markspanbroek ccf3d04dc8
Speed up development (#303)
* [ci] Extract setup of nimbus build system into separate file

* [ci] Cleanup NodeJS setup

* [ci] Use amd64 by default

* [ci] Separate steps for unit, contract and integration tests

* [ci] Separate build job for coverage that is allowed to fail

* [ci] Separate build job for Nim 1.2

* [ci] Calculate coverage on unit tests only

This enables faster development cycles at
the expense of code coverage accuracy.

* [PoR] Test proofs of retrievability with a small block size

To get a reasonable test execution time.

* [ci] Set NIM_COMMIT environment variable

To prevent subsequent `make` command to build a
different version of Nim.

* [ci] Checkout submodules recursively

So that nimbus-build-system doesn't have to
do it afterwards.

* [ci] Update caches on every run

Will automatically update caches when a new minor version
of Nim is released.

See also:

* [ci] Set cache_nonce for all jobs, not just those in the matrix

* [build] update to latest nimbus-build-system

Requires an update to latest nim-nat-traversal

* [erasure] Test erasure coding with a small block size

To get a reasonable test execution time.

* [erasure] fix typo

* [PoR] Test PoR store with a small block size

To get a reasonable test execution time.

* [PoR] Test PoR network with a small block size

To get a reasonable test execution time.

* [ci] Ensure that unit tests are not dependent on Ethereum

Start Ethereum node *after* the unit tests are run.

* [ci] Cancel all other jobs when one fails

Allows for faster feedback loops; a next attempt to run
the CI will start sooner.
2022-11-14 14:50:00 +01:00

141 lines
4.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 Status Research & Development GmbH. Licensed under
# either of:
# - Apache License, version 2.0
# - MIT license
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
SHELL := bash # the shell used internally by Make
# used inside the included makefiles
BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR := vendor/nimbus-build-system
# -d:insecure - Necessary to enable Prometheus HTTP endpoint for metrics
# -d:chronicles_colors:none - Necessary to disable colors in logs for Docker
DOCKER_IMAGE_NIM_PARAMS ?= -d:chronicles_colors:none -d:insecure
# we don't want an error here, so we can handle things later, in the ".DEFAULT" target
-include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/
all \
clean \
coverage \
deps \
libbacktrace \
test \
ifeq ($(NIM_PARAMS),)
# "" was not included, so we update the submodules.
GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE := git submodule update --init --recursive
+@ echo -e "Git submodules not found. Running '$(GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE)'.\n"; \
# Now that the included *.mk files appeared, and are newer than this file, Make will restart itself:
# After restarting, it will execute its original goal, so we don't have to start a child Make here
# with "$(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS)". Isn't hidden control flow great?
else # "" was included. Business as usual until the end of this file.
# default target, because it's the first one that doesn't start with '.'
all: | test
# must be included after the default target
-include $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/makefiles/
# "-d:release" implies "--stacktrace:off" and it cannot be added to config.nims
NIM_PARAMS := $(NIM_PARAMS) -d:debug -d:disable_libbacktrace
NIM_PARAMS := $(NIM_PARAMS) -d:release
deps: | deps-common nat-libs codex.nims
ifneq ($(USE_LIBBACKTRACE), 0)
deps: | libbacktrace
#- deletes and recreates "codex.nims" which on Windows is a copy instead of a proper symlink
update: | update-common
rm -rf codex.nims && \
$(MAKE) codex.nims $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)
# detecting the os
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # is Windows_NT on XP, 2000, 7, Vista, 10...
detected_OS := Windows
else ifeq ($(strip $(shell uname)),Darwin)
detected_OS := macOS
# e.g. Linux
detected_OS := $(strip $(shell uname))
# Builds and run a part of the test suite
test: | build deps
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
$(ENV_SCRIPT) nim test $(NIM_PARAMS) codex.nims
# Builds and runs the smart contract tests
testContracts: | build deps
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
$(ENV_SCRIPT) nim testContracts $(NIM_PARAMS) codex.nims
# Builds and runs the integration tests
testIntegration: | build deps
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
$(ENV_SCRIPT) nim testIntegration $(NIM_PARAMS) codex.nims
# Builds and runs all tests
testAll: | build deps
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
$(ENV_SCRIPT) nim testAll $(NIM_PARAMS) codex.nims
# Builds the codex binary
exec: | build deps
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
$(ENV_SCRIPT) nim codex $(NIM_PARAMS) codex.nims
# symlink
ln -s codex.nimble $@
# nim-libbacktrace
LIBBACKTRACE_MAKE_FLAGS := -C vendor/nim-libbacktrace --no-print-directory BUILD_CXX_LIB=0
ifeq ($(detected_OS), Windows)
# MSYS2 detection
ifneq ($(MSYSTEM),)
$(MAKE) NIMFLAGS="$(NIMFLAGS) --lineDir:on --passC:-fprofile-arcs --passC:-ftest-coverage --passL:-fprofile-arcs --passL:-ftest-coverage" test
cd nimcache/release/testCodex && rm -f *.c
mkdir -p coverage
lcov --capture --directory nimcache/release/testCodex --output-file coverage/
shopt -s globstar && ls $$(pwd)/codex/{*,**/*}.nim
shopt -s globstar && lcov --extract coverage/ $$(pwd)/codex/{*,**/*}.nim --output-file coverage/
echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "coverage/report/index.html"
genhtml coverage/ --output-directory coverage/report
if which open >/dev/null; then (echo -e "\e[92mOpening\e[39m HTML coverage report in browser..." && open coverage/report/index.html) || true; fi
# usual cleaning
clean: | clean-common
rm -rf build
ifneq ($(USE_LIBBACKTRACE), 0)
+ $(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-libbacktrace clean $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)
endif # "" was not included