Eric 8dd0a420c6
Update integration tests to use cli commands
Integration tests have been updated to use the new cli commands. The api for usage in the integration tests has also changed a bit.

Proofs tests have been updated to use 5 nodes and 8 blocks of data. The remaining integration tests also need to be updated.
2024-02-21 16:09:43 +11:00

622 lines
18 KiB

## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
import std/os
import std/terminal
import std/options
import std/strutils
import std/typetraits
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles/helpers
import pkg/chronicles/topics_registry
import pkg/confutils/defs
import pkg/confutils/std/net
import pkg/toml_serialization
import pkg/metrics
import pkg/metrics/chronos_httpserver
import pkg/stew/shims/net as stewnet
import pkg/stew/shims/parseutils
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/ethers
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./codextypes
import ./discovery
import ./logutils
import ./stores
import ./units
import ./utils
export units, net, codextypes, logutils
proc defaultDataDir*(): string =
let dataDir = when defined(windows):
"AppData" / "Roaming" / "Codex"
elif defined(macosx):
"Library" / "Application Support" / "Codex"
".cache" / "codex"
getHomeDir() / dataDir
codex_enable_api_debug_peers* {.booldefine.} = false
codex_enable_proof_failures* {.booldefine.} = false
codex_use_hardhat* {.booldefine.} = false
codex_enable_log_counter* {.booldefine.} = false
DefaultDataDir* = defaultDataDir()
StartUpCmd* {.pure.} = enum
PersistenceCmd* {.pure.} = enum
LogKind* {.pure.} = enum
Auto = "auto"
Colors = "colors"
NoColors = "nocolors"
Json = "json"
None = "none"
RepoKind* = enum
repoFS = "fs"
repoSQLite = "sqlite"
CodexConf* = object
configFile* {.
desc: "Loads the configuration from a TOML file"
defaultValueDesc: "none"
defaultValue: InputFile.none
name: "config-file" }: Option[InputFile]
logLevel* {.
defaultValue: "info"
desc: "Sets the log level",
name: "log-level" }: string
logFormat* {.
desc: "Specifies what kind of logs should be written to stdout (auto, colors, nocolors, json)"
defaultValueDesc: "auto"
defaultValue: LogKind.Auto
name: "log-format" }: LogKind
metricsEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the metrics server"
defaultValue: false
name: "metrics" }: bool
metricsAddress* {.
desc: "Listening address of the metrics server"
defaultValue: ValidIpAddress.init("")
defaultValueDesc: ""
name: "metrics-address" }: ValidIpAddress
metricsPort* {.
desc: "Listening HTTP port of the metrics server"
defaultValue: 8008
name: "metrics-port" }: Port
dataDir* {.
desc: "The directory where codex will store configuration and data"
defaultValue: DefaultDataDir
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultDataDir
abbr: "d"
name: "data-dir" }: OutDir
listenAddrs* {.
desc: "Multi Addresses to listen on"
defaultValue: @[
.expect("Should init multiaddress")]
defaultValueDesc: "/ip4/"
abbr: "i"
name: "listen-addrs" }: seq[MultiAddress]
# TODO: change this once we integrate nat support
nat* {.
desc: "IP Addresses to announce behind a NAT"
defaultValue: ValidIpAddress.init("")
defaultValueDesc: ""
abbr: "a"
name: "nat" }: ValidIpAddress
discoveryIp* {.
desc: "Discovery listen address"
defaultValue: ValidIpAddress.init(IPv4_any())
defaultValueDesc: ""
abbr: "e"
name: "disc-ip" }: ValidIpAddress
discoveryPort* {.
desc: "Discovery (UDP) port"
defaultValue: 8090.Port
defaultValueDesc: "8090"
abbr: "u"
name: "disc-port" }: Port
netPrivKeyFile* {.
desc: "Source of network (secp256k1) private key file path or name"
defaultValue: "key"
name: "net-privkey" }: string
bootstrapNodes* {.
desc: "Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes to use when connecting to the network"
abbr: "b"
name: "bootstrap-node" }: seq[SignedPeerRecord]
maxPeers* {.
desc: "The maximum number of peers to connect to"
defaultValue: 160
name: "max-peers" }: int
agentString* {.
defaultValue: "Codex"
desc: "Node agent string which is used as identifier in network"
name: "agent-string" }: string
apiBindAddress* {.
desc: "The REST API bind address"
defaultValue: ""
name: "api-bindaddr"
}: string
apiPort* {.
desc: "The REST Api port",
defaultValue: 8080.Port
defaultValueDesc: "8080"
name: "api-port"
abbr: "p" }: Port
repoKind* {.
desc: "Backend for main repo store (fs, sqlite)"
defaultValueDesc: "fs"
defaultValue: repoFS
name: "repo-kind" }: RepoKind
storageQuota* {.
desc: "The size of the total storage quota dedicated to the node"
defaultValue: DefaultQuotaBytes
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultQuotaBytes
name: "storage-quota"
abbr: "q" }: NBytes
blockTtl* {.
desc: "Default block timeout in seconds - 0 disables the ttl"
defaultValue: DefaultBlockTtl
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultBlockTtl
name: "block-ttl"
abbr: "t" }: Duration
blockMaintenanceInterval* {.
desc: "Time interval in seconds - determines frequency of block maintenance cycle: how often blocks are checked for expiration and cleanup"
defaultValue: DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultBlockMaintenanceInterval
name: "block-mi" }: Duration
blockMaintenanceNumberOfBlocks* {.
desc: "Number of blocks to check every maintenance cycle"
defaultValue: DefaultNumberOfBlocksToMaintainPerInterval
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultNumberOfBlocksToMaintainPerInterval
name: "block-mn" }: int
cacheSize* {.
desc: "The size of the block cache, 0 disables the cache - might help on slow hardrives"
defaultValue: 0
defaultValueDesc: "0"
name: "cache-size"
abbr: "c" }: NBytes
logFile* {.
desc: "Logs to file"
defaultValue: string.none
name: "log-file"
.}: Option[string]
case cmd* {.
defaultValue: noCmd
command }: StartUpCmd
of persistence:
ethProvider* {.
desc: "The URL of the JSON-RPC API of the Ethereum node"
defaultValue: "ws://localhost:8545"
name: "eth-provider"
.}: string
ethAccount* {.
desc: "The Ethereum account that is used for storage contracts"
defaultValue: EthAddress.none
defaultValueDesc: ""
name: "eth-account"
.}: Option[EthAddress]
ethPrivateKey* {.
desc: "File containing Ethereum private key for storage contracts"
defaultValue: string.none
defaultValueDesc: ""
name: "eth-private-key"
.}: Option[string]
marketplaceAddress* {.
desc: "Address of deployed Marketplace contract"
defaultValue: EthAddress.none
defaultValueDesc: ""
name: "marketplace-address"
.}: Option[EthAddress]
# TODO: should go behind a feature flag
simulateProofFailures* {.
desc: "Simulates proof failures once every N proofs. 0 = disabled."
defaultValue: 0
name: "simulate-proof-failures"
.}: int
validator* {.
desc: "Enables validator, requires an Ethereum node"
defaultValue: false
name: "validator"
.}: bool
validatorMaxSlots* {.
desc: "Maximum number of slots that the validator monitors"
defaultValue: 1000
name: "validator-max-slots"
.}: int
case persistenceCmd* {.
defaultValue: noCmd
command }: PersistenceCmd
of PersistenceCmd.prover:
circomR1cs* {.
desc: "The r1cs file for the storage circuit"
defaultValue: $DefaultDataDir / "circuits" / "proof_main.r1cs"
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultDataDir & "/circuits/proof_main.r1cs"
name: "circom-r1cs"
.}: InputFile
circomWasm* {.
desc: "The wasm file for the storage circuit"
defaultValue: $DefaultDataDir / "circuits" / "proof_main.wasm"
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultDataDir & "/circuits/proof_main.wasm"
name: "circom-wasm"
.}: InputFile
circomZkey* {.
desc: "The zkey file for the storage circuit"
defaultValue: $DefaultDataDir / "circuits" / "proof_main.zkey"
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultDataDir & "/circuits/proof_main.zkey"
name: "circom-zkey"
.}: InputFile
# TODO: should probably be hidden and behind a feature flag
circomNoZkey* {.
desc: "Ignore the zkey file - use only for testing!"
defaultValue: false
name: "circom-no-zkey"
.}: bool
numProofSamples* {.
desc: "Number of samples to prove"
defaultValue: DefaultSamplesNum
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultSamplesNum
name: "proof-samples" }: int
maxSlotDepth* {.
desc: "The maximum depth of the slot tree"
defaultValue: DefaultMaxSlotDepth
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultMaxSlotDepth
name: "max-slot-depth" }: int
maxDatasetDepth* {.
desc: "The maximum depth of the dataset tree"
defaultValue: DefaultMaxDatasetDepth
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultMaxDatasetDepth
name: "max-dataset-depth" }: int
maxBlockDepth* {.
desc: "The maximum depth of the network block merkle tree"
defaultValue: DefaultBlockDepth
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultBlockDepth
name: "max-block-depth" }: int
maxCellElms* {.
desc: "The maximum number of elements in a cell"
defaultValue: DefaultCellElms
defaultValueDesc: $DefaultCellElms
name: "max-cell-elements" }: int
of PersistenceCmd.noCmd:
of StartUpCmd.noCmd:
discard # end of persistence
EthAddress* = ethers.Address
logutils.formatIt(LogFormat.textLines, EthAddress): it.short0xHexLog
logutils.formatIt(LogFormat.json, EthAddress): %it
func persistence*(self: CodexConf): bool =
self.cmd == StartUpCmd.persistence
func prover*(self: CodexConf): bool =
self.persistence and self.persistenceCmd == PersistenceCmd.prover
proc getCodexVersion(): string =
let tag = strip(staticExec("git tag"))
if tag.isEmptyOrWhitespace:
return "untagged build"
return tag
proc getCodexRevision(): string =
# using a slice in a static context breaks nimsuggest for some reason
var res = strip(staticExec("git rev-parse --short HEAD"))
return res
proc getNimBanner(): string =
staticExec("nim --version | grep Version")
codexVersion* = getCodexVersion()
codexRevision* = getCodexRevision()
nimBanner* = getNimBanner()
codexFullVersion* =
"Codex version: " & codexVersion & "\p" &
"Codex revision: " & codexRevision & "\p" &
proc parseCmdArg*(T: typedesc[MultiAddress],
input: string): MultiAddress
{.upraises: [ValueError, LPError].} =
var ma: MultiAddress
let res = MultiAddress.init(input)
if res.isOk:
ma = res.get()
warn "Invalid MultiAddress", input=input, error = res.error()
quit QuitFailure
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type SignedPeerRecord, uri: string): T =
var res: SignedPeerRecord
if not res.fromURI(uri):
warn "Invalid SignedPeerRecord uri", uri = uri
quit QuitFailure
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Invalid SignedPeerRecord uri", uri = uri, error = exc.msg
quit QuitFailure
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress, address: string): T =
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type NBytes, val: string): T =
var num = 0'i64
let count = parseSize(val, num, alwaysBin = true)
if count == 0:
warn "Invalid number of bytes", nbytes = val
quit QuitFailure
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type Duration, val: string): T =
var dur: Duration
let count = parseDuration(val, dur)
if count == 0:
warn "Cannot parse duration", dur = dur
quit QuitFailure
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var EthAddress)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
val = EthAddress.init(r.readValue(string)).get()
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var SignedPeerRecord) =
without uri =? r.readValue(string).catch, err:
error "invalid SignedPeerRecord configuration value", error = err.msg
quit QuitFailure
val = SignedPeerRecord.parseCmdArg(uri)
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var MultiAddress) =
without input =? r.readValue(string).catch, err:
error "invalid MultiAddress configuration value", error = err.msg
quit QuitFailure
let res = MultiAddress.init(input)
if res.isOk:
val = res.get()
warn "Invalid MultiAddress", input=input, error=res.error()
quit QuitFailure
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var NBytes)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
var value = 0'i64
var str = r.readValue(string)
let count = parseSize(str, value, alwaysBin = true)
if count == 0:
error "invalid number of bytes for configuration value", value = str
quit QuitFailure
val = NBytes(value)
proc readValue*(r: var TomlReader, val: var Duration)
{.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
var str = r.readValue(string)
var dur: Duration
let count = parseDuration(str, dur)
if count == 0:
error "Invalid duration parse", value = str
quit QuitFailure
val = dur
# no idea why confutils needs this:
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress; val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type NBytes; val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Duration; val: string): seq[string] =
# silly chronicles, colors is a compile-time property
proc stripAnsi*(v: string): string =
res = newStringOfCap(v.len)
i: int
while i < v.len:
let c = v[i]
if c == '\x1b':
x = i + 1
found = false
while x < v.len: # look for [..m
let c2 = v[x]
if x == i + 1:
if c2 != '[':
if c2 in {'0'..'9'} + {';'}:
discard # keep looking
elif c2 == 'm':
i = x + 1
found = true
inc x
if found: # skip adding c
res.add c
inc i
proc updateLogLevel*(logLevel: string) {.upraises: [ValueError].} =
# Updates log levels (without clearing old ones)
let directives = logLevel.split(";")
except ValueError:
raise (ref ValueError)(msg: "Please specify one of: trace, debug, info, notice, warn, error or fatal")
if directives.len > 1:
for topicName, settings in parseTopicDirectives(directives[1..^1]):
if not setTopicState(topicName, settings.state, settings.logLevel):
warn "Unrecognized logging topic", topic = topicName
proc setupLogging*(conf: CodexConf) =
when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity != 3:
warn "Logging configuration options not enabled in the current build"
var logFile: ?IoHandle
proc noOutput(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = discard
proc writeAndFlush(f: File, msg: LogOutputStr) =
except IOError as err:
logLoggingFailure(cstring(msg), err)
proc stdoutFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) =
writeAndFlush(stdout, msg)
proc noColorsFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) =
writeAndFlush(stdout, stripAnsi(msg))
proc fileFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) =
if file =? logFile:
if error =? file.writeFile(stripAnsi(msg).toBytes).errorOption:
error "failed to write to log file", errorCode = $error
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[2].writer = noOutput
if logFilePath =? conf.logFile and logFilePath.len > 0:
let logFileHandle = openFile(
{OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create, OpenFlags.Truncate}
if logFileHandle.isErr:
error "failed to open log file",
path = logFilePath,
errorCode = $logFileHandle.error
logFile = logFileHandle.option
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[2].writer = fileFlush
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = noOutput
let writer =
case conf.logFormat:
of LogKind.Auto:
if isatty(stdout):
of LogKind.Colors: stdoutFlush
of LogKind.NoColors: noColorsFlush
of LogKind.Json:
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = stdoutFlush
of LogKind.None:
when codex_enable_log_counter:
var counter = 0.uint64
proc numberedWriter(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) =
let withoutNewLine = msg[0..^2]
writer(logLevel, withoutNewLine & " count=" & $counter & "\n")
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = numberedWriter
defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = writer
except ValueError as err:
stderr.write "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg & "\n"
except IOError:
echo "Invalid value for --log-level. " & err.msg
quit QuitFailure
proc setupMetrics*(config: CodexConf) =
if config.metricsEnabled:
let metricsAddress = config.metricsAddress
notice "Starting metrics HTTP server",
url = "http://" & $metricsAddress & ":" & $config.metricsPort & "/metrics"
startMetricsHttpServer($metricsAddress, config.metricsPort)
except CatchableError as exc:
raiseAssert exc.msg
except Exception as exc:
raiseAssert exc.msg # TODO fix metrics