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synced 2025-03-02 21:40:36 +00:00
* implement a logging proxy The logging proxy: - prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson), - prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization, - and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks * Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names * clean up * add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict * Allow specifying textlines and json format separately Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks. Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink. * remove unneeded usages of std/json We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json * move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared * fix NoColors ambiguity Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows. * Remove nre usage to fix Windows error Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :) * Add logutils module doc * Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes` Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt * remove debug integration test config debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs * Use ## module doc to support docgen * bump nim-poseidon2 to export fromBytes Before the changes in this branch, fromBytes was likely being resolved by nim-stew, or other dependency. With the changes in this branch, that dependency was removed and fromBytes could no longer be resolved. By exporting fromBytes from nim-poseidon, the correct resolution is now happening. * fixes to get compiling after rebasing master * Add support for Result types being logged using formatIt
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/tables
import std/sequtils
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/libp2p/utils/semaphore
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ../../blocktype as bt
import ../../logutils
import ../protobuf/blockexc as pb
import ../protobuf/payments
import ./networkpeer
export network, payments
topics = "codex blockexcnetwork"
Codec* = "/codex/blockexc/1.0.0"
MaxInflight* = 100
WantListHandler* = proc(peer: PeerId, wantList: WantList): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
BlocksDeliveryHandler* = proc(peer: PeerId, blocks: seq[BlockDelivery]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
BlockPresenceHandler* = proc(peer: PeerId, precense: seq[BlockPresence]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
AccountHandler* = proc(peer: PeerId, account: Account): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
PaymentHandler* = proc(peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
WantListSender* = proc(
id: PeerId,
addresses: seq[BlockAddress],
priority: int32 = 0,
cancel: bool = false,
wantType: WantType = WantType.WantHave,
full: bool = false,
sendDontHave: bool = false): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
BlockExcHandlers* = object
onWantList*: WantListHandler
onBlocksDelivery*: BlocksDeliveryHandler
onPresence*: BlockPresenceHandler
onAccount*: AccountHandler
onPayment*: PaymentHandler
BlocksDeliverySender* = proc(peer: PeerId, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
PresenceSender* = proc(peer: PeerId, presence: seq[BlockPresence]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
AccountSender* = proc(peer: PeerId, account: Account): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
PaymentSender* = proc(peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
BlockExcRequest* = object
sendWantList*: WantListSender
sendBlocksDelivery*: BlocksDeliverySender
sendPresence*: PresenceSender
sendAccount*: AccountSender
sendPayment*: PaymentSender
BlockExcNetwork* = ref object of LPProtocol
peers*: Table[PeerId, NetworkPeer]
switch*: Switch
handlers*: BlockExcHandlers
request*: BlockExcRequest
getConn: ConnProvider
inflightSema: AsyncSemaphore
proc peerId*(b: BlockExcNetwork): PeerId =
## Return peer id
return b.switch.peerInfo.peerId
proc isSelf*(b: BlockExcNetwork, peer: PeerId): bool =
## Check if peer is self
return b.peerId == peer
proc send*(b: BlockExcNetwork, id: PeerId, msg: pb.Message) {.async.} =
## Send message to peer
b.peers.withValue(id, peer):
await b.inflightSema.acquire()
trace "Sending message to peer", peer = id
await peer[].send(msg)
except CatchableError as err:
error "Error sending message", peer = id, msg = err.msg
trace "Unable to send, peer not found", peerId = id
proc handleWantList(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
list: WantList) {.async.} =
## Handle incoming want list
if not b.handlers.onWantList.isNil:
trace "Handling want list for peer", peer = peer.id, items = list.entries.len
await b.handlers.onWantList(peer.id, list)
proc sendWantList*(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
id: PeerId,
addresses: seq[BlockAddress],
priority: int32 = 0,
cancel: bool = false,
wantType: WantType = WantType.WantHave,
full: bool = false,
sendDontHave: bool = false): Future[void] =
## Send a want message to peer
trace "Sending want list to peer", peer = id, `type` = $wantType, items = addresses.len
let msg = WantList(
entries: addresses.mapIt(
address: it,
priority: priority,
cancel: cancel,
wantType: wantType,
sendDontHave: sendDontHave) ),
full: full)
b.send(id, Message(wantlist: msg))
proc handleBlocksDelivery(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]) {.async.} =
## Handle incoming blocks
if not b.handlers.onBlocksDelivery.isNil:
trace "Handling blocks for peer", peer = peer.id, items = blocksDelivery.len
await b.handlers.onBlocksDelivery(peer.id, blocksDelivery)
proc sendBlocksDelivery*(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
id: PeerId,
blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]): Future[void] =
## Send blocks to remote
b.send(id, pb.Message(payload: blocksDelivery))
proc handleBlockPresence(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
presence: seq[BlockPresence]) {.async.} =
## Handle block presence
if not b.handlers.onPresence.isNil:
trace "Handling block presence for peer", peer = peer.id, items = presence.len
await b.handlers.onPresence(peer.id, presence)
proc sendBlockPresence*(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
id: PeerId,
presence: seq[BlockPresence]): Future[void] =
## Send presence to remote
b.send(id, Message(blockPresences: @presence))
proc handleAccount(
network: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
account: Account) {.async.} =
## Handle account info
if not network.handlers.onAccount.isNil:
await network.handlers.onAccount(peer.id, account)
proc sendAccount*(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
id: PeerId,
account: Account): Future[void] =
## Send account info to remote
b.send(id, Message(account: AccountMessage.init(account)))
proc sendPayment*(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
id: PeerId,
payment: SignedState): Future[void] =
## Send payment to remote
b.send(id, Message(payment: StateChannelUpdate.init(payment)))
proc handlePayment(
network: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
payment: SignedState) {.async.} =
## Handle payment
if not network.handlers.onPayment.isNil:
await network.handlers.onPayment(peer.id, payment)
proc rpcHandler(
b: BlockExcNetwork,
peer: NetworkPeer,
msg: Message) {.async.} =
## handle rpc messages
if msg.wantList.entries.len > 0:
asyncSpawn b.handleWantList(peer, msg.wantList)
if msg.payload.len > 0:
asyncSpawn b.handleBlocksDelivery(peer, msg.payload)
if msg.blockPresences.len > 0:
asyncSpawn b.handleBlockPresence(peer, msg.blockPresences)
if account =? Account.init(msg.account):
asyncSpawn b.handleAccount(peer, account)
if payment =? SignedState.init(msg.payment):
asyncSpawn b.handlePayment(peer, payment)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Exception in blockexc rpc handler", exc = exc.msg
proc getOrCreatePeer(b: BlockExcNetwork, peer: PeerId): NetworkPeer =
## Creates or retrieves a BlockExcNetwork Peer
if peer in b.peers:
return b.peers.getOrDefault(peer, nil)
var getConn: ConnProvider = proc(): Future[Connection] {.async, gcsafe, closure.} =
return await b.switch.dial(peer, Codec)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Unable to connect to blockexc peer", exc = exc.msg
if not isNil(b.getConn):
getConn = b.getConn
let rpcHandler = proc (p: NetworkPeer, msg: Message): Future[void] =
b.rpcHandler(p, msg)
# create new pubsub peer
let blockExcPeer = NetworkPeer.new(peer, getConn, rpcHandler)
debug "Created new blockexc peer", peer
b.peers[peer] = blockExcPeer
return blockExcPeer
proc setupPeer*(b: BlockExcNetwork, peer: PeerId) =
## Perform initial setup, such as want
## list exchange
discard b.getOrCreatePeer(peer)
proc dialPeer*(b: BlockExcNetwork, peer: PeerRecord) {.async.} =
## Dial a peer
if b.isSelf(peer.peerId):
trace "Skipping dialing self", peer = peer.peerId
await b.switch.connect(peer.peerId, peer.addresses.mapIt(it.address))
proc dropPeer*(b: BlockExcNetwork, peer: PeerId) =
## Cleanup disconnected peer
method init*(b: BlockExcNetwork) =
## Perform protocol initialization
proc peerEventHandler(peerId: PeerId, event: PeerEvent) {.async.} =
if event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined:
b.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined)
b.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Left)
proc handle(conn: Connection, proto: string) {.async, gcsafe, closure.} =
let peerId = conn.peerId
let blockexcPeer = b.getOrCreatePeer(peerId)
await blockexcPeer.readLoop(conn) # attach read loop
b.handler = handle
b.codec = Codec
proc new*(
T: type BlockExcNetwork,
switch: Switch,
connProvider: ConnProvider = nil,
maxInflight = MaxInflight): BlockExcNetwork =
## Create a new BlockExcNetwork instance
self = BlockExcNetwork(
switch: switch,
getConn: connProvider,
inflightSema: newAsyncSemaphore(maxInflight))
proc sendWantList(
id: PeerId,
cids: seq[BlockAddress],
priority: int32 = 0,
cancel: bool = false,
wantType: WantType = WantType.WantHave,
full: bool = false,
sendDontHave: bool = false): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
id, cids, priority, cancel,
wantType, full, sendDontHave)
proc sendBlocksDelivery(id: PeerId, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.sendBlocksDelivery(id, blocksDelivery)
proc sendPresence(id: PeerId, presence: seq[BlockPresence]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.sendBlockPresence(id, presence)
proc sendAccount(id: PeerId, account: Account): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.sendAccount(id, account)
proc sendPayment(id: PeerId, payment: SignedState): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.sendPayment(id, payment)
self.request = BlockExcRequest(
sendWantList: sendWantList,
sendBlocksDelivery: sendBlocksDelivery,
sendPresence: sendPresence,
sendAccount: sendAccount,
sendPayment: sendPayment)
return self