mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:10:33 +00:00
* track inflight requests * preperly handle precense updates * trace number of of scheduled blocks * invoke `payForBlocks` at the correct time * reduntant block info on want list updates * don't update prices in task handler * PeerID -> PeerId * cleanup * proper log topic * better chronicles topic filtering * more trace logging * sort want blocks * wip - fix tests * wip - fix tests, presence changes * fix small test issue * return price * payment related changes * misc * re-enable payment tests * fix warn wording * fix `u256` conversion * minor misc changes * don't idle for so long on `encode` * logging * move buff * disable cache by default * disable cache by default * fix streamOneBlock * log node stopping/exiting * trace logging * don't stringify cid * use `self` * quick cleanup * rename enums * rename enums * turns out we don't needs this test * fix wording
393 lines
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393 lines
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/options
import std/tables
import std/sequtils
import std/strformat
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p
# TODO: remove once exported by libp2p
import pkg/libp2p/routing_record
import pkg/libp2p/signed_envelope
import ./chunker
import ./blocktype as bt
import ./manifest
import ./stores/blockstore
import ./blockexchange
import ./streams
import ./erasure
import ./discovery
import ./contracts
topics = "codex node"
FetchBatch = 200
BatchProc* = proc(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[void] {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
CodexError = object of CatchableError
CodexNodeRef* = ref object
switch*: Switch
networkId*: PeerID
blockStore*: BlockStore
engine*: BlockExcEngine
erasure*: Erasure
discovery*: Discovery
contracts*: ?ContractInteractions
proc findPeer*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
peerId: PeerID): Future[?PeerRecord] {.async.} =
return await node.discovery.findPeer(peerId)
proc connect*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
peerId: PeerID,
addrs: seq[MultiAddress]): Future[void] =
node.switch.connect(peerId, addrs)
proc fetchManifest*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
cid: Cid): Future[?!Manifest] {.async.} =
## Fetch and decode a manifest block
without contentType =? cid.contentType() and
containerType =? ManifestContainers.?[$contentType]:
return failure "CID has invalid content type for manifest"
trace "Received retrieval request", cid
without blk =? await node.blockStore.getBlock(cid), error:
return failure error
without manifest =? Manifest.decode(blk):
return failure(
newException(CodexError, "Unable to decode as manifest"))
return manifest.success
proc fetchBatched*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
manifest: Manifest,
batchSize = FetchBatch,
onBatch: BatchProc = nil): Future[?!void] {.async, gcsafe.} =
## Fetch manifest in batches of `batchSize`
batches =
(manifest.blocks.len div batchSize) +
(manifest.blocks.len mod batchSize)
trace "Fetching blocks in batches of", size = batchSize
for blks in manifest.blocks.distribute(max(1, batches), true):
blocks = blks.mapIt(node.blockStore.getBlock( it ))
await allFuturesThrowing(allFinished(blocks))
if not onBatch.isNil:
await onBatch(blocks.mapIt( it.read.get ))
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
return failure(exc.msg)
return success()
proc retrieve*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
cid: Cid): Future[?!LPStream] {.async.} =
## Retrieve by Cid a single block or an entire dataset described by manifest
if manifest =? (await node.fetchManifest(cid)):
if manifest.protected:
# Retrieve, decode and save to the local store all EС groups
proc erasureJob(): Future[void] {.async.} =
# Spawn an erasure decoding job
without res =? (await node.erasure.decode(manifest)), error:
trace "Unable to erasure decode manifest", cid, exc = error.msg
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Exception decoding manifest", cid
asyncSpawn erasureJob()
# Prefetch the entire dataset into the local store
proc prefetchBlocks() {.async, raises: [Defect].} =
discard await node.fetchBatched(manifest)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Exception prefetching blocks", exc = exc.msg
# asyncSpawn prefetchBlocks() - temporarily commented out
# Retrieve all blocks of the dataset sequentially from the local store or network
return LPStream(StoreStream.new(node.blockStore, manifest, pad = false)).success
stream = BufferStream.new()
without blk =? (await node.blockStore.getBlock(cid)), err:
return failure(err)
proc streamOneBlock(): Future[void] {.async.} =
await stream.pushData(blk.data)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Unable to send block", cid
await stream.pushEof()
asyncSpawn streamOneBlock()
return LPStream(stream).success()
return failure("Unable to retrieve Cid!")
proc store*(
self: CodexNodeRef,
stream: LPStream,
blockSize = BlockSize): Future[?!Cid] {.async.} =
## Save stream contents as dataset with given blockSize
## to nodes's BlockStore, and return Cid of its manifest
trace "Storing data"
without var blockManifest =? Manifest.new(blockSize = blockSize):
return failure("Unable to create Block Set")
# Manifest and chunker should use the same blockSize
let chunker = LPStreamChunker.new(stream, chunkSize = blockSize)
while (
let chunk = await chunker.getBytes();
chunk.len > 0):
trace "Got data from stream", len = chunk.len
without blk =? bt.Block.new(chunk):
return failure("Unable to init block from chunk!")
if isErr (await self.blockStore.putBlock(blk)):
# trace "Unable to store block", cid = blk.cid
return failure(&"Unable to store block {blk.cid}")
except CancelledError as exc:
raise exc
except CatchableError as exc:
return failure(exc.msg)
await stream.close()
# Generate manifest
blockManifest.originalBytes = chunker.offset # store the exact file size
without data =? blockManifest.encode():
return failure(
newException(CodexError, "Could not generate dataset manifest!"))
# Store as a dag-pb block
without manifest =? bt.Block.new(data = data, codec = DagPBCodec):
trace "Unable to init block from manifest data!"
return failure("Unable to init block from manifest data!")
if isErr (await self.blockStore.putBlock(manifest)):
trace "Unable to store manifest", cid = manifest.cid
return failure("Unable to store manifest " & $manifest.cid)
without cid =? blockManifest.cid, error:
trace "Unable to generate manifest Cid!", exc = error.msg
return failure(error.msg)
trace "Stored data", manifestCid = manifest.cid,
contentCid = cid,
blocks = blockManifest.len
# Announce manifest
await self.discovery.provide(manifest.cid)
return manifest.cid.success
proc requestStorage*(self: CodexNodeRef,
cid: Cid,
duration: UInt256,
nodes: uint,
tolerance: uint,
reward: UInt256,
expiry = UInt256.none): Future[?!PurchaseId] {.async.} =
## Initiate a request for storage sequence, this might
## be a multistep procedure.
## Roughly the flow is as follows:
## - Get the original cid from the store (should have already been uploaded)
## - Erasure code it according to the nodes and tolerance parameters
## - Run the PoR setup on the erasure dataset
## - Call into the marketplace and purchasing contracts
trace "Received a request for storage!", cid, duration, nodes, tolerance, reward
without contracts =? self.contracts:
trace "Purchasing not available"
return failure "Purchasing not available"
without manifest =? await self.fetchManifest(cid), error:
trace "Unable to fetch manifest for cid", cid
raise error
# Erasure code the dataset according to provided parameters
without encoded =? (await self.erasure.encode(manifest, nodes.int, tolerance.int)), error:
trace "Unable to erasure code dataset", cid
return failure(error)
without encodedData =? encoded.encode(), error:
trace "Unable to encode protected manifest"
return failure(error)
without encodedBlk =? bt.Block.new(data = encodedData, codec = DagPBCodec), error:
trace "Unable to create block from encoded manifest"
return failure(error)
if isErr (await self.blockStore.putBlock(encodedBlk)):
trace "Unable to store encoded manifest block", cid = encodedBlk.cid
return failure("Unable to store encoded manifest block")
let request = StorageRequest(
ask: StorageAsk(
slots: nodes + tolerance,
slotSize: (encoded.blockSize * encoded.steps).u256,
duration: duration,
reward: reward,
maxSlotLoss: tolerance
content: StorageContent(
cid: $encodedBlk.cid,
erasure: StorageErasure(
totalChunks: encoded.len.uint64,
por: StoragePor(
u: @[], # TODO: PoR setup
publicKey: @[], # TODO: PoR setup
name: @[] # TODO: PoR setup
expiry: expiry |? 0.u256
let purchase = await contracts.purchasing.purchase(request)
return success purchase.id
proc new*(
T: type CodexNodeRef,
switch: Switch,
store: BlockStore,
engine: BlockExcEngine,
erasure: Erasure,
discovery: Discovery,
contracts = ContractInteractions.none): T =
switch: switch,
blockStore: store,
engine: engine,
erasure: erasure,
discovery: discovery,
contracts: contracts)
proc start*(node: CodexNodeRef) {.async.} =
if not node.switch.isNil:
await node.switch.start()
if not node.engine.isNil:
await node.engine.start()
if not node.erasure.isNil:
await node.erasure.start()
if not node.discovery.isNil:
await node.discovery.start()
if contracts =? node.contracts:
# TODO: remove Sales callbacks, pass BlockStore and StorageProofs instead
contracts.sales.onStore = proc(request: StorageRequest,
slot: UInt256,
availability: Availability) {.async.} =
## store data in local storage
without cid =? Cid.init(request.content.cid):
trace "Unable to parse Cid", cid
raise newException(CodexError, "Unable to parse Cid")
without manifest =? await node.fetchManifest(cid), error:
trace "Unable to fetch manifest for cid", cid
raise error
trace "Fetching block for manifest", cid
# TODO: This will probably require a call to `getBlock` either way,
# since fetching of blocks will have to be selective according
# to a combination of parameters, such as node slot position
# and dataset geometry
let fetchRes = await node.fetchBatched(manifest)
if fetchRes.isErr:
raise newException(CodexError, "Unable to retrieve blocks")
contracts.sales.onClear = proc(availability: Availability,
request: StorageRequest,
slotIndex: UInt256) =
# TODO: remove data from local storage
contracts.sales.onProve = proc(request: StorageRequest,
slot: UInt256): Future[seq[byte]] {.async.} =
# TODO: generate proof
return @[42'u8]
await contracts.start()
except CatchableError as error:
error "Unable to start contract interactions: ", error=error.msg
node.contracts = ContractInteractions.none
node.networkId = node.switch.peerInfo.peerId
notice "Started codex node", id = $node.networkId, addrs = node.switch.peerInfo.addrs
proc stop*(node: CodexNodeRef) {.async.} =
trace "Stopping node"
if not node.engine.isNil:
await node.engine.stop()
if not node.switch.isNil:
await node.switch.stop()
if not node.erasure.isNil:
await node.erasure.stop()
if not node.discovery.isNil:
await node.discovery.stop()
if contracts =? node.contracts:
await contracts.stop()
if not node.blockStore.isNil:
await node.blockStore.close