openapi: 3.0.3 info: version: 0.0.1 title: Codex API description: "List of endpoints and interfaces available to Codex API users" security: - { } components: schemas: MultiAddress: type: string description: Address of node as specified by the multi-address specification example: /ip4/ PeerId: type: string description: Peer Identity reference as specified at example: QmYyQSo1c1Ym7orWxLYvCrM2EmxFTANf8wXmmE7DWjhx5N Id: type: string description: 32bits identifier encoded in hex-decimal string. example: 0x... BigInt: type: string description: Integer represented as decimal string Cid: type: string description: Content Identifier as specified at example: QmYyQSo1c1Ym7orWxLYvCrM2EmxFTANf8wXmmE7DWjhx5N SlotId: type: string description: Keccak hash of the abi encoded tuple (RequestId, slot index) example: 268a781e0db3f7cf36b18e5f4fdb7f586ec9edd08e5500b17c0e518a769f114a LogLevel: type: string description: "One of the log levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR or FATAL" example: DEBUG EthereumAddress: type: string description: Address of Ethereum address Reward: type: string description: The maximum amount of tokens paid per second per slot to hosts the client is willing to pay Duration: type: string description: The duration of the request in seconds as decimal string ProofProbability: type: string description: How often storage proofs are required as decimal string Expiry: type: string description: A timestamp as seconds since unix epoch at which this request expires if the Request does not find requested amount of nodes to host the data. default: 10 minutes SPR: type: string description: Signed Peer Record (libp2p) SPRRead: type: object properties: spr: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SPR" PeerIdRead: type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PeerId" ErasureParameters: type: object properties: totalChunks: type: integer PoRParameters: description: Parameters for Proof of Retrievability type: object properties: u: type: string publicKey: type: string name: type: string Content: type: object description: Parameters specifying the content properties: cid: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" erasure: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ErasureParameters" por: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PoRParameters" DebugInfo: type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PeerId" addrs: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultiAddress" repo: type: string description: Path of the data repository where all nodes data are stored spr: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SPR" SalesAvailability: type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Id" totalSize: type: string description: Total size of availability's storage in bytes as decimal string duration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Duration" minPrice: type: string description: Minimum price to be paid (in amount of tokens) as decimal string maxCollateral: type: string description: Maximum collateral user is willing to pay per filled Slot (in amount of tokens) as decimal string SalesAvailabilityREAD: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailability" - type: object properties: freeSize: type: string description: Unused size of availability's storage in bytes as decimal string SalesAvailabilityCREATE: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailability" - required: - totalSize - minPrice - maxCollateral - duration Slot: type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SlotId" request: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StorageRequest" slotIndex: type: string description: Slot Index as hexadecimal string Reservation: type: object properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Id" availabilityId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Id" size: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BigInt" requestId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Id" slotIndex: type: string description: Slot Index as hexadecimal string StorageRequestCreation: type: object required: - reward - duration - proofProbability - collateral - expiry properties: duration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Duration" reward: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Reward" proofProbability: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProofProbability" nodes: description: Minimal number of nodes the content should be stored on type: integer default: 1 tolerance: description: Additional number of nodes on top of the `nodes` property that can be lost before pronouncing the content lost type: integer default: 0 collateral: type: string description: Number as decimal string that represents how much collateral is asked from hosts that wants to fill a slots expiry: type: string description: Number as decimal string that represents expiry threshold in seconds from when the Request is submitted. When the threshold is reached and the Request does not find requested amount of nodes to host the data, the Request is voided. The number of seconds can not be higher then the Request's duration itself. StorageAsk: type: object required: - reward properties: slots: description: Number of slots (eq. hosts) that the Request want to have the content spread over type: integer slotSize: type: string description: Amount of storage per slot (in bytes) as decimal string duration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Duration" proofProbability: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProofProbability" reward: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Reward" maxSlotLoss: type: integer description: Max slots that can be lost without data considered to be lost StorageRequest: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Request ID client: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EthereumAddress" ask: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StorageAsk" content: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Content" expiry: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Expiry" nonce: type: string description: Random data Purchase: type: object properties: state: type: string description: Description of the Request's state error: type: string description: If Request failed, then here is presented the error message request: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StorageRequest" DataList: type: object properties: content: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataItem" DataItem: type: object properties: cid: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" manifest: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ManifestItem" ManifestItem: type: object properties: rootHash: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" description: "Root hash of the content" originalBytes: type: integer description: "Length of original content in bytes" blockSize: type: integer description: "Size of blocks" protected: type: boolean description: "Indicates if content is protected by erasure-coding" Space: type: object properties: totalBlocks: description: "Number of blocks stored by the node" type: integer quotaMaxBytes: type: integer description: "Maximum storage space used by the node" quotaUsedBytes: type: integer description: "Amount of storage space currently in use" quotaReservedBytes: type: integer description: "Amount of storage space reserved" servers: - url: "http://localhost:8080/api/codex/v1" tags: - name: Marketplace description: Marketplace information and operations - name: Data description: Data operations - name: Node description: Node management - name: Debug description: Debugging configuration paths: "/connect/{peerId}": get: summary: "Connect to a peer" description: | If `addrs` param is supplied, it will be used to dial the peer, otherwise the `peerId` is used to invoke peer discovery, if it succeeds the returned addresses will be used to dial. tags: [ Node ] operationId: connectPeer parameters: - in: path name: peerId required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PeerId" description: Peer that should be dialed. - in: query name: addrs schema: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultiAddress" description: | If supplied, it will be used to dial the peer. The address has to target the listening address of the peer, which is specified with the `--listen-addrs` CLI flag. responses: "200": description: Successfully connected to peer "400": description: Peer either not found or was not possible to dial "/data": get: summary: "Lists manifest CIDs stored locally in node." tags: [ Data ] operationId: listData responses: "200": description: Retrieved list of content CIDs content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataList" "400": description: Invalid CID is specified "404": description: Content specified by the CID is not found "500": description: Well it was bad-bad post: summary: "Upload a file in a streaming manner. Once finished, the file is stored in the node and can be retrieved by any node in the network using the returned CID." tags: [ Data ] operationId: upload requestBody: content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary responses: "200": description: CID of uploaded file content: text/plain: schema: type: string "500": description: Well it was bad-bad and the upload did not work out "/data/{cid}": get: summary: "Download a file from the local node in a streaming manner. If the file is not available locally, a 404 is returned." tags: [ Data ] operationId: downloadLocal parameters: - in: path name: cid required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" description: File to be downloaded. responses: "200": description: Retrieved content specified by CID content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary "400": description: Invalid CID is specified "404": description: Content specified by the CID is unavailable locally "500": description: Well it was bad-bad "/data/{cid}/network": get: summary: "Download a file from the network in a streaming manner. If the file is not available locally, it will be retrieved from other nodes in the network if able." tags: [ Data ] operationId: downloadNetwork parameters: - in: path name: cid required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" description: "File to be downloaded." responses: "200": description: Retrieved content specified by CID content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary "400": description: Invalid CID is specified "404": description: Content specified by the CID is not found "500": description: Well it was bad-bad "/space": get: summary: "Gets a summary of the storage space allocation of the node." tags: [ Data ] operationId: space responses: "200": description: "Summary of storage allocation" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Space" "500": description: "It's not working as planned" "/sales/slots": get: summary: "Returns active slots" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: getActiveSlots responses: "200": description: Retrieved active slots content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Slot" "503": description: Sales are unavailable "/sales/slots/{slotId}": get: summary: "Returns active slot with id {slotId} for the host" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: getActiveSlotById parameters: - in: path name: slotId required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" description: File to be downloaded. responses: "200": description: Retrieved active slot content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Slot" "400": description: Invalid or missing SlotId "404": description: Host is not in an active sale for the slot "503": description: Sales are unavailable "/sales/availability": get: summary: "Returns storage that is for sale" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: getOfferedStorage responses: "200": description: Retrieved storage availabilities of the node content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailability" "500": description: Error getting unused availabilities "503": description: Sales are unavailable post: summary: "Offers storage for sale" operationId: offerStorage tags: [ Marketplace ] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailabilityCREATE" responses: "201": description: Created storage availability content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailabilityREAD" "400": description: Invalid data input "422": description: Not enough node's storage quota available "500": description: Error reserving availability "503": description: Sales are unavailable "/sales/availability/{id}": patch: summary: "Updates availability" description: | The new parameters will be only considered for new requests. Existing Requests linked to this Availability will continue as is. operationId: updateOfferedStorage tags: [ Marketplace ] parameters: - in: path name: id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of Availability requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SalesAvailability" responses: "204": description: Availability successfully updated "400": description: Invalid data input "404": description: Availability not found "422": description: Not enough node's storage quota available "500": description: Error reserving availability "503": description: Sales are unavailable "/sales/availability/{id}/reservations": patch: summary: "Get availability's reservations" description: Return's list of Reservations for ongoing Storage Requests that the node hosts. operationId: getReservations tags: [ Marketplace ] parameters: - in: path name: id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of Availability responses: "200": description: Retrieved storage availabilities of the node content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Reservation" "400": description: Invalid Availability ID "404": description: Availability not found "500": description: Error getting reservations "503": description: Sales are unavailable "/storage/request/{cid}": post: summary: "Creates a new Request for storage" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: createStorageRequest parameters: - in: path name: cid required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cid" description: CID of the uploaded data that should be stored requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StorageRequestCreation" responses: "200": description: Returns the Request ID as decimal string content: text/plain: schema: type: string "400": description: Invalid or missing Request ID "404": description: Request ID not found "503": description: Purchasing is unavailable "/storage/purchases": get: summary: "Returns list of purchase IDs" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: getPurchases responses: "200": description: Gets all purchase IDs stored in node content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string "503": description: Purchasing is unavailable "/storage/purchases/{id}": get: summary: "Returns purchase details" tags: [ Marketplace ] operationId: getPurchase parameters: - in: path name: id required: true schema: type: string description: Hexadecimal ID of a Purchase responses: "200": description: Purchase details content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Purchase" "400": description: Invalid or missing Purchase ID "404": description: Purchase not found "503": description: Purchasing is unavailable "/node/spr": get: summary: "Get Node's SPR" operationId: getSPR tags: [ Node ] responses: "200": description: Node's SPR content: plain/text: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SPR" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SPRRead" "503": description: Node SPR not ready, try again later "/node/peerid": get: summary: "Get Node's PeerID" operationId: getPeerId tags: [ Node ] responses: "200": description: Node's Peer ID content: plain/text: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PeerId" application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PeerIdRead" "/debug/chronicles/loglevel": post: summary: "Set log level at run time" tags: [ Debug ] operationId: setDebugLogLevel parameters: - in: query name: level required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LogLevel" responses: "200": description: Successfully log level set "400": description: Invalid or missing log level "500": description: Well it was bad-bad "/debug/info": get: summary: "Gets node information" operationId: getDebugInfo tags: [ Debug ] responses: "200": description: Node's information content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DebugInfo"