Builds library

This commit is contained in:
ThatBen 2024-05-09 14:19:07 +02:00
parent e305ae74b5
commit 3f3ab38734
2 changed files with 293 additions and 0 deletions

0 Normal file → Executable file
View File

leveldb.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
when defined(windows):
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
when defined(posix):
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
# Generated @ 2024-05-09T14:13:25+02:00
# Command line:
# /home/ben/.nimble/pkgs/nimterop-0.6.13/nimterop/toast --compile=./sources/helpers/memenv/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/table/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/db/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --compile=./sources/util/ --pnim --preprocess --noHeader --includeDirs=./sources --includeDirs=./sources/helpers --includeDirs=./sources/helpers/memenv --includeDirs=./sources/port --includeDirs=./sources/include --includeDirs=./build/include --includeDirs=./build/include/port ./sources/include/leveldb/c.h
{.push hint[ConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded]: off.}
import macros
macro defineEnum(typ: untyped): untyped =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
# Enum mapped to distinct cint
result.add quote do:
type `typ`* = distinct cint
for i in ["+", "-", "*", "div", "mod", "shl", "shr", "or", "and", "xor", "<", "<=", "==", ">", ">="]:
ni = newIdentNode(i)
typout = if i[0] in "<=>": newIdentNode("bool") else: typ # comparisons return bool
if i[0] == '>': # cannot borrow `>` and `>=` from templates
nopp = if i.len == 2: newIdentNode("<=") else: newIdentNode("<")
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
proc `ni`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
proc `ni`*(x, y: `typ`): `typout` = `nopp`(y, x)
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typout` {.borrow.}
proc `ni`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typout` {.borrow.}
proc `ni`*(x, y: `typ`): `typout` {.borrow.}
result.add quote do:
proc `ni`*(x: `typ`, y: int): `typout` = `ni`(x, y.cint)
proc `ni`*(x: int, y: `typ`): `typout` = `ni`(x.cint, y)
divop = newIdentNode("/") # `/`()
dlrop = newIdentNode("$") # `$`()
notop = newIdentNode("not") # `not`()
result.add quote do:
proc `divop`*(x, y: `typ`): `typ` = `typ`((x.float / y.float).cint)
proc `divop`*(x: `typ`, y: cint): `typ` = `divop`(x, `typ`(y))
proc `divop`*(x: cint, y: `typ`): `typ` = `divop`(`typ`(x), y)
proc `divop`*(x: `typ`, y: int): `typ` = `divop`(x, y.cint)
proc `divop`*(x: int, y: `typ`): `typ` = `divop`(x.cint, y)
proc `dlrop`*(x: `typ`): string {.borrow.}
proc `notop`*(x: `typ`): `typ` {.borrow.}
{.experimental: "codeReordering".}
{.passC: "-I./sources".}
{.passC: "-I./sources/helpers".}
{.passC: "-I./sources/helpers/memenv".}
{.passC: "-I./sources/port".}
{.passC: "-I./sources/include".}
{.passC: "-I./build/include".}
{.passC: "-I./build/include/port".}
{.compile: "./sources/helpers/memenv/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/table/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/db/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
{.compile: "./sources/util/".}
leveldb_no_compression* = (0).cint
leveldb_snappy_compression* = (1).cint
leveldb_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_cache_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_comparator_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_env_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_filelock_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_filterpolicy_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_iterator_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_logger_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_options_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_randomfile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_readoptions_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_seqfile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_snapshot_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writablefile_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writebatch_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
leveldb_writeoptions_t* {.incompleteStruct.} = object
proc leveldb_open*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring): ptr leveldb_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_close*(db: ptr leveldb_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_put*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; val: cstring; vallen: uint;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_delete*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc,
proc leveldb_write*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t;
batch: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_get*(db: ptr leveldb_t; options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
key: cstring; keylen: uint; vallen: ptr uint;
errptr: ptr cstring): cstring {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Returns NULL if not found. A malloc()ed array otherwise.
## Stores the length of the array invallen.
## ```
proc leveldb_create_iterator*(db: ptr leveldb_t;
options: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t): ptr leveldb_iterator_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_create_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t): ptr leveldb_snapshot_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_release_snapshot*(db: ptr leveldb_t;
snapshot: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_property_value*(db: ptr leveldb_t; propname: cstring): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Returns NULL if property name is unknown.
## Else returns a pointer to a malloc()-ed null-terminated value.
## ```
proc leveldb_approximate_sizes*(db: ptr leveldb_t; num_ranges: cint;
range_start_key: ptr cstring;
range_start_key_len: ptr uint;
range_limit_key: ptr cstring;
range_limit_key_len: ptr uint; sizes: ptr uint64) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_compact_range*(db: ptr leveldb_t; start_key: cstring;
start_key_len: uint; limit_key: cstring;
limit_key_len: uint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_destroy_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_repair_db*(options: ptr leveldb_options_t; name: cstring;
errptr: ptr cstring) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_valid*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t): uint8 {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_first*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek_to_last*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_seek*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; k: cstring; klen: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_next*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_prev*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_key*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; klen: ptr uint): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_value*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; vlen: ptr uint): cstring {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_iter_get_error*(a1: ptr leveldb_iterator_t; errptr: ptr cstring) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_create*(): ptr leveldb_writebatch_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_clear*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_put*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring;
klen: uint; val: cstring; vlen: uint) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writebatch_delete*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; key: cstring;
klen: uint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_iterate*(a1: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t; state: pointer;
put: proc (a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: uint; v: cstring; vlen: uint) {.
cdecl.}; deleted: proc (a1: pointer; k: cstring; klen: uint) {.cdecl.}) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writebatch_append*(destination: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t;
source: ptr leveldb_writebatch_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_options_create*(): ptr leveldb_options_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_comparator*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_options_set_filter_policy*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_create_if_missing*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_error_if_exists*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_paranoid_checks*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_env*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_info_log*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_logger_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_write_buffer_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_open_files*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_block_restart_interval*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t;
a2: cint) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_max_file_size*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: uint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_options_set_compression*(a1: ptr leveldb_options_t; a2: cint) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_comparator_create*(state: pointer;
destructor: proc (a1: pointer) {.cdecl.};
compare: proc (a1: pointer; a: cstring; alen: uint; b: cstring; blen: uint): cint {.
cdecl.}; name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring {.cdecl.}): ptr leveldb_comparator_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_comparator_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_comparator_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create*(state: pointer;
destructor: proc (a1: pointer) {.cdecl.};
create_filter: proc (a1: pointer; key_array: ptr cstring;
key_length_array: ptr uint; num_keys: cint;
filter_length: ptr uint): cstring {.cdecl.};
key_may_match: proc (a1: pointer; key: cstring; length: uint;
filter: cstring; filter_length: uint): uint8 {.cdecl.};
name: proc (a1: pointer): cstring {.cdecl.}): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_filterpolicy_create_bloom*(bits_per_key: cint): ptr leveldb_filterpolicy_t {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_readoptions_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: uint8) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_fill_cache*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: uint8) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_readoptions_set_snapshot*(a1: ptr leveldb_readoptions_t;
a2: ptr leveldb_snapshot_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writeoptions_create*(): ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_writeoptions_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t) {.importc,
proc leveldb_writeoptions_set_sync*(a1: ptr leveldb_writeoptions_t; a2: uint8) {.
importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_cache_create_lru*(capacity: uint): ptr leveldb_cache_t {.importc,
proc leveldb_cache_destroy*(cache: ptr leveldb_cache_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_create_default_env*(): ptr leveldb_env_t {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_env_destroy*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t) {.importc, cdecl.}
proc leveldb_env_get_test_directory*(a1: ptr leveldb_env_t): cstring {.importc,
## ```
## If not NULL, the returned buffer must be released using leveldb_free().
## ```
proc leveldb_free*(`ptr`: pointer) {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Utility
## Calls free(ptr).
## REQUIRES: ptr was malloc()-ed and returned by one of the routines
## in this file. Note that in certain cases (typically on Windows), you
## may need to call this routine instead of free(ptr) to dispose of
## malloc()-ed memory returned by this library.
## ```
proc leveldb_major_version*(): cint {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Return the major version number for this release.
## ```
proc leveldb_minor_version*(): cint {.importc, cdecl.}
## ```
## Return the minor version number for this release.
## ```