Merge branch 'onboard-library'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,66 +1,22 @@
name: website
name: CI
#on: [push] # debugging only
on: [push, pull_request]
- '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest, windows-latest]
nim: [stable, 1.6.18]
- name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set output
id: vars
run: echo ::set-output name=tag::${GITHUB_REF:10}
- name: Cache choosenim
id: cache-choosenim
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.choosenim
submodules: true
key: ${{ runner.os }}-choosenim-stable
- uses: iffy/install-nim@v4
- name: Cache nimble
id: cache-nimble
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.nimble
version: ${{ matrix.nim }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-nimble-stable
- name: Build
- uses: jiro4989/setup-nim-action@v1
run: nimble install -y
- name: Test
nim-version: 'stable'
run: nimble test -y
- name: Install libsnappy
run: sudo apt-get install libsnappy1v5
- name: Install leveldb c library
run: |
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
- name: Build and test
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }}
run: |
nimble build -Y
nimble test -Y
- name: Build doc
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }}
run: |
# Due to bug, compile the documentation separately.
nimble doc --project --git.url:$GITHUB_REPOSITORY --git.commit:$RELEASE_VERSION src/leveldb.nim
find .
# Deploying documentation of the latest version.
mkdir -p ./public
mv src/htmldocs/* public/
cd ./public/
ln -s ./leveldb.html index.html
cd ../
- name: Deploy
if: success()
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v1.3.0
target_branch: gh-pages
build_dir: ./public
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ nimcache/
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "vendor"]
path = vendor
url =
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# leveldb.nim
# leveldb.nim
A self-contained LevelDB wrapper for Nim in a Nim friendly way. Uses git-submodule and nimterop so that no external libraries have to be installed or linked.
A LevelDB wrapper for Nim in a Nim friendly way.
Original nim LevelDB wrapper: [HERE](
Replacing of system library dependency with self-contained C/CPP interoperability by (Codex.Storage)[]
Create a database:
Create a database:
import leveldb
import leveldbstatic
import options
import options
var db ="/tmp/mydata")
var db ="/tmp/mydata")
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
root=$(dirname "$0")
# install nimterop, if not already installed
if ! [ -x "$(command -v toast)" ]; then
nimble install -y nimterop@0.6.13
git submodule deinit -f "${root}"
git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout "${root}"
cmake -S "${sourceDir}" -B "${buildDir}"
# Remove testing, benchmarking, third-party libraries.
rm -Rf "${sourceDir}/third_party"
rm -Rf "${sourceDir}/benchmarks"
rm "${sourceDir}/util/"
# Prelude:
cat "${root}/leveldb/prelude.nim" > "${output}"
echo >> "${output}"
# assemble files to be compiled:
extensions="c cc cpp"
for ext in ${extensions}; do
for file in `find "${sourceDir}" -type f -name "*.${ext}" \
| grep -v "_test" \
| grep -v "" \
| grep -v "" \
| grep -v ""`; do
compile="${compile} --compile=${file}"
# generate nim wrapper with nimterop
toast \
$compile \
--pnim \
--preprocess \
--noHeader \
--includeDirs="${sourceDir}" \
--includeDirs="${sourceDir}/helpers" \
--includeDirs="${sourceDir}/helpers/memenv" \
--includeDirs="${sourceDir}/port" \
--includeDirs="${sourceDir}/include" \
--includeDirs="${buildDir}/include" \
"${sourceDir}/include/leveldb/c.h" >> "${output}"
sed -i 's/\bpassC\b/passc/g' "${output}"
sed -i 's/{\.compile\:\ \"\./{\.compile\:\ root\ \&\ \"/g' "${output}"
sed -i 's/{\.passc\:\ \"-I\./{\.passc\:\ \"-I\"\ \&\ root\ \&\ \"/g' "${output}"
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Copyright 2017 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// Define to 1 if you have a definition for fdatasync() in <unistd.h>.
#if !defined(HAVE_FDATASYNC)
#endif // !defined(HAVE_FDATASYNC)
// Define to 1 if you have a definition for F_FULLFSYNC in <fcntl.h>.
#if !defined(HAVE_FULLFSYNC)
#endif // !defined(HAVE_FULLFSYNC)
// Define to 1 if you have a definition for O_CLOEXEC in <fcntl.h>.
#if !defined(HAVE_O_CLOEXEC)
#define HAVE_O_CLOEXEC 1
#endif // !defined(HAVE_O_CLOEXEC)
// Define to 1 if you have Google CRC32C.
#if !defined(HAVE_CRC32C)
#define HAVE_CRC32C 0
#endif // !defined(HAVE_CRC32C)
// Define to 1 if you have Google Snappy.
#if !defined(HAVE_SNAPPY)
#define HAVE_SNAPPY 0
#endif // !defined(HAVE_SNAPPY)
// Define to 1 if you have Zstd.
#if !defined(HAVE_Zstd)
#define HAVE_ZSTD 0
#endif // !defined(HAVE_ZSTD)
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Package
version = "0.4.1"
author = "Michał Zieliński"
description = "LevelDB wrapper for Nim"
license = "MIT"
srcDir = "src"
installExt = @["nim"]
bin = @["leveldbtool"]
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 1.4.0"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## Create a database:
## Create a database:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## .. code-block:: Nim
## import leveldb
## import leveldbstatic
## import options
## import options
## var db ="/tmp/mydata")
## var db ="/tmp/mydata")
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
## db.close()
## db.close()
import options, os, strutils
import options, os, strutils
import leveldb/raw
import leveldbstatic/raw
LevelDb* = ref object
LevelDb* = ref object
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ type
version* = block:
version* = block:
const configFile = "leveldb.nimble"
const configFile = "leveldbstatic.nimble"
const sourcePath = currentSourcePath()
const sourcePath = currentSourcePath()
const parentConfig = sourcePath.parentDir.parentDir / configFile
const parentConfig = sourcePath.parentDir.parentDir / configFile
const localConfig = sourcePath.parentDir / configFile
const localConfig = sourcePath.parentDir / configFile
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Package
version = "0.1.0"
author = "leveldbstatic authors"
description = "Statically linked LevelDB wrapper for Nim"
license = "MIT"
bin = @["leveldbtool"]
installDirs = @["build", "leveldbstatic", "vendor"]
installFiles = @["leveldbstatic.nim"]
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 1.4.0"
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import os
const root = currentSourcePath.parentDir.parentDir
const envWindows = root/"vendor"/"util"/""
const envPosix = root/"vendor"/"util"/""
when defined(windows):
{.compile: envWindows.}
{.passc: "-D_UNICODE".}
{.passc: "-DUNICODE".}
when defined(posix):
{.compile: envPosix.}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_FDATASYNC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_FULLFSYNC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_O_CLOEXEC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_CRC32C=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_SNAPPY=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_ZSTD=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_Zstd=0".}
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
import os
const root = currentSourcePath.parentDir.parentDir
const envWindows = root/"vendor"/"util"/""
const envPosix = root/"vendor"/"util"/""
when defined(windows):
{.compile: envWindows.}
{.passc: "-D_UNICODE".}
{.passc: "-DUNICODE".}
when defined(posix):
{.compile: envPosix.}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_FDATASYNC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_FULLFSYNC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_O_CLOEXEC=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_CRC32C=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_SNAPPY=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_ZSTD=0".}
{.passc: "-DHAVE_Zstd=0".}
# Generated @ 2024-05-13T12:00:58+02:00
# Command line:
# /home/ben/.nimble/pkgs/nimterop-0.6.13/nimterop/toast --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/db/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/table/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/util/ --compile=./vendor/helpers/memenv/ --pnim --preprocess --noHeader --includeDirs=./vendor --includeDirs=./vendor/helpers --includeDirs=./vendor/helpers/memenv --includeDirs=./vendor/port --includeDirs=./vendor/include --includeDirs=./build/include ./vendor/include/leveldb/c.h
{.push hint[ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]: off.}
import macros
macro defineEnum(typ: untyped): untyped =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
# Enum mapped to distinct cint
result.add quote do:
type `typ`* = distinct cint
for i in ["+", "-", "*", "div", "mod", "shl", "shr", "or", "and", "xor", "<", "<=", "==", ">", ">="]:
ni = newIdentNode(i)
typout = if i[0] in "<=>": newIdentNode("bool") else: typ # comparisons return bool
if i[0] == '>': # cannot borrow `>` and `>=` from templates
nopp = if i.len == 2: newIdentNode("<=") else: newIdentNode("<")
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
proc `ni`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
proc `ni`*(x, y: `typ`): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typout` {.borrow.}
proc `ni`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typout` {.borrow.}
proc `ni`*(x, y: `typ`): `typout` {.borrow.}
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: int): `typout` = `ni`(x, y.cint)
proc `ni`*(x: int, y: `typ`): `typout` = `ni`(x.cint, y)
divop = newIdentNode("/") # `/`()
dlrop = newIdentNode("$") # `$`()
notop = newIdentNode("not") # `not`()
result.add quote do:
proc `divop`*(x, y: `typ`): `typ` = `typ`((x.float / y.float).cint)
proc `divop`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typ` = `divop`(x, `typ`(y))
proc `divop`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typ` = `divop`(`typ`(x), y)
proc `divop`*(x: `typ`, y: int): `typ` = `divop`(x, y.cint)
proc `divop`*(x: int, y: `typ`): `typ` = `divop`(x.cint, y)
proc `dlrop`*(x: `typ`): string {.borrow.}
proc `notop`*(x: `typ`): `typ` {.borrow.}
{.experimental: "codeReordering".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/vendor".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/vendor/helpers".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/vendor/helpers/memenv".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/vendor/port".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/vendor/include".}
{.passc: "-I" & root & "/build/include".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/db/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/table/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/util/".}
{.compile: root & "/vendor/helpers/memenv/".}
leveldb_no_compression* = (0).cint
leveldb_snappy_compression* = (1).cint
leveldb_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_cache_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_comparator_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_env_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_filelock_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_filterpolicy_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_iterator_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_logger_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_options_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_randomfile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_readoptions_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_seqfile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_snapshot_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writablefile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writebatch_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writeoptions_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
proc leveldb_open*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring): ptr leveldb_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_close*(db: ptr leveldb_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_put*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; val: cstring; vallen: uint;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_delete*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc,
proc leveldb_write*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
batch: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_get*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; vallen: ptr uint;
errptr: ptr cstring): cstring {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Returns NULL if not found. A malloc()ed array otherwise.
## Stores the length of the array invallen.
## ```
proc leveldb_create_iterator*(db: ptr leveldb_t;
options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t): ptr leveldb_iterator_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_create_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t): ptr leveldb_snapshot_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_release_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t;
snapshot: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_property_value*(db: ptr leveldb_t; propname: cstring): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Returns NULL if property name is unknown.
## Else returns a pointer to a malloc()-ed null-terminated value.
## ```
proc leveldb_approximate_sizes*(db: ptr leveldb_t; num_ranges: cint;
range_start_key: ptr cstring;
range_start_key_len: ptr uint;
range_limit_key: ptr cstring;
range_limit_key_len: ptr uint; sizes: ptr uint64) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_compact_range*(db: ptr leveldb_t; start_key: cstring;
start_key_len: uint; limit_key: cstring;
limit_key_len: uint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_destroy_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_repair_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_valid*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t): uint8 {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_first*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_last*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; k: cstring; klen: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_next*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_prev*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_key*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; klen: ptr uint): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_value*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; vlen: ptr uint): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_get_error*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_create*(): ptr leveldb_writebatch_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_clear*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_put*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring;
klen: uint; val: cstring; vlen: uint) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writebatch_delete*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring;
klen: uint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_iterate*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; state: pointer;
put: proc (a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: uint; v: cstring; vlen: uint) {.
cdecl.}; deleted: proc (a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: uint) {.cdecl.}) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_append*(destination: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t;
source: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_options_create*(): ptr leveldb_options_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_comparator*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_options_set_filter_policy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_create_if_missing*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_error_if_exists*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_paranoid_checks*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_env*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_info_log*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_logger_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_write_buffer_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_open_files*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_restart_interval*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: cint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_file_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_compression*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_comparator_create*(state: pointer;
destructor: proc (a1: pointer) {.cdecl.};
compare: proc (a1: pointer; a: cstring; alen: uint; b: cstring; blen: uint): cint {.
cdecl.}; name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring {.cdecl.}): ptr leveldb_comparator_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_comparator_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create*(state: pointer;
destructor: proc (a1: pointer) {.cdecl.};
create_filter: proc (a1: pointer; key_array: ptr cstring;
key_length_array: ptr uint; num_keys: cint;
filter_length: ptr uint): cstring {.cdecl.};
key_may_match: proc (a1: pointer; key: cstring; length: uint;
filter: cstring; filter_length: uint): uint8 {.cdecl.};
name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring {.cdecl.}): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create_bloom*(bits_per_key: cint): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_readoptions_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: uint8) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_fill_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: uint8) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_snapshot*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writeoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writeoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writeoptions_set_sync*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_cache_create_lru*(capacity: uint): ptr leveldb_cache_t {.importc,
proc leveldb_cache_destroy*(cache: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_create_default_env*(): ptr leveldb_env_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_env_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_env_get_test_directory*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t): cstring {.importc,
## ```
## If not NULL, the returned buffer must be released using leveldb_free().
## ```
proc leveldb_free*(`ptr`: pointer) {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Utility
## Calls free(ptr).
## REQUIRES: ptr was malloc()-ed and returned by one of the routines
## in this file. Note that in certain cases (typically on Windows), you
## may need to call this routine instead of free(ptr) to dispose of
## malloc()-ed memory returned by this library.
## ```
proc leveldb_major_version*(): cint {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Return the major version number for this release.
## ```
proc leveldb_minor_version*(): cint {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Return the minor version number for this release.
## ```
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import options, os, strutils
import options, os, strutils
import leveldb
import leveldbstatic as leveldb
proc tool() =
proc tool() =
proc usage() =
proc usage() =
@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
## Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
## found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
## C bindings for leveldb. May be useful as a stable ABI that can be
## used by programs that keep leveldb in a shared library, or for
## a JNI api.
## Does not support:
## . getters for the option types
## . custom comparators that implement key shortening
## . custom iter, db, env, cache implementations using just the C bindings
## Some conventions:
## (1) We expose just opaque struct pointers and functions to clients.
## This allows us to change internal representations without having to
## recompile clients.
## (2) For simplicity, there is no equivalent to the Slice type. Instead,
## the caller has to pass the pointer and length as separate
## arguments.
## (3) Errors are represented by a null-terminated c string. NULL
## means no error. All operations that can raise an error are passed
## a "char** errptr" as the last argument. One of the following must
## be true on entry:
## errptr == NULL
## errptr points to a malloc()ed null-terminated error message
## (On Windows, \*errptr must have been malloc()-ed by this library.)
## On success, a leveldb routine leaves \*errptr unchanged.
## On failure, leveldb frees the old value of \*errptr and
## set \*errptr to a malloc()ed error message.
## (4) Bools have the type uint8_t (0 == false; rest == true)
## (5) All of the pointer arguments must be non-NULL.
{.passl: "-lleveldb".}
## # Exported types
leveldb_options_t* = object
leveldb_writeoptions_t* = object
leveldb_readoptions_t* = object
leveldb_writebatch_t* = object
leveldb_iterator_t* = object
leveldb_snapshot_t* = object
leveldb_comparator_t* = object
leveldb_filterpolicy_t* = object
leveldb_env_t* = object
leveldb_logger_t* = object
leveldb_cache_t* = object
leveldb_t* = object
## DB operations
proc leveldb_open*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring; errptr: ptr cstring): ptr leveldb_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_close*(db: ptr leveldb_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_put*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t; key: cstring;
keylen: csize_t; val: cstring; vallen: csize_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_delete*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: csize_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_write*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
batch: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
## Returns NULL if not found. A malloc()ed array otherwise.
## Stores the length of the array in \*vallen.
proc leveldb_get*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t; key: cstring;
keylen: csize_t; vallen: ptr csize_t; errptr: ptr cstring): cstring {.importc.}
proc leveldb_create_iterator*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t): ptr leveldb_iterator_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_create_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t): ptr leveldb_snapshot_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_release_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t; snapshot: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc.}
## Returns NULL if property name is unknown.
## Else returns a pointer to a malloc()-ed null-terminated value.
proc leveldb_property_value*(db: ptr leveldb_t; propname: cstring): cstring {.importc.}
proc leveldb_approximate_sizes*(db: ptr leveldb_t; num_ranges: cint;
range_start_key: ptr cstring;
range_start_key_len: ptr csize_t;
range_limit_key: ptr cstring;
range_limit_key_len: ptr csize_t; sizes: ptr uint64) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_compact_range*(db: ptr leveldb_t; start_key: cstring;
start_key_len: csize_t; limit_key: cstring;
limit_key_len: csize_t) {.importc.}
## Management operations
proc leveldb_destroy_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_repair_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
## Iterator
proc leveldb_iter_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_valid*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t): uint8 {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_first*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_last*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; k: cstring; klen: csize_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_next*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_prev*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_key*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; klen: ptr csize_t): cstring {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_value*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; vlen: ptr csize_t): cstring {.importc.}
proc leveldb_iter_get_error*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc.}
## Write batch
proc leveldb_writebatch_create*(): ptr leveldb_writebatch_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_clear*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_put*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring; klen: csize_t;
val: cstring; vlen: csize_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_delete*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring;
klen: csize_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_iterate*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; state: pointer; put: proc (
a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: csize_t; v: cstring; vlen: csize_t); deleted: proc (
a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: csize_t)) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_append*(destination: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t;
source: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc.}
## Options
proc leveldb_options_create*(): ptr leveldb_options_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_comparator*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_filter_policy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_create_if_missing*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_error_if_exists*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_paranoid_checks*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_env*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_info_log*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_logger_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_write_buffer_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: csize_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_open_files*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: csize_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_restart_interval*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_file_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: csize_t) {.importc.}
leveldb_no_compression* = 0
leveldb_snappy_compression* = 1
proc leveldb_options_set_compression*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.importc.}
## Comparator
proc leveldb_comparator_create*(state: pointer; destructor: proc (a1: pointer); compare: proc (
a1: pointer; a: cstring; alen: csize_t; b: cstring; blen: csize_t): cint;
name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring): ptr leveldb_comparator_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_comparator_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc.}
## Filter policy
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create*(state: pointer; destructor: proc (a1: pointer);
create_filter: proc (a1: pointer; key_array: ptr cstring;
key_length_array: ptr csize_t; num_keys: cint;
filter_length: ptr csize_t): cstring; key_may_match: proc (
a1: pointer; key: cstring; length: csize_t; filter: cstring; filter_length: csize_t): uint8;
name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create_bloom*(bits_per_key: cint): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.importc.}
## Read options
proc leveldb_readoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_readoptions_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: uint8) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_fill_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t; a2: uint8) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_snapshot*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc.}
## Write options
proc leveldb_writeoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writeoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t) {.importc.}
proc leveldb_writeoptions_set_sync*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t; a2: uint8) {.importc.}
## Cache
proc leveldb_cache_create_lru*(capacity: csize_t): ptr leveldb_cache_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_cache_destroy*(cache: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc.}
## Env
proc leveldb_create_default_env*(): ptr leveldb_env_t {.importc.}
proc leveldb_env_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.importc.}
## If not NULL, the returned buffer must be released using leveldb_free().
proc leveldb_env_get_test_directory*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t): cstring {.importc.}
## Utility
## Calls free(ptr).
## REQUIRES: ptr was malloc()-ed and returned by one of the routines
## in this file. Note that in certain cases (typically on Windows), you
## may need to call this routine instead of free(ptr) to dispose of
## malloc()-ed memory returned by this library.
proc leveldb_free*(`ptr`: pointer) {.importc.}
## Return the major version number for this release.
proc leveldb_major_version*(): cint {.importc.}
## Return the minor version number for this release.
proc leveldb_minor_version*(): cint {.importc.}
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ bin = @["packagetest"]
# Dependencies
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 0.18.0"
requires "nim >= 0.18.0"
requires "leveldb"
requires "leveldbstatic"
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
import os
import options
import options
import leveldb
import leveldbstatic as leveldb
when isMainModule:
when isMainModule:
let db ="/tmp/testleveldb/tooldb")
let tempDir = getTempDir() / "testleveldb" / "tooldb"
let db =
db.put("hello", "world")
db.put("hello", "world")
let val = db.get("hello")
let val = db.get("hello")
if val.isSome() and val.get() == "world":
if val.isSome() and val.get() == "world":
echo "leveldb works."
echo "leveldb works."
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import unittest, options, os, osproc, sequtils, strutils
import unittest, options, os, osproc, sequtils, strutils
import leveldb, leveldb/raw
import leveldbstatic as leveldb
import leveldbstatic/raw
tmpDir = "/tmp/testleveldb"
tmpDir = getTempDir() / "testleveldb"
tmpNimbleDir = tmpDir / "nimble"
tmpNimbleDir = tmpDir / "nimble"
tmpDbDir = tmpDir / "testdb"
tmpDbDir = tmpDir / "testdb"
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ proc execTool(args: varargs[string]): tuple[output: string, exitCode: int] =
var quotedArgs = @args
var quotedArgs = @args
quotedArgs.insert(tmpNimbleDir / "bin" / "leveldbtool")
quotedArgs.insert(findExe(tmpNimbleDir / "bin" / "leveldbtool"))
quotedArgs = (x: string): string = "\"" & x & "\"")
quotedArgs = (x: string): string = "\"" & x & "\"")
if not dirExists(tmpDbDir):
if not dirExists(tmpDbDir):
@ -212,9 +213,9 @@ suite "package":
test "import as package":
test "import as package":
let (output, exitCode) = execNimble("install")
let (output, exitCode) = execNimble("install")
check exitCode == QuitSuccess
check exitCode == QuitSuccess
check output.contains("leveldb installed successfully.")
check output.contains("leveldbstatic installed successfully.")
cd "tests/packagetest":
cd "tests"/"packagetest":
var (output, exitCode) = execNimble("build")
var (output, exitCode) = execNimble("build")
check exitCode == QuitSuccess
check exitCode == QuitSuccess
check output.contains("Building")
check output.contains("Building")
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 068d5ee1a3ac40dabd00d211d5013af44be55bea
Reference in New Issue