import ./statemachine import ./states/pending import ./states/unknown import ./purchaseid # Purchase is implemented as a state machine. # # It can either be a new (pending) purchase that still needs to be submitted # on-chain, or it is a purchase that was previously submitted on-chain, and # we're just restoring its (unknown) state after a node restart. # # | # v # ------------------------- unknown # | / / # v v / # pending ----> submitted ----> started ---------> finished <----/ # \ \ / # \ ------------> failed <----/ # \ / # --> cancelled <----------------------- export Purchase export purchaseid export statemachine func new*(_: type Purchase, requestId: RequestId, market: Market, clock: Clock): Purchase = Purchase( future: Future[void].new(), requestId: requestId, market: market, clock: clock ) func new*(_: type Purchase, request: StorageRequest, market: Market, clock: Clock): Purchase = let purchase =, market, clock) purchase.request = some request return purchase proc start*(purchase: Purchase) = purchase.switch(PurchasePending()) proc load*(purchase: Purchase) = purchase.switch(PurchaseUnknown()) proc wait*(purchase: Purchase) {.async.} = await purchase.future func id*(purchase: Purchase): PurchaseId = PurchaseId(purchase.requestId) func finished*(purchase: Purchase): bool = purchase.future.finished func error*(purchase: Purchase): ?(ref CatchableError) = if purchase.future.failed: some purchase.future.error else: none (ref CatchableError)