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synced 2025-03-02 21:40:36 +00:00
* implement a logging proxy The logging proxy: - prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson), - prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization, - and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks * Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names * clean up * add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict * Allow specifying textlines and json format separately Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks. Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink. * remove unneeded usages of std/json We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json * move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared * fix NoColors ambiguity Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows. * Remove nre usage to fix Windows error Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :) * Add logutils module doc * Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes` Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt * remove debug integration test config debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs * Use ## module doc to support docgen * bump nim-poseidon2 to export fromBytes Before the changes in this branch, fromBytes was likely being resolved by nim-stew, or other dependency. With the changes in this branch, that dependency was removed and fromBytes could no longer be resolved. By exporting fromBytes from nim-poseidon, the correct resolution is now happening. * fixes to get compiling after rebasing master * Add support for Result types being logged using formatIt
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/sequtils
import std/strutils
import std/os
import std/tables
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/presto
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/confutils
import pkg/confutils/defs
import pkg/nitro
import pkg/stew/io2
import pkg/stew/shims/net as stewnet
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/ethers except Rng
import ./node
import ./conf
import ./rng
import ./rest/api
import ./stores
import ./blockexchange
import ./utils/fileutils
import ./erasure
import ./discovery
import ./contracts
import ./systemclock
import ./contracts/clock
import ./contracts/deployment
import ./utils/addrutils
import ./namespaces
import ./logutils
topics = "codex node"
CodexServer* = ref object
runHandle: Future[void]
config: CodexConf
restServer: RestServerRef
codexNode: CodexNodeRef
repoStore: RepoStore
maintenance: BlockMaintainer
CodexPrivateKey* = libp2p.PrivateKey # alias
EthWallet = ethers.Wallet
proc bootstrapInteractions(
s: CodexServer): Future[void] {.async.} =
## bootstrap interactions and return contracts
## using clients, hosts, validators pairings
config = s.config
repo = s.repoStore
if not config.persistence and not config.validator:
if config.ethAccount.isSome or config.ethPrivateKey.isSome:
warn "Ethereum account was set, but neither persistence nor validator is enabled"
if not config.ethAccount.isSome and not config.ethPrivateKey.isSome:
if config.persistence:
error "Persistence enabled, but no Ethereum account was set"
if config.validator:
error "Validator enabled, but no Ethereum account was set"
quit QuitFailure
let provider = JsonRpcProvider.new(config.ethProvider)
var signer: Signer
if account =? config.ethAccount:
signer = provider.getSigner(account)
elif keyFile =? config.ethPrivateKey:
without isSecure =? checkSecureFile(keyFile):
error "Could not check file permissions: does Ethereum private key file exist?"
quit QuitFailure
if not isSecure:
error "Ethereum private key file does not have safe file permissions"
quit QuitFailure
without key =? keyFile.readAllChars():
error "Unable to read Ethereum private key file"
quit QuitFailure
without wallet =? EthWallet.new(key.strip(), provider):
error "Invalid Ethereum private key in file"
quit QuitFailure
signer = wallet
let deploy = Deployment.new(provider, config)
without marketplaceAddress =? await deploy.address(Marketplace):
error "No Marketplace address was specified or there is no known address for the current network"
quit QuitFailure
let marketplace = Marketplace.new(marketplaceAddress, signer)
let market = OnChainMarket.new(marketplace)
let clock = OnChainClock.new(provider)
var client: ?ClientInteractions
var host: ?HostInteractions
var validator: ?ValidatorInteractions
if config.validator or config.persistence:
s.codexNode.clock = clock
s.codexNode.clock = SystemClock()
if config.persistence:
# This is used for simulation purposes. Normal nodes won't be compiled with this flag
# and hence the proof failure will always be 0.
when codex_enable_proof_failures:
let proofFailures = config.simulateProofFailures
if proofFailures > 0:
warn "Enabling proof failure simulation!"
let proofFailures = 0
if config.simulateProofFailures > 0:
warn "Proof failure simulation is not enabled for this build! Configuration ignored"
let purchasing = Purchasing.new(market, clock)
let sales = Sales.new(market, clock, repo, proofFailures)
client = some ClientInteractions.new(clock, purchasing)
host = some HostInteractions.new(clock, sales)
if config.validator:
let validation = Validation.new(clock, market, config.validatorMaxSlots)
validator = some ValidatorInteractions.new(clock, validation)
s.codexNode.contracts = (client, host, validator)
proc start*(s: CodexServer) {.async.} =
trace "Starting codex node", config = $s.config
await s.repoStore.start()
await s.codexNode.switch.start()
# TODO: Can't define these as constants, pity
natIpPart = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/" & $s.config.nat & "/")
.expect("Should create multiaddress")
anyAddrIp = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/")
.expect("Should create multiaddress")
loopBackAddrIp = MultiAddress.init("/ip4/")
.expect("Should create multiaddress")
# announce addresses should be set to bound addresses,
# but the IP should be mapped to the provided nat ip
announceAddrs = s.codexNode.switch.peerInfo.addrs.mapIt:
listenIPPart = it[multiCodec("ip4")].expect("Should get IP")
if listenIPPart == anyAddrIp or
(listenIPPart == loopBackAddrIp and natIpPart != loopBackAddrIp):
s.codexNode.discovery.updateDhtRecord(s.config.nat, s.config.discoveryPort)
await s.bootstrapInteractions()
await s.codexNode.start()
s.runHandle = newFuture[void]("codex.runHandle")
await s.runHandle
proc stop*(s: CodexServer) {.async.} =
notice "Stopping codex node"
await allFuturesThrowing(
proc new*(
T: type CodexServer,
config: CodexConf,
privateKey: CodexPrivateKey): CodexServer =
## create CodexServer including setting up datastore, repostore, etc
switch = SwitchBuilder
.withMplex(5.minutes, 5.minutes)
cache: CacheStore = nil
if config.cacheSize > 0'nb:
cache = CacheStore.new(cacheSize = config.cacheSize)
## Is unused?
discoveryDir = config.dataDir / CodexDhtNamespace
if io2.createPath(discoveryDir).isErr:
trace "Unable to create discovery directory for block store", discoveryDir = discoveryDir
raise (ref Defect)(
msg: "Unable to create discovery directory for block store: " & discoveryDir)
discoveryStore = Datastore(
SQLiteDatastore.new(config.dataDir / CodexDhtProvidersNamespace)
.expect("Should create discovery datastore!"))
discovery = Discovery.new(
announceAddrs = config.listenAddrs,
bindIp = config.discoveryIp,
bindPort = config.discoveryPort,
bootstrapNodes = config.bootstrapNodes,
store = discoveryStore)
wallet = WalletRef.new(EthPrivateKey.random())
network = BlockExcNetwork.new(switch)
repoData = case config.repoKind
of repoFS: Datastore(FSDatastore.new($config.dataDir, depth = 5)
.expect("Should create repo file data store!"))
of repoSQLite: Datastore(SQLiteDatastore.new($config.dataDir)
.expect("Should create repo SQLite data store!"))
repoStore = RepoStore.new(
repoDs = repoData,
metaDs = SQLiteDatastore.new(config.dataDir / CodexMetaNamespace)
.expect("Should create meta data store!"),
quotaMaxBytes = config.storageQuota.uint,
blockTtl = config.blockTtl)
maintenance = BlockMaintainer.new(
interval = config.blockMaintenanceInterval,
numberOfBlocksPerInterval = config.blockMaintenanceNumberOfBlocks)
peerStore = PeerCtxStore.new()
pendingBlocks = PendingBlocksManager.new()
blockDiscovery = DiscoveryEngine.new(repoStore, peerStore, network, discovery, pendingBlocks)
engine = BlockExcEngine.new(repoStore, wallet, network, blockDiscovery, peerStore, pendingBlocks)
store = NetworkStore.new(engine, repoStore)
erasure = Erasure.new(store, leoEncoderProvider, leoDecoderProvider)
codexNode = CodexNodeRef.new(switch, store, engine, erasure, discovery)
restServer = RestServerRef.new(
codexNode.initRestApi(config, repoStore),
initTAddress(config.apiBindAddress , config.apiPort),
bufferSize = (1024 * 64),
maxRequestBodySize = int.high)
.expect("Should start rest server!")
config: config,
codexNode: codexNode,
restServer: restServer,
repoStore: repoStore,
maintenance: maintenance)