## Nim-Codex ## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/options import std/sequtils import std/strformat import std/sugar import pkg/questionable import pkg/questionable/results import pkg/chronos import pkg/poseidon2 import pkg/libp2p/[switch, multicodec, multihash] import pkg/libp2p/stream/bufferstream # TODO: remove once exported by libp2p import pkg/libp2p/routing_record import pkg/libp2p/signed_envelope import ./chunker import ./slots import ./clock import ./blocktype as bt import ./manifest import ./merkletree import ./stores import ./blockexchange import ./streams import ./erasure import ./discovery import ./contracts import ./indexingstrategy import ./utils import ./errors import ./logutils import ./utils/poseidon2digest import ./utils/asynciter export logutils logScope: topics = "codex node" const FetchBatch = 200 type Contracts* = tuple client: ?ClientInteractions host: ?HostInteractions validator: ?ValidatorInteractions CodexNode* = object switch: Switch networkId: PeerId networkStore: NetworkStore engine: BlockExcEngine prover: ?Prover discovery: Discovery contracts*: Contracts clock*: Clock storage*: Contracts CodexNodeRef* = ref CodexNode OnManifest* = proc(cid: Cid, manifest: Manifest): void {.gcsafe, raises: [].} BatchProc* = proc(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[?!void] {.gcsafe, raises: [].} func switch*(self: CodexNodeRef): Switch = return self.switch func blockStore*(self: CodexNodeRef): BlockStore = return self.networkStore func engine*(self: CodexNodeRef): BlockExcEngine = return self.engine func discovery*(self: CodexNodeRef): Discovery = return self.discovery proc storeManifest*( self: CodexNodeRef, manifest: Manifest): Future[?!bt.Block] {.async.} = without encodedVerifiable =? manifest.encode(), err: trace "Unable to encode manifest" return failure(err) without blk =? bt.Block.new(data = encodedVerifiable, codec = ManifestCodec), error: trace "Unable to create block from manifest" return failure(error) if err =? (await self.networkStore.putBlock(blk)).errorOption: trace "Unable to store manifest block", cid = blk.cid, err = err.msg return failure(err) success blk proc fetchManifest*( self: CodexNodeRef, cid: Cid): Future[?!Manifest] {.async.} = ## Fetch and decode a manifest block ## if err =? cid.isManifest.errorOption: return failure "CID has invalid content type for manifest {$cid}" trace "Retrieving manifest for cid", cid without blk =? await self.networkStore.getBlock(BlockAddress.init(cid)), err: trace "Error retrieve manifest block", cid, err = err.msg return failure err trace "Decoding manifest for cid", cid without manifest =? Manifest.decode(blk), err: trace "Unable to decode as manifest", err = err.msg return failure("Unable to decode as manifest") trace "Decoded manifest", cid return manifest.success proc findPeer*( self: CodexNodeRef, peerId: PeerId): Future[?PeerRecord] {.async.} = ## Find peer using the discovery service from the given CodexNode ## return await self.discovery.findPeer(peerId) proc connect*( self: CodexNodeRef, peerId: PeerId, addrs: seq[MultiAddress] ): Future[void] = self.switch.connect(peerId, addrs) proc updateExpiry*( self: CodexNodeRef, manifestCid: Cid, expiry: SecondsSince1970): Future[?!void] {.async.} = without manifest =? await self.fetchManifest(manifestCid), error: trace "Unable to fetch manifest for cid", manifestCid return failure(error) try: let ensuringFutures = Iter .fromSlice(0.. self.networkStore.getBlock(BlockAddress.init(cid, i)) # ) while not iter.finished: let blocks = collect: for i in 0.. 0): trace "Got data from stream", len = chunk.len without mhash =? MultiHash.digest($hcodec, chunk).mapFailure, err: return failure(err) without cid =? Cid.init(CIDv1, dataCodec, mhash).mapFailure, err: return failure(err) without blk =? bt.Block.new(cid, chunk, verify = false): return failure("Unable to init block from chunk!") cids.add(cid) if err =? (await self.networkStore.putBlock(blk)).errorOption: trace "Unable to store block", cid = blk.cid, err = err.msg return failure(&"Unable to store block {blk.cid}") except CancelledError as exc: raise exc except CatchableError as exc: return failure(exc.msg) finally: await stream.close() without tree =? CodexTree.init(cids), err: return failure(err) without treeCid =? tree.rootCid(CIDv1, dataCodec), err: return failure(err) for index, cid in cids: without proof =? tree.getProof(index), err: return failure(err) if err =? (await self.networkStore.putCidAndProof(treeCid, index, cid, proof)).errorOption: # TODO add log here return failure(err) let manifest = Manifest.new( treeCid = treeCid, blockSize = blockSize, datasetSize = NBytes(chunker.offset), version = CIDv1, hcodec = hcodec, codec = dataCodec) without manifestBlk =? await self.storeManifest(manifest), err: trace "Unable to store manifest" return failure(err) info "Stored data", manifestCid = manifestBlk.cid, treeCid = treeCid, blocks = manifest.blocksCount, datasetSize = manifest.datasetSize # Announce manifest await self.discovery.provide(manifestBlk.cid) await self.discovery.provide(treeCid) return manifestBlk.cid.success proc iterateManifests*(self: CodexNodeRef, onManifest: OnManifest) {.async.} = without cids =? await self.networkStore.listBlocks(BlockType.Manifest): warn "Failed to listBlocks" return for c in cids: if cid =? await c: without blk =? await self.networkStore.getBlock(cid): warn "Failed to get manifest block by cid", cid return without manifest =? Manifest.decode(blk): warn "Failed to decode manifest", cid return onManifest(cid, manifest) proc setupRequest( self: CodexNodeRef, cid: Cid, duration: UInt256, proofProbability: UInt256, nodes: uint, tolerance: uint, reward: UInt256, collateral: UInt256, expiry: UInt256): Future[?!StorageRequest] {.async.} = ## Setup slots for a given dataset ## let ecK = nodes - tolerance ecM = tolerance logScope: cid = cid duration = duration nodes = nodes tolerance = tolerance reward = reward proofProbability = proofProbability collateral = collateral expiry = expiry ecK = ecK ecM = ecM trace "Setting up slots" without manifest =? await self.fetchManifest(cid), error: trace "Unable to fetch manifest for cid" return failure error # Erasure code the dataset according to provided parameters let erasure = Erasure.new( self.networkStore.localStore, leoEncoderProvider, leoDecoderProvider) without encoded =? (await erasure.encode(manifest, ecK, ecM)), error: trace "Unable to erasure code dataset" return failure(error) without builder =? Poseidon2Builder.new(self.networkStore.localStore, encoded), err: trace "Unable to create slot builder" return failure(err) without verifiable =? (await builder.buildManifest()), err: trace "Unable to build verifiable manifest" return failure(err) without manifestBlk =? await self.storeManifest(verifiable), err: trace "Unable to store verifiable manifest" return failure(err) let verifyRoot = if builder.verifyRoot.isNone: return failure("No slots root") else: builder.verifyRoot.get.toBytes request = StorageRequest( ask: StorageAsk( slots: verifiable.numSlots.uint64, slotSize: builder.slotBytes.uint.u256, duration: duration, proofProbability: proofProbability, reward: reward, collateral: collateral, maxSlotLoss: tolerance ), content: StorageContent( cid: $manifestBlk.cid, # TODO: why string? merkleRoot: verifyRoot ), expiry: expiry ) trace "Request created", request = $request success request proc requestStorage*( self: CodexNodeRef, cid: Cid, duration: UInt256, proofProbability: UInt256, nodes: uint, tolerance: uint, reward: UInt256, collateral: UInt256, expiry: UInt256): Future[?!PurchaseId] {.async.} = ## Initiate a request for storage sequence, this might ## be a multistep procedure. ## logScope: cid = cid duration = duration nodes = nodes tolerance = tolerance reward = reward proofProbability = proofProbability collateral = collateral expiry = expiry.truncate(int64) now = self.clock.now trace "Received a request for storage!" without contracts =? self.contracts.client: trace "Purchasing not available" return failure "Purchasing not available" without request =? (await self.setupRequest( cid, duration, proofProbability, nodes, tolerance, reward, collateral, expiry)), err: trace "Unable to setup request" return failure err let purchase = await contracts.purchasing.purchase(request) success purchase.id proc onStore( self: CodexNodeRef, request: StorageRequest, slotIdx: UInt256, blocksCb: BlocksCb): Future[?!void] {.async.} = ## store data in local storage ## logScope: cid = request.content.cid slotIdx = slotIdx trace "Received a request to store a slot" without cid =? Cid.init(request.content.cid).mapFailure, err: trace "Unable to parse Cid", cid return failure(err) without manifest =? (await self.fetchManifest(cid)), err: trace "Unable to fetch manifest for cid", cid, err = err.msg return failure(err) without builder =? Poseidon2Builder.new(self.networkStore, manifest), err: trace "Unable to create slots builder", err = err.msg return failure(err) let slotIdx = slotIdx.truncate(int) expiry = request.expiry.toSecondsSince1970 if slotIdx > manifest.slotRoots.high: trace "Slot index not in manifest", slotIdx return failure(newException(CodexError, "Slot index not in manifest")) proc updateExpiry(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[?!void] {.async.} = trace "Updating expiry for blocks", blocks = blocks.len let ensureExpiryFutures = blocks.mapIt(self.networkStore.ensureExpiry(it.cid, expiry)) if updateExpiryErr =? (await allFutureResult(ensureExpiryFutures)).errorOption: return failure(updateExpiryErr) if not blocksCb.isNil and err =? (await blocksCb(blocks)).errorOption: trace "Unable to process blocks", err = err.msg return failure(err) return success() without indexer =? manifest.protectedStrategy.init( 0, manifest.numSlotBlocks() - 1, manifest.numSlots).catch, err: trace "Unable to create indexing strategy from protected manifest", err = err.msg return failure(err) without blksIter =? indexer.getIndicies(slotIdx).catch, err: trace "Unable to get indicies from strategy", err = err.msg return failure(err) if err =? (await self.fetchBatched( manifest.treeCid, blksIter, onBatch = updateExpiry)).errorOption: trace "Unable to fetch blocks", err = err.msg return failure(err) without slotRoot =? (await builder.buildSlot(slotIdx.Natural)), err: trace "Unable to build slot", err = err.msg return failure(err) if cid =? slotRoot.toSlotCid() and cid != manifest.slotRoots[slotIdx.int]: trace "Slot root mismatch", manifest = manifest.slotRoots[slotIdx.int], recovered = slotRoot.toSlotCid() return failure(newException(CodexError, "Slot root mismatch")) trace "Slot successfully retrieved and reconstructed" return success() proc onProve( self: CodexNodeRef, slot: Slot, challenge: ProofChallenge): Future[?!Groth16Proof] {.async.} = ## Generats a proof for a given slot and challenge ## let cidStr = slot.request.content.cid slotIdx = slot.slotIndex.truncate(Natural) logScope: cid = cidStr slot = slotIdx challenge = challenge trace "Received proof challenge" if prover =? self.prover: trace "Prover enabled" without cid =? Cid.init(cidStr).mapFailure, err: error "Unable to parse Cid", cid, err = err.msg return failure(err) without manifest =? await self.fetchManifest(cid), err: error "Unable to fetch manifest for cid", err = err.msg return failure(err) without builder =? Poseidon2Builder.new(self.networkStore.localStore, manifest), err: error "Unable to create slots builder", err = err.msg return failure(err) without sampler =? DataSampler.new(slotIdx, self.networkStore.localStore, builder), err: error "Unable to create data sampler", err = err.msg return failure(err) without proofInput =? await sampler.getProofInput(challenge, nSamples = 3), err: error "Unable to get proof input for slot", err = err.msg return failure(err) # Todo: send proofInput to circuit. Get proof. (Profit, repeat.) # For now: dummy proof that is not all zero's, so that it is accepted by the # dummy verifier: var proof = Groth16Proof.default proof.a.x = 42.u256 success(proof) proc onExpiryUpdate( self: CodexNodeRef, rootCid: string, expiry: SecondsSince1970): Future[?!void] {.async.} = without cid =? Cid.init(rootCid): trace "Unable to parse Cid", cid let error = newException(CodexError, "Unable to parse Cid") return failure(error) return await self.updateExpiry(cid, expiry) proc onClear( self: CodexNodeRef, request: StorageRequest, slotIndex: UInt256) = # TODO: remove data from local storage discard proc start*(self: CodexNodeRef) {.async.} = if not self.engine.isNil: await self.engine.start() if not self.discovery.isNil: await self.discovery.start() if not self.clock.isNil: await self.clock.start() if hostContracts =? self.contracts.host: hostContracts.sales.onStore = proc( request: StorageRequest, slot: UInt256, onBatch: BatchProc): Future[?!void] = self.onStore(request, slot, onBatch) hostContracts.sales.onExpiryUpdate = proc(rootCid: string, expiry: SecondsSince1970): Future[?!void] = self.onExpiryUpdate(rootCid, expiry) hostContracts.sales.onClear = proc(request: StorageRequest, slotIndex: UInt256) = # TODO: remove data from local storage self.onClear(request, slotIndex) hostContracts.sales.onProve = proc(slot: Slot, challenge: ProofChallenge): Future[?!Groth16Proof] = # TODO: generate proof self.onProve(slot, challenge) try: await hostContracts.start() except CatchableError as error: error "Unable to start host contract interactions", error=error.msg self.contracts.host = HostInteractions.none if clientContracts =? self.contracts.client: try: await clientContracts.start() except CatchableError as error: error "Unable to start client contract interactions: ", error=error.msg self.contracts.client = ClientInteractions.none if validatorContracts =? self.contracts.validator: try: await validatorContracts.start() except CatchableError as error: error "Unable to start validator contract interactions: ", error=error.msg self.contracts.validator = ValidatorInteractions.none self.networkId = self.switch.peerInfo.peerId notice "Started codex node", id = self.networkId, addrs = self.switch.peerInfo.addrs proc stop*(self: CodexNodeRef) {.async.} = trace "Stopping node" if not self.engine.isNil: await self.engine.stop() if not self.discovery.isNil: await self.discovery.stop() if not self.clock.isNil: await self.clock.stop() if clientContracts =? self.contracts.client: await clientContracts.stop() if hostContracts =? self.contracts.host: await hostContracts.stop() if validatorContracts =? self.contracts.validator: await validatorContracts.stop() if not self.networkStore.isNil: await self.networkStore.close proc new*( T: type CodexNodeRef, switch: Switch, networkStore: NetworkStore, engine: BlockExcEngine, discovery: Discovery, prover = Prover.none, contracts = Contracts.default): CodexNodeRef = ## Create new instance of a Codex self, call `start` to run it ## CodexNodeRef( switch: switch, networkStore: networkStore, engine: engine, prover: prover, discovery: discovery, contracts: contracts)