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synced 2025-03-03 22:10:33 +00:00
## Problem When Availabilities are created, the amount of bytes in the Availability are reserved in the repo, so those bytes on disk cannot be written to otherwise. When a request for storage is received by a node, if a previously created Availability is matched, an attempt will be made to fill a slot in the request (more accurately, the request's slots are added to the SlotQueue, and eventually those slots will be processed). During download, bytes that were reserved for the Availability were released (as they were written to disk). To prevent more bytes from being released than were reserved in the Availability, the Availability was marked as used during the download, so that no other requests would match the Availability, and therefore no new downloads (and byte releases) would begin. The unfortunate downside to this, is that the number of Availabilities a node has determines the download concurrency capacity. If, for example, a node creates a single Availability that covers all available disk space the operator is willing to use, that single Availability would mean that only one download could occur at a time, meaning the node could potentially miss out on storage opportunities. ## Solution To alleviate the concurrency issue, each time a slot is processed, a Reservation is created, which takes size (aka reserved bytes) away from the Availability and stores them in the Reservation object. This can be done as many times as needed as long as there are enough bytes remaining in the Availability. Therefore, concurrent downloads are no longer limited by the number of Availabilities. Instead, they would more likely be limited to the SlotQueue's `maxWorkers`. From a database design perspective, an Availability has zero or more Reservations. Reservations are persisted in the RepoStore's metadata, along with Availabilities. The metadata store key path for Reservations is ` meta / sales / reservations / <availabilityId> / <reservationId>`, while Availabilities are stored one level up, eg `meta / sales / reservations / <availabilityId> `, allowing all Reservations for an Availability to be queried (this is not currently needed, but may be useful when work to restore Availability size is implemented, more on this later). ### Lifecycle When a reservation is created, its size is deducted from the Availability, and when a reservation is deleted, any remaining size (bytes not written to disk) is returned to the Availability. If the request finishes, is cancelled (expired), or an error occurs, the Reservation is deleted (and any undownloaded bytes returned to the Availability). In addition, when the Sales module starts, any Reservations that are not actively being used in a filled slot, are deleted. Having a Reservation persisted until after a storage request is completed, will allow for the originally set Availability size to be reclaimed once a request contract has been completed. This is a feature that is yet to be implemented, however the work in this PR is a step in the direction towards enabling this. ### Unknowns Reservation size is determined by the `StorageAsk.slotSize`. If during download, more bytes than `slotSize` are attempted to be downloaded than this, then the Reservation update will fail, and the state machine will move to a `SaleErrored` state, deleting the Reservation. This will likely prevent the slot from being filled. ### Notes Based on #514
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
## +--------------------------------------+
## +--------------------------------------+ |--------------------------------------|
## | AVAILABILITY | | ReservationId | id | PK |
## |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------|
## | AvailabilityId | id | PK |<-||-------o<-| AvailabilityId | availabilityId | FK |
## |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------|
## | UInt256 | size | | | UInt256 | size | |
## |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------|
## | UInt256 | duration | | | SlotId | slotId | |
## |--------------------------------------| +--------------------------------------+
## | UInt256 | minPrice | |
## |--------------------------------------|
## | UInt256 | maxCollateral | |
## +--------------------------------------+
import pkg/upraises
push: {.upraises: [].}
import std/typetraits
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/nimcrypto
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/stint
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import ../stores
import ../contracts/requests
import ../utils/json
export requests
export chronicles
topics = "sales reservations"
AvailabilityId* = distinct array[32, byte]
ReservationId* = distinct array[32, byte]
SomeStorableObject = Availability | Reservation
SomeStorableId = AvailabilityId | ReservationId
Availability* = ref object
id* {.serialize.}: AvailabilityId
size* {.serialize.}: UInt256
duration* {.serialize.}: UInt256
minPrice* {.serialize.}: UInt256
maxCollateral* {.serialize.}: UInt256
Reservation* = ref object
id* {.serialize.}: ReservationId
availabilityId* {.serialize.}: AvailabilityId
size* {.serialize.}: UInt256
requestId* {.serialize.}: RequestId
slotIndex* {.serialize.}: UInt256
Reservations* = ref object
repo: RepoStore
onAvailabilityAdded: ?OnAvailabilityAdded
GetNext* = proc(): Future[?seq[byte]] {.upraises: [], gcsafe, closure.}
OnAvailabilityAdded* = proc(availability: Availability): Future[void] {.upraises: [], gcsafe.}
StorableIter* = ref object
finished*: bool
next*: GetNext
ReservationsError* = object of CodexError
ReserveFailedError* = object of ReservationsError
ReleaseFailedError* = object of ReservationsError
DeleteFailedError* = object of ReservationsError
GetFailedError* = object of ReservationsError
NotExistsError* = object of ReservationsError
SerializationError* = object of ReservationsError
UpdateFailedError* = object of ReservationsError
BytesOutOfBoundsError* = object of ReservationsError
SalesKey = (CodexMetaKey / "sales").tryGet # TODO: move to sales module
ReservationsKey = (SalesKey / "reservations").tryGet
proc new*(T: type Reservations,
repo: RepoStore): Reservations =
T(repo: repo)
proc init*(
_: type Availability,
size: UInt256,
duration: UInt256,
minPrice: UInt256,
maxCollateral: UInt256): Availability =
var id: array[32, byte]
doAssert randomBytes(id) == 32
Availability(id: AvailabilityId(id), size: size, duration: duration, minPrice: minPrice, maxCollateral: maxCollateral)
proc init*(
_: type Reservation,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
size: UInt256,
requestId: RequestId,
slotIndex: UInt256
): Reservation =
var id: array[32, byte]
doAssert randomBytes(id) == 32
Reservation(id: ReservationId(id), availabilityId: availabilityId, size: size, requestId: requestId, slotIndex: slotIndex)
func toArray(id: SomeStorableId): array[32, byte] =
array[32, byte](id)
proc `==`*(x, y: AvailabilityId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(x, y: ReservationId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(x, y: Reservation): bool =
x.id == y.id and
x.availabilityId == y.availabilityId and
x.size == y.size and
x.requestId == y.requestId and
x.slotIndex == y.slotIndex
proc `==`*(x, y: Availability): bool =
x.id == y.id and
x.size == y.size and
x.duration == y.duration and
x.maxCollateral == y.maxCollateral and
x.minPrice == y.minPrice
proc `$`*(id: SomeStorableId): string = id.toArray.toHex
proc toErr[E1: ref CatchableError, E2: ReservationsError](
e1: E1,
_: type E2,
msg: string = e1.msg): ref E2 =
return newException(E2, msg, e1)
proc writeValue*(
writer: var JsonWriter,
value: SomeStorableId) {.upraises:[IOError].} =
## used for chronicles' logs
mixin writeValue
writer.writeValue %value
proc `onAvailabilityAdded=`*(self: Reservations,
onAvailabilityAdded: OnAvailabilityAdded) =
self.onAvailabilityAdded = some onAvailabilityAdded
func key*(id: AvailabilityId): ?!Key =
## sales / reservations / <availabilityId>
(ReservationsKey / $id)
func key*(reservationId: ReservationId, availabilityId: AvailabilityId): ?!Key =
## sales / reservations / <availabilityId> / <reservationId>
(availabilityId.key / $reservationId)
func key*(availability: Availability): ?!Key =
return availability.id.key
func key*(reservation: Reservation): ?!Key =
return key(reservation.id, reservation.availabilityId)
func available*(self: Reservations): uint = self.repo.available
func hasAvailable*(self: Reservations, bytes: uint): bool =
proc exists*(
self: Reservations,
key: Key): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let exists = await self.repo.metaDs.contains(key)
return exists
proc getImpl(
self: Reservations,
key: Key): Future[?!seq[byte]] {.async.} =
if exists =? (await self.exists(key)) and not exists:
let err = newException(NotExistsError, "object with key " & $key & " does not exist")
return failure(err)
without serialized =? await self.repo.metaDs.get(key), error:
return failure(error.toErr(GetFailedError))
return success serialized
proc get*(
self: Reservations,
key: Key,
T: type SomeStorableObject): Future[?!T] {.async.} =
without serialized =? await self.getImpl(key), error:
return failure(error)
without obj =? T.fromJson(serialized), error:
return failure(error.toErr(SerializationError))
return success obj
proc update(
self: Reservations,
obj: SomeStorableObject): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "updating " & $(obj.type), id = obj.id, size = obj.size
without key =? obj.key, error:
return failure(error)
if err =? (await self.repo.metaDs.put(
return failure(err.toErr(UpdateFailedError))
return success()
proc delete(
self: Reservations,
key: Key): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "deleting object", key
if exists =? (await self.exists(key)) and not exists:
return success()
if err =? (await self.repo.metaDs.delete(key)).errorOption:
return failure(err.toErr(DeleteFailedError))
return success()
proc deleteReservation*(
self: Reservations,
reservationId: ReservationId,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "deleting reservation"
without key =? key(reservationId, availabilityId), error:
return failure(error)
without reservation =? (await self.get(key, Reservation)), error:
if error of NotExistsError:
return success()
return failure(error)
if reservation.size > 0.u256:
trace "returning remaining reservation bytes to availability",
size = reservation.size
without availabilityKey =? availabilityId.key, error:
return failure(error)
without var availability =? await self.get(availabilityKey, Availability), error:
return failure(error)
availability.size += reservation.size
if updateErr =? (await self.update(availability)).errorOption:
return failure(updateErr)
if err =? (await self.repo.metaDs.delete(key)).errorOption:
return failure(err.toErr(DeleteFailedError))
return success()
proc createAvailability*(
self: Reservations,
size: UInt256,
duration: UInt256,
minPrice: UInt256,
maxCollateral: UInt256): Future[?!Availability] {.async.} =
trace "creating availability", size, duration, minPrice, maxCollateral
let availability = Availability.init(
size, duration, minPrice, maxCollateral
let bytes = availability.size.truncate(uint)
if reserveErr =? (await self.repo.reserve(bytes)).errorOption:
return failure(reserveErr.toErr(ReserveFailedError))
if updateErr =? (await self.update(availability)).errorOption:
# rollback the reserve
trace "rolling back reserve"
if rollbackErr =? (await self.repo.release(bytes)).errorOption:
rollbackErr.parent = updateErr
return failure(rollbackErr)
return failure(updateErr)
if onAvailabilityAdded =? self.onAvailabilityAdded:
await onAvailabilityAdded(availability)
except CatchableError as e:
# we don't have any insight into types of errors that `onProcessSlot` can
# throw because it is caller-defined
warn "Unknown error during 'onAvailabilityAdded' callback",
availabilityId = availability.id, error = e.msg
return success(availability)
proc createReservation*(
self: Reservations,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
slotSize: UInt256,
requestId: RequestId,
slotIndex: UInt256
): Future[?!Reservation] {.async.} =
trace "creating reservation", availabilityId, slotSize, requestId, slotIndex
let reservation = Reservation.init(availabilityId, slotSize, requestId, slotIndex)
without availabilityKey =? availabilityId.key, error:
return failure(error)
without var availability =? await self.get(availabilityKey, Availability), error:
return failure(error)
if availability.size < slotSize:
let error = newException(BytesOutOfBoundsError, "trying to reserve an " &
"amount of bytes that is greater than the total size of the Availability")
return failure(error)
if createResErr =? (await self.update(reservation)).errorOption:
return failure(createResErr)
# reduce availability size by the slot size, which is now accounted for in
# the newly created Reservation
availability.size -= slotSize
# update availability with reduced size
if updateErr =? (await self.update(availability)).errorOption:
trace "rolling back reservation creation"
without key =? reservation.key, keyError:
keyError.parent = updateErr
return failure(keyError)
# rollback the reservation creation
if rollbackErr =? (await self.delete(key)).errorOption:
rollbackErr.parent = updateErr
return failure(rollbackErr)
return failure(updateErr)
return success(reservation)
proc release*(
self: Reservations,
reservationId: ReservationId,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
bytes: uint): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
topics = "release"
trace "releasing bytes and updating reservation"
without key =? key(reservationId, availabilityId), error:
return failure(error)
without var reservation =? (await self.get(key, Reservation)), error:
return failure(error)
if reservation.size < bytes.u256:
let error = newException(BytesOutOfBoundsError,
"trying to release an amount of bytes that is greater than the total " &
"size of the Reservation")
return failure(error)
if releaseErr =? (await self.repo.release(bytes)).errorOption:
return failure(releaseErr.toErr(ReleaseFailedError))
reservation.size -= bytes.u256
# persist partially used Reservation with updated size
if err =? (await self.update(reservation)).errorOption:
# rollback release if an update error encountered
trace "rolling back release"
if rollbackErr =? (await self.repo.reserve(bytes)).errorOption:
rollbackErr.parent = err
return failure(rollbackErr)
return failure(err)
return success()
iterator items(self: StorableIter): Future[?seq[byte]] =
while not self.finished:
yield self.next()
proc storables(
self: Reservations,
T: type SomeStorableObject
): Future[?!StorableIter] {.async.} =
var iter = StorableIter()
let query = Query.init(ReservationsKey)
when T is Availability:
# should indicate key length of 4, but let the .key logic determine it
without defaultKey =? AvailabilityId.default.key, error:
return failure(error)
elif T is Reservation:
# should indicate key length of 5, but let the .key logic determine it
without defaultKey =? key(ReservationId.default, AvailabilityId.default), error:
return failure(error)
raiseAssert "unknown type"
without results =? await self.repo.metaDs.query(query), error:
return failure(error)
proc next(): Future[?seq[byte]] {.async.} =
await idleAsync()
iter.finished = results.finished
if not results.finished and
res =? (await results.next()) and
res.data.len > 0 and
key =? res.key and
key.namespaces.len == defaultKey.namespaces.len:
return some res.data
return none seq[byte]
iter.next = next
return success iter
proc all*(
self: Reservations,
T: type SomeStorableObject
): Future[?!seq[T]] {.async.} =
var ret: seq[T] = @[]
without storables =? (await self.storables(T)), error:
return failure(error)
for storable in storables.items:
without bytes =? (await storable):
without obj =? T.fromJson(bytes), error:
error "json deserialization error",
json = string.fromBytes(bytes),
error = error.msg
ret.add obj
return success(ret)
proc findAvailability*(
self: Reservations,
size, duration, minPrice, collateral: UInt256
): Future[?Availability] {.async.} =
without storables =? (await self.storables(Availability)), e:
error "failed to get all storables", error = e.msg
return none Availability
for item in storables.items:
if bytes =? (await item) and
availability =? Availability.fromJson(bytes):
if size <= availability.size and
duration <= availability.duration and
collateral <= availability.maxCollateral and
minPrice >= availability.minPrice:
trace "availability matched",
size, availsize = availability.size,
duration, availDuration = availability.duration,
minPrice, availMinPrice = availability.minPrice,
collateral, availMaxCollateral = availability.maxCollateral
return some availability
trace "availiability did not match",
size, availsize = availability.size,
duration, availDuration = availability.duration,
minPrice, availMinPrice = availability.minPrice,
collateral, availMaxCollateral = availability.maxCollateral