Eric Mastro aaf1c53e69
[marketplace] align with contract changes
- getState / state > requestState
- getSlot > getRequestFromSlotId
- support MarketplaceConfig
- support slotState, remove unneeded Slot type
- collateral > config.collateral.initialAmount
- remove proofPeriod contract call
- Revert reason “Slot empty” > “Slot is free”
- getProofEnd > read SlotState

Tests for changes
2023-02-07 11:43:31 +11:00

17 lines
777 B

import codex/contracts
import codex/contracts/testtoken
proc mint*(signer: Signer, amount = 1_000_000.u256) {.async.} =
## Mints a considerable amount of tokens and approves them for transfer to
## the Marketplace contract.
let token =!deployment().address(TestToken), signer)
let marketplace =!deployment().address(Marketplace), signer)
await signer.getAddress(), amount)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, amount)
proc deposit*(signer: Signer) {.async.} =
## Deposits sufficient collateral into the Marketplace contract.
let marketplace =!deployment().address(Marketplace), signer)
let config = await marketplace.config()
await marketplace.deposit(config.collateral.initialAmount)