp2p/[builders,
import ./helpers
import stubs/autonatclientstub
proc createSwitch(autonatSvc: Service = nil, withAutonat = true): Switch =
proc createSwitch(autonatSvc: Service = nil, withAutonat = true, maxConnsPerPeer = 1, maxConns = 100): Switch =
var builder = SwitchBuilder.new()
.withAddresses(@[ MultiAddress.init("/ip4/").tryGet() ])
@ -244,3 +246,77 @@ suite "Autonat Service":
check (await autonatService.stop(switch)) == false
await allFuturesThrowing(switch.stop())
asyncTest "Must bypass maxConnectionsPerPeer limit":
let autonatService = AutonatService.new(AutonatClient.new(), newRng(), some(1.seconds), maxQueueSize = 1)
let switch1 = createSwitch(autonatService, maxConnsPerPeer = 0)
let switch2 = createSwitch(maxConnsPerPeer = 0)
let awaiter = newFuture[void]()
proc statusAndConfidenceHandler(networkReachability: NetworkReachability, confidence: Option[float]) {.gcsafe, async.} =
if networkReachability == NetworkReachability.Reachable and confidence.isSome() and confidence.get() == 1:
if not awaiter.finished:
check autonatService.networkReachability() == NetworkReachability.Unknown
await switch1.start()
await switch2.start()
await switch1.connect(switch2.peerInfo.peerId, switch2.peerInfo.addrs)
await awaiter
check autonatService.networkReachability() == NetworkReachability.Reachable
check libp2p_autonat_reachability_confidence.value(["Reachable"]) == 1
await allFuturesThrowing(
switch1.stop(), switch2.stop())
asyncTest "Must work with low maxConnections":
let autonatService = AutonatService.new(AutonatClient.new(), newRng(), some(1.seconds), maxQueueSize = 1)
let switch1 = createSwitch(autonatService, maxConns = 4)
let switch2 = createSwitch()
let switch3 = createSwitch()
let switch4 = createSwitch()
let switch5 = createSwitch()
var awaiter = newFuture[void]()
proc statusAndConfidenceHandler(networkReachability: NetworkReachability, confidence: Option[float]) {.gcsafe, async.} =
if networkReachability == NetworkReachability.Reachable and confidence.isSome() and confidence.get() == 1:
if not awaiter.finished:
check autonatService.networkReachability() == NetworkReachability.Unknown
await switch1.start()
await switch2.start()
await switch3.start()
await switch4.start()
await switch5.start()
await switch1.connect(switch2.peerInfo.peerId, switch2.peerInfo.addrs)
await awaiter
await switch1.connect(switch3.peerInfo.peerId, switch3.peerInfo.addrs)
await switch1.connect(switch4.peerInfo.peerId, switch4.peerInfo.addrs)
await switch5.connect(switch1.peerInfo.peerId, switch1.peerInfo.addrs)
# switch1 is now full, should stick to last observation
awaiter = newFuture[void]()
await autonatService.run(switch1)
await awaiter
check autonatService.networkReachability() == NetworkReachability.Reachable
check libp2p_autonat_reachability_confidence.value(["Reachable"]) == 1
await allFuturesThrowing(
switch1.stop(), switch2.stop(), switch3.stop(), switch4.stop(), switch5.stop())
Reference in New Issue
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