import std/strformat import pkg/asynctest import pkg/chronos import pkg/ethers import pkg/ethers/testing import pkg/serde import ./helpers suite "Testing helpers": let revertReason = "revert reason" let rpcResponse = "Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: " & fmt"reverted with reason string '{revertReason}'" test "checks that call reverts": proc call() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, $rpcResponse) check await call().reverts() test "checks reason for revert": proc call() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, $rpcResponse) check await call().reverts(revertReason) test "correctly indicates there was no revert": proc call() {.async.} = discard check not await call().reverts() test "reverts only checks ProviderErrors, EstimateGasErrors": proc callProviderError() {.async.} = raise newException(ProviderError, "test") proc callSignerError() {.async.} = raise newException(SignerError, "test") proc callEstimateGasError() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, "test") proc callEthersError() {.async.} = raise newException(EthersError, "test") check await callProviderError().reverts() check await callSignerError().reverts() check await callEstimateGasError().reverts() expect EthersError: check await callEthersError().reverts() test "reverts with reason only checks ProviderErrors, EstimateGasErrors": proc callProviderError() {.async.} = raise newException(ProviderError, revertReason) proc callSignerError() {.async.} = raise newException(SignerError, revertReason) proc callEstimateGasError() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, revertReason) proc callEthersError() {.async.} = raise newException(EthersError, revertReason) check await callProviderError().reverts(revertReason) check await callSignerError().reverts(revertReason) check await callEstimateGasError().reverts(revertReason) expect EthersError: check await callEthersError().reverts(revertReason) test "reverts with reason is false when there is no revert": proc call() {.async.} = discard check not await call().reverts(revertReason) test "reverts is false when the revert reason doesn't match": proc call() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, "other reason") check not await call().reverts(revertReason) test "revert handles non-standard revert prefix": let nonStdMsg = fmt"Provider VM Exception: reverted with {revertReason}" proc call() {.async.} = raise newException(EstimateGasError, nonStdMsg) check await call().reverts(nonStdMsg) test "works with functions that return a value": proc call(): Future[int] {.async.} = return 42 check not await call().reverts() check not await call().reverts(revertReason) suite "Testing helpers - contracts": var helpersContract: TestHelpers var provider: JsonRpcProvider var snapshot: JsonNode var accounts: seq[Address] let revertReason = "revert reason" setup: provider ="ws://") snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot") accounts = await provider.listAccounts() helpersContract = teardown: discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot]) await provider.close() test "revert reason can be retrieved when transaction fails": let txResp = helpersContract.doRevert( revertReason, # override gasLimit to skip estimating gas TransactionOverrides(gasLimit: some 10000000.u256) ) check await txResp.confirm(1).reverts(revertReason) test "revert reason can be retrieved when estimate gas fails": let txResp = helpersContract.doRevert(revertReason) check await txResp.reverts(revertReason)