## Nim-Codex ## Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import std/algorithm import std/sequtils import pkg/chronos import pkg/libp2p/[cid, multicodec, routing_record, signed_envelope] import pkg/questionable import pkg/questionable/results import pkg/stew/shims/net import pkg/contractabi/address as ca import pkg/codexdht/discv5/protocol as discv5 import ./rng import ./errors import ./logutils export discv5 # TODO: If generics in methods had not been # deprecated, this could have been implemented # much more elegantly. logScope: topics = "codex discovery" type Discovery* = ref object of RootObj protocol*: discv5.Protocol # dht protocol key: PrivateKey # private key peerId: PeerId # the peer id of the local node announceAddrs*: seq[MultiAddress] # addresses announced as part of the provider records providerRecord*: ?SignedPeerRecord # record to advertice node connection information, this carry any # address that the node can be connected on dhtRecord*: ?SignedPeerRecord # record to advertice DHT connection information proc toNodeId*(cid: Cid): NodeId = ## Cid to discovery id ## readUintBE[256](keccak256.digest(cid.data.buffer).data) proc toNodeId*(host: ca.Address): NodeId = ## Eth address to discovery id ## readUintBE[256](keccak256.digest(host.toArray).data) proc findPeer*( d: Discovery, peerId: PeerId): Future[?PeerRecord] {.async.} = trace "protocol.resolve..." ## Find peer using the given Discovery object ## let node = await d.protocol.resolve(toNodeId(peerId)) return if node.isSome(): node.get().record.data.some else: PeerRecord.none method find*( d: Discovery, cid: Cid): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] {.async, base.} = ## Find block providers ## trace "Finding providers for block", cid without providers =? (await d.protocol.getProviders(cid.toNodeId())).mapFailure, error: trace "Error finding providers for block", cid, error = error.msg return providers.filterIt( not (it.data.peerId == d.peerId) ) method provide*(d: Discovery, cid: Cid) {.async, base.} = ## Provide a bock Cid ## trace "Providing block", cid let nodes = await d.protocol.addProvider( cid.toNodeId(), d.providerRecord.get) if nodes.len <= 0: trace "Couldn't provide to any nodes!" trace "Provided to nodes", nodes = nodes.len method find*( d: Discovery, host: ca.Address): Future[seq[SignedPeerRecord]] {.async, base.} = ## Find host providers ## trace "Finding providers for host", host = $host without var providers =? (await d.protocol.getProviders(host.toNodeId())).mapFailure, error: trace "Error finding providers for host", host = $host, exc = error.msg return if providers.len <= 0: trace "No providers found", host = $host return providers.sort do(a, b: SignedPeerRecord) -> int: system.cmp[uint64](a.data.seqNo, b.data.seqNo) return providers method provide*(d: Discovery, host: ca.Address) {.async, base.} = ## Provide hosts ## trace "Providing host", host = $host let nodes = await d.protocol.addProvider( host.toNodeId(), d.providerRecord.get) if nodes.len > 0: trace "Provided to nodes", nodes = nodes.len method removeProvider*( d: Discovery, peerId: PeerId): Future[void] {.base.} = ## Remove provider from providers table ## trace "Removing provider", peerId d.protocol.removeProvidersLocal(peerId) proc updateAnnounceRecord*(d: Discovery, addrs: openArray[MultiAddress]) = ## Update providers record ## d.announceAddrs = @addrs trace "Updating announce record", addrs = d.announceAddrs d.providerRecord = SignedPeerRecord.init( d.key, PeerRecord.init(d.peerId, d.announceAddrs)) .expect("Should construct signed record").some if not d.protocol.isNil: d.protocol.updateRecord(d.providerRecord) .expect("Should update SPR") proc updateDhtRecord*(d: Discovery, ip: ValidIpAddress, port: Port) = ## Update providers record ## trace "Updating Dht record", ip, port = $port d.dhtRecord = SignedPeerRecord.init( d.key, PeerRecord.init(d.peerId, @[ MultiAddress.init( ip, IpTransportProtocol.udpProtocol, port)])).expect("Should construct signed record").some if not d.protocol.isNil: d.protocol.updateRecord(d.dhtRecord) .expect("Should update SPR") proc start*(d: Discovery) {.async.} = d.protocol.open() await d.protocol.start() proc stop*(d: Discovery) {.async.} = await d.protocol.closeWait() proc new*( T: type Discovery, key: PrivateKey, bindIp = ValidIpAddress.init(IPv4_any()), bindPort = 0.Port, announceAddrs: openArray[MultiAddress], bootstrapNodes: openArray[SignedPeerRecord] = [], store: Datastore = SQLiteDatastore.new(Memory).expect("Should not fail!") ): Discovery = ## Create a new Discovery node instance for the given key and datastore ## var self = Discovery( key: key, peerId: PeerId.init(key).expect("Should construct PeerId")) self.updateAnnounceRecord(announceAddrs) self.protocol = newProtocol( key, bindIp = bindIp.toNormalIp, bindPort = bindPort, record = self.providerRecord.get, bootstrapRecords = bootstrapNodes, rng = Rng.instance(), providers = ProvidersManager.new(store)) self