mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:10:33 +00:00
* rework merkle tree support * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * use default hash codec * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * update multicodecs * consolidating codex types and adding new codecs * update codec * remove temp codecs constants * move codecs related stuff out * updating codecs * misc * updating sizes since block size was adjusted to 64kb * fix merge issues and cleanup a few warnings
306 lines
9.6 KiB
306 lines
9.6 KiB
import std/os
import std/options
import std/math
import std/times
import pkg/asynctest
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/stint
import pkg/nitro
import pkg/codexdht/discv5/protocol as discv5
import pkg/codex/stores
import pkg/codex/clock
import pkg/codex/contracts
import pkg/codex/systemclock
import pkg/codex/blockexchange
import pkg/codex/chunker
import pkg/codex/node
import pkg/codex/manifest
import pkg/codex/discovery
import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt
import ../examples
import ./helpers
import ./helpers/mockmarket
import ./helpers/mockclock
proc toTimesDuration(d: chronos.Duration): times.Duration =
asyncchecksuite "Test Node":
(path, _, _) = instantiationInfo(-2, fullPaths = true) # get this file's name
file: File
chunker: Chunker
switch: Switch
wallet: WalletRef
network: BlockExcNetwork
clock: Clock
localStore: RepoStore
localStoreRepoDs: DataStore
localStoreMetaDs: DataStore
engine: BlockExcEngine
store: NetworkStore
node: CodexNodeRef
blockDiscovery: Discovery
peerStore: PeerCtxStore
pendingBlocks: PendingBlocksManager
discovery: DiscoveryEngine
proc fetch(T: type Manifest, chunker: Chunker): Future[Manifest] {.async.} =
# Collect blocks from Chunker into Manifest
await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
proc retrieve(cid: Cid): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
# Retrieve an entire file contents by file Cid
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(DefaultBlockSize.float/1.359).int # Let's check that node.retrieve can correctly rechunk data
stream = (await node.retrieve(cid)).tryGet()
data: seq[byte]
defer: await stream.close()
while not stream.atEof:
buf = newSeq[byte](oddChunkSize)
res = await stream.readOnce(addr buf[0], oddChunkSize)
check res <= oddChunkSize
data &= buf
return data
file = open(path.splitFile().dir /../ "fixtures" / "test.jpg")
chunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = DefaultBlockSize)
switch = newStandardSwitch()
wallet = WalletRef.new(EthPrivateKey.random())
network = BlockExcNetwork.new(switch)
clock = SystemClock.new()
localStoreMetaDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(Memory).tryGet()
localStoreRepoDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(Memory).tryGet()
localStore = RepoStore.new(localStoreRepoDs, localStoreMetaDs, clock=clock)
await localStore.start()
blockDiscovery = Discovery.new(
announceAddrs = @[MultiAddress.init("/ip4/")
.expect("Should return multiaddress")])
peerStore = PeerCtxStore.new()
pendingBlocks = PendingBlocksManager.new()
discovery = DiscoveryEngine.new(localStore, peerStore, network, blockDiscovery, pendingBlocks)
engine = BlockExcEngine.new(localStore, wallet, network, discovery, peerStore, pendingBlocks)
store = NetworkStore.new(engine, localStore)
node = CodexNodeRef.new(switch, store, engine, nil, blockDiscovery) # TODO: pass `Erasure`
await node.start()
await node.stop()
test "Fetch Manifest":
manifest = await Manifest.fetch(chunker)
manifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
(await localStore.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet()
fetched = (await node.fetchManifest(manifestBlock.cid)).tryGet()
fetched == manifest
test "Block Batching":
let manifest = await Manifest.fetch(chunker)
for batchSize in 1..12:
(await node.fetchBatched(
batchSize = batchSize,
proc(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[?!void] {.gcsafe, async.} =
check blocks.len > 0 and blocks.len <= batchSize
return success()
test "Store and retrieve Data Stream":
stream = BufferStream.new()
storeFut = node.store(stream)
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(DefaultBlockSize.float/3.14).NBytes # Let's check that node.store can correctly rechunk these odd chunks
oddChunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = oddChunkSize, pad = false) # TODO: doesn't work with pad=tue
original: seq[byte]
while (
let chunk = await oddChunker.getBytes();
chunk.len > 0):
original &= chunk
await stream.pushData(chunk)
await stream.pushEof()
await stream.close()
manifestCid = (await storeFut).tryGet()
(await localStore.hasBlock(manifestCid)).tryGet()
manifestBlock = (await localStore.getBlock(manifestCid)).tryGet()
localManifest = Manifest.decode(manifestBlock).tryGet()
let data = await retrieve(manifestCid)
data.len == localManifest.datasetSize.int
data.len == original.len
sha256.digest(data) == sha256.digest(original)
test "Retrieve One Block":
testString = "Block 1"
blk = bt.Block.new(testString.toBytes).tryGet()
(await localStore.putBlock(blk)).tryGet()
let stream = (await node.retrieve(blk.cid)).tryGet()
defer: await stream.close()
var data = newSeq[byte](testString.len)
await stream.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == testString
asyncchecksuite "Test Node - host contracts":
(path, _, _) = instantiationInfo(-2, fullPaths = true) # get this file's name
file: File
chunker: Chunker
switch: Switch
wallet: WalletRef
network: BlockExcNetwork
clock: MockClock
localStore: RepoStore
localStoreRepoDs: DataStore
localStoreMetaDs: DataStore
engine: BlockExcEngine
store: NetworkStore
sales: Sales
node: CodexNodeRef
blockDiscovery: Discovery
peerStore: PeerCtxStore
pendingBlocks: PendingBlocksManager
discovery: DiscoveryEngine
manifest: Manifest
manifestCid: string
proc fetch(T: type Manifest, chunker: Chunker): Future[Manifest] {.async.} =
# Collect blocks from Chunker into Manifest
await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
file = open(path.splitFile().dir /../ "fixtures" / "test.jpg")
chunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = DefaultBlockSize)
switch = newStandardSwitch()
wallet = WalletRef.new(EthPrivateKey.random())
network = BlockExcNetwork.new(switch)
clock = MockClock.new()
localStoreMetaDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(Memory).tryGet()
localStoreRepoDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(Memory).tryGet()
localStore = RepoStore.new(localStoreRepoDs, localStoreMetaDs, clock=clock)
await localStore.start()
blockDiscovery = Discovery.new(
announceAddrs = @[MultiAddress.init("/ip4/")
.expect("Should return multiaddress")])
peerStore = PeerCtxStore.new()
pendingBlocks = PendingBlocksManager.new()
discovery = DiscoveryEngine.new(localStore, peerStore, network, blockDiscovery, pendingBlocks)
engine = BlockExcEngine.new(localStore, wallet, network, discovery, peerStore, pendingBlocks)
store = NetworkStore.new(engine, localStore)
node = CodexNodeRef.new(switch, store, engine, nil, blockDiscovery) # TODO: pass `Erasure`
# Setup Host Contracts and dependencies
let market = MockMarket.new()
sales = Sales.new(market, clock, localStore)
let hostContracts = some HostInteractions.new(clock, sales)
node.contracts = (ClientInteractions.none, hostContracts, ValidatorInteractions.none)
await node.start()
# Populate manifest in local store
manifest = await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
let manifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec
manifestCid = $(manifestBlock.cid)
(await localStore.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet()
await node.stop()
test "onExpiryUpdate callback is set":
check sales.onExpiryUpdate.isSome
test "onExpiryUpdate callback":
# The blocks have set default TTL, so in order to update it we have to have larger TTL
expectedExpiry: SecondsSince1970 = clock.now + DefaultBlockTtl.seconds + 11123
expiryUpdateCallback = !sales.onExpiryUpdate
(await expiryUpdateCallback(manifestCid, expectedExpiry)).tryGet()
for index in 0..<manifest.blocksCount:
let blk = (await localStore.getBlock(manifest.treeCid, index)).tryGet
let expiryKey = (createBlockExpirationMetadataKey(blk.cid)).tryGet
let expiry = await localStoreMetaDs.get(expiryKey)
check (expiry.tryGet).toSecondsSince1970 == expectedExpiry
test "onStore callback is set":
check sales.onStore.isSome
test "onStore callback":
let onStore = !sales.onStore
var request = StorageRequest.example
request.content.cid = manifestCid
request.expiry = (getTime() + DefaultBlockTtl.toTimesDuration + 1.hours).toUnix.u256
var fetchedBytes: uint = 0
let onBatch = proc(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
for blk in blocks:
fetchedBytes += blk.data.len.uint
return success()
(await onStore(request, 0.u256, onBatch)).tryGet()
check fetchedBytes == 2293760
for index in 0..<manifest.blocksCount:
let blk = (await localStore.getBlock(manifest.treeCid, index)).tryGet
let expiryKey = (createBlockExpirationMetadataKey(blk.cid)).tryGet
let expiry = await localStoreMetaDs.get(expiryKey)
check (expiry.tryGet).toSecondsSince1970 == request.expiry.toSecondsSince1970