
130 lines
3.3 KiB

import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/confutils
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronos/asyncproc
import pkg/stew/io2
import std/os
import std/sets
import std/sequtils
import std/strutils
import pkg/codex/conf
import pkg/codex/utils/trackedfutures
import ./codexclient
import ./nodeprocess
export codexclient
export chronicles
topics = "integration testing hardhat process"
nodeName = "hardhat"
HardhatProcess* = ref object of NodeProcess
logFile: ?IoHandle
method workingDir(node: HardhatProcess): string =
return currentSourcePath() / ".." / ".." / ".." / "vendor" / "codex-contracts-eth"
method executable(node: HardhatProcess): string =
return "node_modules" / ".bin" / "hardhat"
method startedOutput(node: HardhatProcess): string =
return "Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at"
method processOptions(node: HardhatProcess): set[AsyncProcessOption] =
return {}
method outputLineEndings(node: HardhatProcess): string =
return "\n"
proc openLogFile(node: HardhatProcess, logFilePath: string): IoHandle =
let logFileHandle = openFile(
{OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create, OpenFlags.Truncate}
without fileHandle =? logFileHandle:
fatal "failed to open log file",
path = logFilePath,
errorCode = $logFileHandle.error
raiseAssert "failed to open log file, aborting"
return fileHandle
method start*(node: HardhatProcess) {.async.} =
let poptions = node.processOptions + {AsyncProcessOption.StdErrToStdOut}
trace "starting node",
args = node.arguments,
executable = node.executable,
workingDir = node.workingDir,
processOptions = poptions
node.process = await startProcess(
@["node", "--export", "deployment-localhost.json"].concat(node.arguments),
options = poptions,
stdoutHandle = AsyncProcess.Pipe
except CatchableError as e:
error "failed to start hardhat process", error = e.msg
proc startNode*(
_: type HardhatProcess,
args: seq[string],
debug: string | bool = false,
name: string
): Future[HardhatProcess] {.async.} =
var logFilePath = ""
var arguments = newSeq[string]()
for arg in args:
if arg.contains "--log-file=":
logFilePath = arg.split("=")[1]
arguments.add arg
trace "starting hardhat node", arguments
## Starts a Hardhat Node with the specified arguments.
## Set debug to 'true' to see output of the node.
let hardhat = HardhatProcess(
arguments: arguments,
debug: ($debug != "false"),
name: "hardhat"
await hardhat.start()
if logFilePath != "":
hardhat.logFile = some hardhat.openLogFile(logFilePath)
return hardhat
method onOutputLineCaptured(node: HardhatProcess, line: string) =
without logFile =? node.logFile:
if error =? logFile.writeFile(line & "\n").errorOption:
error "failed to write to hardhat file", errorCode = error
discard logFile.closeFile()
node.logFile = none IoHandle
method stop*(node: HardhatProcess) {.async.} =
# terminate the process
await procCall NodeProcess(node).stop()
if logFile =? node.logFile:
trace "closing hardhat log file"
discard logFile.closeFile()
method removeDataDir*(node: HardhatProcess) =