Dmitriy Ryajov 72da534856
Wire sampler (#676)
* Setting up testfixture for proof datasampler

* Sets up calculating number of cells in a slot

* Sets up tests for bitwise modulo

* Implements cell index collection

* setting up slot blocks module

* Implements getting treeCID from slot

* implements getting slot blocks by index

* Implements out-of-range check for slot index

* cleanup

* Sets up getting sample from block

* Implements selecting a cell sample from a block

* Implements building a minitree for block cells

* Adds method to get dataset block index from slot block index

* It's running

* splits up indexing

* almost there

* Fixes test. Implementation is now functional

* Refactoring to object-oriented

* Cleanup

* Lining up output type with updated reference code.

* setting up

* Updates expected samples

* Updates proof checking test to match new format

* move builder to own dir

* move sampler to own dir

* fix paths

* various changes to add support for the sampler

* wip sampler implementation

* don't use upraises

* wip sampler integration

* misc

* move tests around

* Various fixes to select correct slot and block index

* removing old tests

* cleanup

* misc

fix tests that work with correct cell indices

* remove unused file

* fixup logging

* add logscope

* truncate entropy to 31 bytes, otherwise it might be > than mod

* forwar getCidAndProof to local store

* misc

* Adds missing test for initial-proving state

* reverting back to correct slot/block indexing

* fix tests for revert

* misc

* misc


Co-authored-by: benbierens <>
2024-01-17 11:24:34 -08:00

685 lines
20 KiB

## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import pkg/upraises
push: {.upraises: [].}
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronos/futures
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/libp2p/[cid, multicodec, multihash]
import pkg/lrucache
import pkg/metrics
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/stew/endians2
import ./blockstore
import ./keyutils
import ../blocktype
import ../clock
import ../systemclock
import ../merkletree
import ../utils
export blocktype, cid
topics = "codex repostore"
declareGauge(codex_repostore_blocks, "codex repostore blocks")
declareGauge(codex_repostore_bytes_used, "codex repostore bytes used")
declareGauge(codex_repostore_bytes_reserved, "codex repostore bytes reserved")
DefaultBlockTtl* = 24.hours
DefaultQuotaBytes* = 1'u shl 33'u # ~8GB
QuotaUsedError* = object of CodexError
QuotaNotEnoughError* = object of CodexError
RepoStore* = ref object of BlockStore
postFixLen*: int
repoDs*: Datastore
metaDs*: Datastore
clock: Clock
totalBlocks*: uint # number of blocks in the store
quotaMaxBytes*: uint # maximum available bytes
quotaUsedBytes*: uint # bytes used by the repo
quotaReservedBytes*: uint # bytes reserved by the repo
blockTtl*: Duration
started*: bool
BlockExpiration* = object
cid*: Cid
expiration*: SecondsSince1970
proc updateMetrics(self: RepoStore) =
func totalUsed*(self: RepoStore): uint =
(self.quotaUsedBytes + self.quotaReservedBytes)
func available*(self: RepoStore): uint =
return self.quotaMaxBytes - self.totalUsed
func available*(self: RepoStore, bytes: uint): bool =
return bytes < self.available()
proc encode(cidAndProof: (Cid, CodexProof)): seq[byte] =
## Encodes a tuple of cid and merkle proof in a following format:
## | 8-bytes | n-bytes | remaining bytes |
## | n | cid | proof |
## where n is a size of cid
(cid, proof) = cidAndProof
cidBytes =
proofBytes = proof.encode
n = cidBytes.len
nBytes = n.uint64.toBytesBE
@nBytes & cidBytes & proofBytes
proc decode(_: type (Cid, CodexProof), data: seq[byte]): ?!(Cid, CodexProof) =
n = uint64.fromBytesBE(data[0..<sizeof(uint64)]).int
cid = ? Cid.init(data[sizeof(uint64)..<sizeof(uint64) + n]).mapFailure
proof = ? CodexProof.decode(data[sizeof(uint64) + n..^1])
success((cid, proof))
proc decodeCid(_: type (Cid, CodexProof), data: seq[byte]): ?!Cid =
n = uint64.fromBytesBE(data[0..<sizeof(uint64)]).int
cid = ? Cid.init(data[sizeof(uint64)..<sizeof(uint64) + n]).mapFailure
method putCidAndProof*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural,
blockCid: Cid,
proof: CodexProof
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Put a block to the blockstore
without key =? createBlockCidAndProofMetadataKey(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
trace "Storing block cid and proof with key", key
let value = (blockCid, proof).encode()
await self.metaDs.put(key, value)
method getCidAndProof*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural): Future[?!(Cid, CodexProof)] {.async.} =
without key =? createBlockCidAndProofMetadataKey(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
without value =? await self.metaDs.get(key), err:
if err of DatastoreKeyNotFound:
return failure(newException(BlockNotFoundError, err.msg))
return failure(err)
without (cid, proof) =? (Cid, CodexProof).decode(value), err:
trace "Unable to decode cid and proof", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
trace "Got cid and proof for block", cid, proof = $proof
return success (cid, proof)
method getCid*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural): Future[?!Cid] {.async.} =
without key =? createBlockCidAndProofMetadataKey(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
without value =? await self.metaDs.get(key), err:
if err of DatastoreKeyNotFound:
trace "Cid not found", treeCid, index
return failure(newException(BlockNotFoundError, err.msg))
trace "Error getting cid from datastore", err = err.msg, key
return failure(err)
return (Cid, CodexProof).decodeCid(value)
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!Block] {.async.} =
## Get a block from the blockstore
cid = cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return cid.emptyBlock
without key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, cid), err:
trace "Error getting key from provider", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
without data =? await self.repoDs.get(key), err:
if not (err of DatastoreKeyNotFound):
trace "Error getting block from datastore", err = err.msg, key
return failure(err)
return failure(newException(BlockNotFoundError, err.msg))
trace "Got block for cid", cid
return, data, verify = true)
method getBlockAndProof*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!(Block, CodexProof)] {.async.} =
without cidAndProof =? await self.getCidAndProof(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
let (cid, proof) = cidAndProof
without blk =? await self.getBlock(cid), err:
return failure(err)
success((blk, proof))
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!Block] {.async.} =
without cid =? await self.getCid(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
await self.getBlock(cid)
method getBlock*(self: RepoStore, address: BlockAddress): Future[?!Block] =
## Get a block from the blockstore
if address.leaf:
self.getBlock(address.treeCid, address.index)
proc getBlockExpirationEntry(
self: RepoStore,
cid: Cid,
ttl: SecondsSince1970): ?!BatchEntry =
## Get an expiration entry for a batch with timestamp
without key =? createBlockExpirationMetadataKey(cid), err:
return failure(err)
return success((key, ttl.toBytes))
proc getBlockExpirationEntry(
self: RepoStore,
cid: Cid,
ttl: ?Duration): ?!BatchEntry =
## Get an expiration entry for a batch for duration since "now"
let duration = ttl |? self.blockTtl
self.getBlockExpirationEntry(cid, + duration.seconds)
method ensureExpiry*(
self: RepoStore,
cid: Cid,
expiry: SecondsSince1970
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Ensure that block's associated expiry is at least given timestamp
## If the current expiry is lower then it is updated to the given one, otherwise it is left intact
cid = cid
if expiry <= 0:
return failure(newException(ValueError, "Expiry timestamp must be larger then zero"))
without expiryKey =? createBlockExpirationMetadataKey(cid), err:
return failure(err)
without currentExpiry =? await self.metaDs.get(expiryKey), err:
if err of DatastoreKeyNotFound:
error "No current expiry exists for the block"
return failure(newException(BlockNotFoundError, err.msg))
error "Could not read datastore key", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
current = currentExpiry.toSecondsSince1970
ensuring = expiry
if expiry <= currentExpiry.toSecondsSince1970:
trace "Expiry is larger than or equal to requested"
return success()
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(expiryKey, expiry.toBytes)).errorOption:
trace "Error updating expiration metadata entry", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
return success()
method ensureExpiry*(
self: RepoStore,
treeCid: Cid,
index: Natural,
expiry: SecondsSince1970
): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Ensure that block's associated expiry is at least given timestamp
## If the current expiry is lower then it is updated to the given one, otherwise it is left intact
without cidAndProof =? await self.getCidAndProof(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
await self.ensureExpiry(cidAndProof[0], expiry)
proc persistTotalBlocksCount(self: RepoStore): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(
trace "Error total blocks key!", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
return success()
method putBlock*(
self: RepoStore,
blk: Block,
ttl = Duration.none): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Put a block to the blockstore
cid = blk.cid
if blk.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success()
without key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, blk.cid), err:
trace "Error getting key from provider", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
if await key in self.repoDs:
trace "Block already in store", cid = blk.cid
return success()
if (self.totalUsed + > self.quotaMaxBytes:
error "Cannot store block, quota used!", used = self.totalUsed
return failure(
newException(QuotaUsedError, "Cannot store block, quota used!"))
trace "Storing block with key", key
batch: seq[BatchEntry]
used = self.quotaUsedBytes +
if err =? (await self.repoDs.put(key,
trace "Error storing block", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
trace "Updating quota", used
batch.add((QuotaUsedKey, @(used.uint64.toBytesBE)))
without blockExpEntry =? self.getBlockExpirationEntry(blk.cid, ttl), err:
trace "Unable to create block expiration metadata key", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(batch)).errorOption:
trace "Error updating quota bytes", err = err.msg
if err =? (await self.repoDs.delete(key)).errorOption:
trace "Error deleting block after failed quota update", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
return failure(err)
self.quotaUsedBytes = used
inc self.totalBlocks
if isErr (await self.persistTotalBlocksCount()):
trace "Unable to update block total metadata"
return failure("Unable to update block total metadata")
return success()
proc updateQuotaBytesUsed(self: RepoStore, blk: Block): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
let used = self.quotaUsedBytes -
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(
trace "Error updating quota key!", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
self.quotaUsedBytes = used
return success()
proc removeBlockExpirationEntry(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without key =? createBlockExpirationMetadataKey(cid), err:
return failure(err)
return await self.metaDs.delete(key)
method delBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Delete a block from the blockstore
cid = cid
trace "Deleting block"
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success()
if blk =? (await self.getBlock(cid)):
if key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, cid) and
err =? (await self.repoDs.delete(key)).errorOption:
trace "Error deleting block!", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
if isErr (await self.updateQuotaBytesUsed(blk)):
trace "Unable to update quote-bytes-used in metadata store"
return failure("Unable to update quote-bytes-used in metadata store")
if isErr (await self.removeBlockExpirationEntry(blk.cid)):
trace "Unable to remove block expiration entry from metadata store"
return failure("Unable to remove block expiration entry from metadata store")
trace "Deleted block", cid, totalUsed = self.totalUsed
dec self.totalBlocks
if isErr (await self.persistTotalBlocksCount()):
trace "Unable to update block total metadata"
return failure("Unable to update block total metadata")
return success()
method delBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without key =? createBlockCidAndProofMetadataKey(treeCid, index), err:
return failure(err)
trace "Fetching proof", key
without value =? await self.metaDs.get(key), err:
if err of DatastoreKeyNotFound:
return success()
return failure(err)
without cid =? (Cid, CodexProof).decodeCid(value), err:
return failure(err)
trace "Deleting block", cid
if err =? (await self.delBlock(cid)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
await self.metaDs.delete(key)
method hasBlock*(self: RepoStore, cid: Cid): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
## Check if the block exists in the blockstore
cid = cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success true
without key =? makePrefixKey(self.postFixLen, cid), err:
trace "Error getting key from provider", err = err.msg
return failure(err)
return await self.repoDs.has(key)
method hasBlock*(self: RepoStore, treeCid: Cid, index: Natural): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
without cid =? await self.getCid(treeCid, index), err:
if err of BlockNotFoundError:
return success(false)
return failure(err)
await self.hasBlock(cid)
method listBlocks*(
self: RepoStore,
blockType = BlockType.Manifest
): Future[?!AsyncIter[?Cid]] {.async.} =
## Get the list of blocks in the RepoStore.
## This is an intensive operation
iter = AsyncIter[?Cid]()
let key =
case blockType:
of BlockType.Manifest: CodexManifestKey
of BlockType.Block: CodexBlocksKey
of BlockType.Both: CodexRepoKey
let query = Query.init(key, value=false)
without queryIter =? (await self.repoDs.query(query)), err:
trace "Error querying cids in repo", blockType, err = err.msg
return failure(err)
proc next(): Future[?Cid] {.async.} =
await idleAsync()
if queryIter.finished:
if pair =? (await and cid =? pair.key:
doAssert == 0
trace "Retrieved record from repo", cid
return Cid.init(cid.value).option
return Cid.none = next
return success iter
proc createBlockExpirationQuery(maxNumber: int, offset: int): ?!Query =
let queryKey = ? createBlockExpirationMetadataQueryKey()
success Query.init(queryKey, offset = offset, limit = maxNumber)
method getBlockExpirations*(
self: RepoStore,
maxNumber: int,
offset: int): Future[?!AsyncIter[?BlockExpiration]] {.async, base.} =
## Get block expirations from the given RepoStore
without query =? createBlockExpirationQuery(maxNumber, offset), err:
trace "Unable to format block expirations query"
return failure(err)
without queryIter =? (await self.metaDs.query(query)), err:
trace "Unable to execute block expirations query"
return failure(err)
var iter = AsyncIter[?BlockExpiration]()
proc next(): Future[?BlockExpiration] {.async.} =
if not queryIter.finished:
if pair =? (await and blockKey =? pair.key:
let expirationTimestamp =
let cidResult = Cid.init(blockKey.value)
if not cidResult.isOk:
raiseAssert("Unable to parse CID from blockKey.value: " & blockKey.value & $cidResult.error)
return BlockExpiration(
cid: cidResult.get,
expiration: expirationTimestamp.toSecondsSince1970
discard await queryIter.dispose()
return BlockExpiration.none = next
return success iter
method close*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Close the blockstore, cleaning up resources managed by it.
## For some implementations this may be a no-op
trace "Closing repostore"
if not self.metaDs.isNil:
(await self.metaDs.close()).expect("Should meta datastore")
if not self.repoDs.isNil:
(await self.repoDs.close()).expect("Should repo datastore")
proc reserve*(self: RepoStore, bytes: uint): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Reserve bytes
trace "Reserving bytes", reserved = self.quotaReservedBytes, bytes
if (self.totalUsed + bytes) > self.quotaMaxBytes:
trace "Not enough storage quota to reserver", reserve = self.totalUsed + bytes
return failure(
newException(QuotaNotEnoughError, "Not enough storage quota to reserver"))
self.quotaReservedBytes += bytes
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(
trace "Error reserving bytes", err = err.msg
self.quotaReservedBytes += bytes
return failure(err)
return success()
proc release*(self: RepoStore, bytes: uint): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Release bytes
trace "Releasing bytes", reserved = self.quotaReservedBytes, bytes
if ( - < 0:
trace "Cannot release this many bytes",
quotaReservedBytes = self.quotaReservedBytes, bytes
return failure("Cannot release this many bytes")
self.quotaReservedBytes -= bytes
if err =? (await self.metaDs.put(
trace "Error releasing bytes", err = err.msg
self.quotaReservedBytes -= bytes
return failure(err)
trace "Released bytes", bytes
return success()
proc start*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Start repo
if self.started:
trace "Repo already started"
trace "Starting repo"
without total =? await self.metaDs.get(CodexTotalBlocksKey), err:
if not (err of DatastoreKeyNotFound):
error "Unable to read total number of blocks from metadata store", err = err.msg, key = $CodexTotalBlocksKey
if total.len > 0:
self.totalBlocks = uint64.fromBytesBE(total).uint
trace "Number of blocks in store at start", total = self.totalBlocks
## load current persist and cache bytes from meta ds
without quotaUsedBytes =? await self.metaDs.get(QuotaUsedKey), err:
if not (err of DatastoreKeyNotFound):
error "Error getting cache bytes from datastore",
err = err.msg, key = $QuotaUsedKey
raise newException(Defect, err.msg)
if quotaUsedBytes.len > 0:
self.quotaUsedBytes = uint64.fromBytesBE(quotaUsedBytes).uint
notice "Current bytes used for cache quota", bytes = self.quotaUsedBytes
without quotaReservedBytes =? await self.metaDs.get(QuotaReservedKey), err:
if not (err of DatastoreKeyNotFound):
error "Error getting persist bytes from datastore",
err = err.msg, key = $QuotaReservedKey
raise newException(Defect, err.msg)
if quotaReservedBytes.len > 0:
self.quotaReservedBytes = uint64.fromBytesBE(quotaReservedBytes).uint
if self.quotaUsedBytes > self.quotaMaxBytes:
raiseAssert "All storage quota used, increase storage quota!"
notice "Current bytes used for persist quota", bytes = self.quotaReservedBytes
self.started = true
proc stop*(self: RepoStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Stop repo
if not self.started:
trace "Repo is not started"
trace "Stopping repo"
await self.close()
self.started = false
func new*(
T: type RepoStore,
repoDs: Datastore,
metaDs: Datastore,
clock: Clock =,
postFixLen = 2,
quotaMaxBytes = DefaultQuotaBytes,
blockTtl = DefaultBlockTtl
): RepoStore =
## Create new instance of a RepoStore
repoDs: repoDs,
metaDs: metaDs,
clock: clock,
postFixLen: postFixLen,
quotaMaxBytes: quotaMaxBytes,
blockTtl: blockTtl