adds market tests for querying past SlotFilled events and binary search
This commit is contained in:
@ -409,12 +409,12 @@ method subscribeProofSubmission*(market: OnChainMarket,
method unsubscribe*(subscription: OnChainMarketSubscription) {.async.} =
await subscription.eventSubscription.unsubscribe()
proc blockNumberForBlocksEgo(provider: Provider,
proc blockNumberForBlocksEgo*(provider: Provider,
blocksAgo: int): Future[BlockTag] {.async.} =
let head = await provider.getBlockNumber()
return BlockTag.init(head - blocksAgo.abs.u256)
proc blockNumberAndTimestamp(provider: Provider, blockTag: BlockTag):
proc blockNumberAndTimestamp*(provider: Provider, blockTag: BlockTag):
Future[(UInt256, UInt256)] {.async.} =
without latestBlock =? await provider.getBlock(blockTag), error:
raise error
@ -424,39 +424,41 @@ proc blockNumberAndTimestamp(provider: Provider, blockTag: BlockTag):
(latestBlockNumber, latestBlock.timestamp)
proc estimateAverageBlockTime(provider: Provider): Future[UInt256] {.async.} =
proc estimateAverageBlockTime*(provider: Provider): Future[UInt256] {.async.} =
let (latestBlockNumber, latestBlockTimestamp) =
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
let (_, previousBlockTimestamp) =
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(
BlockTag.init(latestBlockNumber - 1.u256))
trace "[estimateAverageBlockTime]:", latestBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber,
debug "[estimateAverageBlockTime]:", latestBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber,
latestBlockTimestamp = latestBlockTimestamp,
previousBlockTimestamp = previousBlockTimestamp
return latestBlockTimestamp - previousBlockTimestamp
proc binarySearchFindClosestBlock(provider: Provider,
proc binarySearchFindClosestBlock*(provider: Provider,
epochTime: int,
low: BlockTag,
high: BlockTag): Future[BlockTag] {.async.} =
low: UInt256,
high: UInt256): Future[UInt256] {.async.} =
let (_, lowTimestamp) =
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(low)
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.init(low))
let (_, highTimestamp) =
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(high)
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.init(high))
trace "[binarySearchFindClosestBlock]:", epochTime = epochTime,
lowTimestamp = lowTimestamp, highTimestamp = highTimestamp, low = low, high = high
if abs(lowTimestamp.truncate(int) - epochTime) <
abs(highTimestamp.truncate(int) - epochTime):
return low
return high
proc binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch(provider: Provider,
proc binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch*(provider: Provider,
epochTime: UInt256,
latestBlockNumber: UInt256):
Future[BlockTag] {.async.} =
Future[UInt256] {.async.} =
var low = 0.u256
var high = latestBlockNumber
trace "[binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch]:", low = low, high = high
debug "[binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch]:", low = low, high = high
while low <= high:
let mid = (low + high) div 2.u256
let (midBlockNumber, midBlockTimestamp) =
@ -467,26 +469,29 @@ proc binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch(provider: Provider,
elif midBlockTimestamp > epochTime:
high = mid - 1.u256
return BlockTag.init(midBlockNumber)
return midBlockNumber
# NOTICE that by how the binaty search is implemented, when it finishes
# low is always greater than high - this is why we return high, where
# intuitively we would return low.
await provider.binarySearchFindClosestBlock(
epochTime.truncate(int), BlockTag.init(low), BlockTag.init(high))
epochTime.truncate(int), low=high, high=low)
proc blockNumberForEpoch(provider: Provider, epochTime: int64): Future[BlockTag]
proc blockNumberForEpoch*(provider: Provider, epochTime: int64): Future[UInt256]
{.async.} =
let avgBlockTime = await provider.estimateAverageBlockTime()
trace "[blockNumberForEpoch]:", avgBlockTime = avgBlockTime
debug "[blockNumberForEpoch]:", avgBlockTime = avgBlockTime
let epochTimeUInt256 = epochTime.u256
let (latestBlockNumber, latestBlockTimestamp) =
await provider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
trace "[blockNumberForEpoch]:", latestBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber,
debug "[blockNumberForEpoch]:", latestBlockNumber = latestBlockNumber,
latestBlockTimestamp = latestBlockTimestamp
let timeDiff = latestBlockTimestamp - epochTimeUInt256
let blockDiff = timeDiff div avgBlockTime
if blockDiff >= latestBlockNumber:
return BlockTag.earliest
return 0.u256
return await provider.binarySearchBlockNumberForEpoch(
epochTimeUInt256, latestBlockNumber)
@ -517,8 +522,8 @@ method queryPastSlotFilledEvents*(
let fromBlock =
await market.contract.provider.blockNumberForEpoch(fromTime)
trace "queryPastSlotFilledEvents fromTime", fromTime=fromTime, fromBlock=fromBlock
return await market.queryPastSlotFilledEvents(fromBlock)
debug "[queryPastSlotFilledEvents]", fromTime=fromTime, fromBlock=parseHexInt($fromBlock)
return await market.queryPastSlotFilledEvents(BlockTag.init(fromBlock))
method queryPastStorageRequestedEvents*(
market: OnChainMarket,
@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ import ./deployment
privateAccess(OnChainMarket) # enable access to private fields
# to see supportive information in the test output
# use `-d:"chronicles_enabled_topics:testMarket:DEBUG` option
# when compiling the test file
topics = "testMarket"
ethersuite "On-Chain Market":
let proof = Groth16Proof.example
@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ ethersuite "On-Chain Market":
proc advanceToCancelledRequest(request: StorageRequest) {.async.} =
let expiry = (await market.requestExpiresAt( + 1
await ethProvider.advanceTimeTo(expiry.u256)
proc mineNBlocks(provider: JsonRpcProvider, n: int) {.async.} =
for _ in 0..<n:
discard await provider.send("evm_mine")
proc waitUntilProofRequired(slotId: SlotId) {.async.} =
await advanceToNextPeriod()
@ -434,6 +444,165 @@ ethersuite "On-Chain Market":
SlotFilled(requestId:, slotIndex: 1.u256),
SlotFilled(requestId:, slotIndex: 2.u256),
test "can query past SlotFilled events since given timestamp":
await market.requestStorage(request)
await market.fillSlot(, 0.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
# The SlotFilled event will be included in the same block as
# the fillSlot transaction. If we want to ignore the SlotFilled event
# for this first slot, we need to jump to the next block and use the
# timestamp of that block as our "fromTime" parameter to the
# queryPastSlotFilledEvents function.
# await ethProvider.mineNBlocks(1)
await ethProvider.advanceTime(10.u256)
let (_, fromTime) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
await market.fillSlot(, 1.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
await market.fillSlot(, 2.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
let events = await market.queryPastSlotFilledEvents(
fromTime = fromTime.truncate(int64))
check events == @[
SlotFilled(requestId:, slotIndex: 1.u256),
SlotFilled(requestId:, slotIndex: 2.u256)
test "queryPastSlotFilledEvents returns empty sequence of events when " &
"no SlotFilled events have occurred since given timestamp":
await market.requestStorage(request)
await market.fillSlot(, 0.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
await market.fillSlot(, 1.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
await market.fillSlot(, 2.u256, proof, request.ask.collateral)
await ethProvider.advanceTime(10.u256)
let (_, fromTime) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
let events = await market.queryPastSlotFilledEvents(
fromTime = fromTime.truncate(int64))
check events.len == 0
test "estimateAverageBlockTime correctly computes the time between " &
"two most recent blocks":
let simulatedBlockTime = 15.u256
await ethProvider.mineNBlocks(1)
let (_, timestampPrevious) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
await ethProvider.advanceTime(simulatedBlockTime)
let (_, timestampLatest) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
let expected = timestampLatest - timestampPrevious
let actual = await ethProvider.estimateAverageBlockTime()
check expected == simulatedBlockTime
check actual == expected
test "blockNumberForEpoch returns the earliest block when block height " &
"is less than the given epoch time":
let (_, timestampEarliest) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.earliest)
let fromTime = timestampEarliest - 1
let expected = await ethProvider.blockNumberForEpoch(
check expected == 0.u256
test "blockNumberForEpoch finds closest blockNumber for given epoch time":
proc createBlockHistory(n: int, blockTime: int):
Future[seq[(UInt256, UInt256)]] {.async.} =
var blocks: seq[(UInt256, UInt256)] = @[]
for _ in 0..<n:
await ethProvider.advanceTime(blockTime.u256)
let (blockNumber, blockTimestamp) =
await ethProvider.blockNumberAndTimestamp(BlockTag.latest)
# collect blocknumbers and timestamps
blocks.add((blockNumber, blockTimestamp))
proc printBlockNumbersAndTimestamps(blocks: seq[(UInt256, UInt256)]) =
for (blockNumber, blockTimestamp) in blocks:
debug "Block", blockNumber = blockNumber, timestamp = blockTimestamp
type Expectations = tuple
epochTime: UInt256
expectedBlockNumber: UInt256
# We want to test that timestamps at the block boundaries, in the middle,
# and towards lower and upper part of the range are correctly mapped to
# the closest block number.
# For example: assume we have the following two blocks with
# the corresponding block numbers and timestamps:
# block1: (291, 1728436100)
# block2: (292, 1728436110)
# To test that binary search correctly finds the closest block number,
# we will test the following timestamps:
# 1728436100 => 291
# 1728436104 => 291
# 1728436105 => 292
# 1728436106 => 292
# 1728436110 => 292
proc generateExpectations(
blocks: seq[(UInt256, UInt256)]): seq[Expectations] =
var expectations: seq[Expectations] = @[]
for i in 0..<blocks.len - 1:
let (startNumber, startTimestamp) = blocks[i]
let (endNumber, endTimestamp) = blocks[i + 1]
let middleTimestamp = (startTimestamp + endTimestamp) div 2
let lowerExpectation = (middleTimestamp - 1, startNumber)
expectations.add((startTimestamp, startNumber))
if middleTimestamp.truncate(int64) - startTimestamp.truncate(int64) <
endTimestamp.truncate(int64) - middleTimestamp.truncate(int64):
expectations.add((middleTimestamp, startNumber))
expectations.add((middleTimestamp, endNumber))
let higherExpectation = (middleTimestamp + 1, endNumber)
if i == blocks.len - 2:
expectations.add((endTimestamp, endNumber))
proc printExpectations(expectations: seq[Expectations]) =
debug "Expectations", numberOfExpectations = expectations.len
for (epochTime, expectedBlockNumber) in expectations:
debug "Expectation", epochTime = epochTime,
expectedBlockNumber = expectedBlockNumber
# mark the beginning of the history for our test
await ethProvider.mineNBlocks(1)
# set average block time - 10s - we use larger block time
# then expected in Linea for more precise testing of the binary search
let averageBlockTime = 10
# create a history of N blocks
let N = 10
let blocks = await createBlockHistory(N, averageBlockTime)
# generate expectations for block numbers
let expectations = generateExpectations(blocks)
# validate expectations
for (epochTime, expectedBlockNumber) in expectations:
debug "Validating", epochTime = epochTime,
expectedBlockNumber = expectedBlockNumber
let actualBlockNumber = await ethProvider.blockNumberForEpoch(
check actualBlockNumber == expectedBlockNumber
test "past event query can specify negative `blocksAgo` parameter":
await market.requestStorage(request)
Reference in New Issue