// Protocol of data exchange between Codex nodes. // Extended version of https://github.com/ipfs/specs/blob/main/BITSWAP.md syntax = "proto3"; package blockexc.message.pb; message Message { message Wantlist { enum WantType { wantBlock = 0; wantHave = 1; } message Entry { bytes block = 1; // the block cid int32 priority = 2; // the priority (normalized). default to 1 bool cancel = 3; // whether this revokes an entry WantType wantType = 4; // Note: defaults to enum 0, ie Block bool sendDontHave = 5; // Note: defaults to false } repeated Entry entries = 1; // a list of wantlist entries bool full = 2; // whether this is the full wantlist. default to false } message Block { bytes prefix = 1; // CID prefix (cid version, multicodec and multihash prefix (type + length) bytes data = 2; } enum BlockPresenceType { presenceHave = 0; presenceDontHave = 1; } message BlockPresence { bytes cid = 1; BlockPresenceType type = 2; bytes price = 3; // Amount of assets to pay for the block (UInt256) } message AccountMessage { bytes address = 1; // Ethereum address to which payments should be made } message StateChannelUpdate { bytes update = 1; // Signed Nitro state, serialized as JSON } Wantlist wantlist = 1; repeated Block payload = 3; repeated BlockPresence blockPresences = 4; int32 pendingBytes = 5; AccountMessage account = 6; StateChannelUpdate payment = 7; }