
279 lines
8.8 KiB

import std/os
import std/sequtils
import std/strutils
import std/sugar
import std/times
import pkg/codex/logutils
import pkg/chronos/transports/stream
import pkg/ethers
import ./hardhatprocess
import ./codexprocess
import ./hardhatconfig
import ./codexconfig
import ../asynctest
import ../checktest
export asynctest
export ethers except `%`
export hardhatprocess
export codexprocess
export hardhatconfig
export codexconfig
RunningNode* = ref object
role*: Role
node*: NodeProcess
NodeConfigs* = object
clients*: CodexConfig
providers*: CodexConfig
validators*: CodexConfig
hardhat*: HardhatConfig
Role* {.pure.} = enum
proc nextFreePort(startPort: int): Future[int] {.async.} =
proc client(server: StreamServer, transp: StreamTransport) {.async.} =
await transp.closeWait()
var port = startPort
while true:
trace "checking if port is free", port
let host = initTAddress("", port)
# We use ReuseAddr here only to be able to reuse the same IP/Port when
# there's a TIME_WAIT socket. It's useful when running the test multiple
# times or if a test ran previously using the same port.
var server = createStreamServer(host, client, {ReuseAddr})
trace "port is free", port
await server.closeWait()
return port
except TransportOsError:
trace "port is not free", port
inc port
template multinodesuite*(name: string, body: untyped) =
asyncchecksuite name:
var running: seq[RunningNode]
var bootstrap: string
let starttime = now().format("yyyy-MM-dd'_'HH:mm:ss")
var currentTestName = ""
var nodeConfigs: NodeConfigs
var ethProvider {.inject, used.}: JsonRpcProvider
var accounts {.inject, used.}: seq[Address]
var snapshot: JsonNode
template test(tname, startNodeConfigs, tbody) =
currentTestName = tname
nodeConfigs = startNodeConfigs
test tname:
proc sanitize(pathSegment: string): string =
var sanitized = pathSegment
for invalid in invalidFilenameChars.items:
sanitized = sanitized.replace(invalid, '_')
proc getLogFile(role: Role, index: ?int): string =
# create log file path, format:
# tests/integration/logs/<start_datetime> <suite_name>/<test_name>/<node_role>_<node_idx>.log
var logDir = currentSourcePath.parentDir() /
"logs" /
sanitize($starttime & " " & name) /
var fn = $role
if idx =? index:
fn &= "_" & $idx
fn &= ".log"
let fileName = logDir / fn
return fileName
proc newHardhatProcess(
config: HardhatConfig,
role: Role
): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
var args: seq[string] = @[]
if config.logFile:
let updatedLogFile = getLogFile(role, none int)
args.add "--log-file=" & updatedLogFile
let node = await HardhatProcess.startNode(args, config.debugEnabled, "hardhat")
await node.waitUntilStarted()
trace "hardhat node started"
return node
proc newCodexProcess(roleIdx: int,
config: CodexConfig,
role: Role
): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
let nodeIdx = running.len
var conf = config
if nodeIdx > accounts.len - 1:
raiseAssert("Cannot start node at nodeIdx " & $nodeIdx &
", not enough eth accounts.")
let datadir = getTempDir() / "Codex" /
sanitize($starttime) /
sanitize($role & "_" & $roleIdx)
if conf.logFile:
let updatedLogFile = getLogFile(role, some roleIdx)
conf.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--log-file", value: updatedLogFile)
let logLevel = conf.logLevel |? LogLevel.INFO
if conf.logTopics.len > 0:
conf.cliOptions.add CliOption(
key: "--log-level",
value: $logLevel & ";TRACE: " & conf.logTopics.join(",")
conf.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--log-level", value: $logLevel)
var args = => $o)
"--api-port=" & $ await nextFreePort(8080 + nodeIdx),
"--data-dir=" & datadir,
"--disc-port=" & $ await nextFreePort(8090 + nodeIdx),
"--eth-account=" & $accounts[nodeIdx]])
let node = await CodexProcess.startNode(args, conf.debugEnabled, $role & $roleIdx)
await node.waitUntilStarted()
trace "node started", nodeName = $role & $roleIdx
return node
proc hardhat: HardhatProcess =
for r in running:
if r.role == Role.Hardhat:
return HardhatProcess(r.node)
return nil
proc clients: seq[CodexProcess] {.used.} =
return collect:
for r in running:
if r.role == Role.Client:
proc providers: seq[CodexProcess] {.used.} =
return collect:
for r in running:
if r.role == Role.Provider:
proc validators: seq[CodexProcess] {.used.} =
return collect:
for r in running:
if r.role == Role.Validator:
proc startHardhatNode(): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
var config = nodeConfigs.hardhat
return await newHardhatProcess(config, Role.Hardhat)
proc startClientNode(): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
let clientIdx = clients().len
var config = nodeConfigs.clients
config.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--persistence")
return await newCodexProcess(clientIdx, config, Role.Client)
proc startProviderNode(): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
let providerIdx = providers().len
var config = nodeConfigs.providers
config.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--bootstrap-node", value: bootstrap)
config.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--persistence")
# filter out provider options by provided index
config.cliOptions = config.cliOptions.filter(
o => (let idx = o.nodeIdx |? providerIdx; idx == providerIdx)
return await newCodexProcess(providerIdx, config, Role.Provider)
proc startValidatorNode(): Future[NodeProcess] {.async.} =
let validatorIdx = validators().len
var config = nodeConfigs.validators
config.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--bootstrap-node", value: bootstrap)
config.cliOptions.add CliOption(key: "--validator")
return await newCodexProcess(validatorIdx, config, Role.Validator)
if not nodeConfigs.hardhat.isNil:
let node = await startHardhatNode()
running.add RunningNode(role: Role.Hardhat, node: node)
ethProvider ="ws://localhost:8545")
# if hardhat was NOT started by the test, take a snapshot so it can be
# reverted in the test teardown
if nodeConfigs.hardhat.isNil:
snapshot = await send(ethProvider, "evm_snapshot")
# ensure that we have a recent block with a fresh timestamp
discard await send(ethProvider, "evm_mine")
accounts = await ethProvider.listAccounts()
except CatchableError as e:
fatal "failed to connect to hardhat", error = e.msg
raiseAssert "Hardhat not running. Run hardhat manually before executing tests, or include a HardhatConfig in the test setup."
if not nodeConfigs.clients.isNil:
for i in 0..<nodeConfigs.clients.numNodes:
let node = await startClientNode()
running.add RunningNode(
role: Role.Client,
node: node
if i == 0:
bootstrap = CodexProcess(node)["spr"].getStr()
if not nodeConfigs.providers.isNil:
for i in 0..<nodeConfigs.providers.numNodes:
let node = await startProviderNode()
running.add RunningNode(
role: Role.Provider,
node: node
if not nodeConfigs.validators.isNil:
for i in 0..<nodeConfigs.validators.numNodes:
let node = await startValidatorNode()
running.add RunningNode(
role: Role.Validator,
node: node
for nodes in @[validators(), clients(), providers()]:
for node in nodes:
await node.stop() # also stops rest client
# if hardhat was started in the test, kill the node
# otherwise revert the snapshot taken in the test setup
let hardhat = hardhat()
if not hardhat.isNil:
await hardhat.stop()
discard await send(ethProvider, "evm_revert", @[snapshot])
running = @[]