## Nim-Codex ## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import pkg/upraises push: {.upraises: [].} import std/os import std/terminal import std/options import std/strutils import std/typetraits import pkg/chronicles import pkg/chronicles/topics_registry import pkg/confutils/defs import pkg/confutils/std/net import pkg/metrics import pkg/metrics/chronos_httpserver import pkg/stew/shims/net as stewnet import pkg/libp2p import pkg/ethers import ./discovery import ./stores/cachestore export DefaultCacheSizeMiB, net type StartUpCommand* {.pure.} = enum noCommand, initNode LogKind* = enum Auto = "auto" Colors = "colors" NoColors = "nocolors" Json = "json" None = "none" CodexConf* = object logLevel* {. defaultValue: LogLevel.INFO desc: "Sets the log level", name: "log-level" }: LogLevel logFormat* {. hidden desc: "Specifies what kind of logs should be written to stdout (auto, colors, nocolors, json)" defaultValueDesc: "auto" defaultValue: LogKind.Auto name: "log-format" }: LogKind metricsEnabled* {. desc: "Enable the metrics server" defaultValue: false name: "metrics" }: bool metricsAddress* {. desc: "Listening address of the metrics server" defaultValue: ValidIpAddress.init("") defaultValueDesc: "" name: "metrics-address" }: ValidIpAddress metricsPort* {. desc: "Listening HTTP port of the metrics server" defaultValue: 8008 name: "metrics-port" }: Port dataDir* {. desc: "The directory where codex will store configuration and data." defaultValue: defaultDataDir() defaultValueDesc: "" abbr: "d" name: "data-dir" }: OutDir case cmd* {. command defaultValue: noCommand }: StartUpCommand of noCommand: listenPorts* {. desc: "Specifies one or more listening ports for the node to listen on." defaultValue: @[Port(0)] defaultValueDesc: "0" abbr: "l" name: "listen-port" }: seq[Port] # TODO We should have two options: the listen IP and the public IP # Currently, they are tied together, so we can't be discoverable # behind a NAT listenIp* {. desc: "The public IP" defaultValue: ValidIpAddress.init("") defaultValueDesc: "" abbr: "i" name: "listen-ip" }: ValidIpAddress discoveryPort* {. desc: "Specify the discovery (UDP) port" defaultValue: Port(8090) defaultValueDesc: "8090" name: "udp-port" }: Port netPrivKeyFile* {. desc: "Source of network (secp256k1) private key file (random|)" defaultValue: "random" name: "net-privkey" }: string bootstrapNodes* {. desc: "Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes to use when connecting to the network." abbr: "b" name: "bootstrap-node" }: seq[SignedPeerRecord] maxPeers* {. desc: "The maximum number of peers to connect to" defaultValue: 160 name: "max-peers" }: int agentString* {. defaultValue: "Codex" desc: "Node agent string which is used as identifier in network" name: "agent-string" }: string apiPort* {. desc: "The REST Api port", defaultValue: 8080 defaultValueDesc: "8080" name: "api-port" abbr: "p" }: int cacheSize* {. desc: "The size in MiB of the block cache, 0 disables the cache" defaultValue: DefaultCacheSizeMiB defaultValueDesc: $DefaultCacheSizeMiB name: "cache-size" abbr: "c" }: Natural persistence* {. desc: "Enables persistence mechanism, requires an Ethereum node" defaultValue: false name: "persistence" .}: bool ethProvider* {. desc: "The URL of the JSON-RPC API of the Ethereum node" defaultValue: "ws://localhost:8545" name: "eth-provider" .}: string ethAccount* {. desc: "The Ethereum account that is used for storage contracts" defaultValue: EthAddress.none name: "eth-account" .}: Option[EthAddress] ethDeployment* {. desc: "The json file describing the contract deployment" defaultValue: string.none name: "eth-deployment" .}: Option[string] of initNode: discard EthAddress* = ethers.Address const gitRevision* = strip(staticExec("git rev-parse --short HEAD"))[0..5] nimBanner* = staticExec("nim --version | grep Version") #TODO add versionMajor, Minor & Fix when we switch to semver codexVersion* = gitRevision codexFullVersion* = "Codex build " & codexVersion & "\p" & nimBanner proc defaultDataDir*(): string = let dataDir = when defined(windows): "AppData" / "Roaming" / "Codex" elif defined(macosx): "Library" / "Application Support" / "Codex" else: ".cache" / "codex" getHomeDir() / dataDir func parseCmdArg*(T: type MultiAddress, input: TaintedString): T {.raises: [ValueError, LPError, Defect].} = MultiAddress.init($input).tryGet() proc parseCmdArg*(T: type SignedPeerRecord, uri: TaintedString): T = var res: SignedPeerRecord try: if not res.fromURI(uri): warn "Invalid SignedPeerRecord uri", uri=uri quit QuitFailure except CatchableError as exc: warn "Invalid SignedPeerRecord uri", uri=uri, error=exc.msg quit QuitFailure res func parseCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress, address: TaintedString): T = EthAddress.init($address).get() # no idea why confutils needs this: proc completeCmdArg*(T: type EthAddress; val: TaintedString): seq[string] = discard # silly chronicles, colors is a compile-time property proc stripAnsi(v: string): string = var res = newStringOfCap(v.len) i: int while i < v.len: let c = v[i] if c == '\x1b': var x = i + 1 found = false while x < v.len: # look for [..m let c2 = v[x] if x == i + 1: if c2 != '[': break else: if c2 in {'0'..'9'} + {';'}: discard # keep looking elif c2 == 'm': i = x + 1 found = true break else: break inc x if found: # skip adding c continue res.add c inc i res proc setupLogging*(conf: CodexConf) = when defaultChroniclesStream.outputs.type.arity != 2: warn "Logging configuration options not enabled in the current build" else: proc noOutput(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = discard proc writeAndFlush(f: File, msg: LogOutputStr) = try: f.write(msg) f.flushFile() except IOError as err: logLoggingFailure(cstring(msg), err) proc stdoutFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, msg) proc noColorsFlush(logLevel: LogLevel, msg: LogOutputStr) = writeAndFlush(stdout, stripAnsi(msg)) defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = noOutput defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[0].writer = case conf.logFormat: of LogKind.Auto: if isatty(stdout): stdoutFlush else: noColorsFlush of LogKind.Colors: stdoutFlush of LogKind.NoColors: noColorsFlush of LogKind.Json: defaultChroniclesStream.outputs[1].writer = stdoutFlush noOutput of LogKind.None: noOutput setLogLevel(conf.logLevel) proc setupMetrics*(config: CodexConf) = if config.metricsEnabled: let metricsAddress = config.metricsAddress notice "Starting metrics HTTP server", url = "http://" & $metricsAddress & ":" & $config.metricsPort & "/metrics" try: startMetricsHttpServer($metricsAddress, config.metricsPort) except CatchableError as exc: raiseAssert exc.msg except Exception as exc: raiseAssert exc.msg # TODO fix metrics