mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 05:50:40 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into node-wire-prover
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Other approaches may be viable. On macOS, some users may prefer [MacPorts](https
### Rust
The current implementation of Codex's zero-knowledge proving circuit requires the installation of rust v1.76.0 or greater. Be sure to install it for your OS and add it to your terminal's path such that the command `cargo --version` gives a compatible version.
The current implementation of Codex's zero-knowledge proving circuit requires the installation of rust v1.74.0 or greater. Be sure to install it for your OS and add it to your terminal's path such that the command `cargo --version` gives a compatible version.
### Linux
@ -32,35 +32,36 @@ The current implementation of Codex's zero-knowledge proving circuit requires th
On a bare bones installation of Debian (or a distribution derived from Debian, such as Ubuntu), run
$ apt-get update && apt-get install build-essential cmake curl git
apt-get update && apt-get install build-essential cmake curl git rustc cargo
Non-Debian distributions have different package managers: `apk`, `dnf`, `pacman`, `rpm`, `yum`, etc.
For example, on a bare bones installation of Fedora, run
$ dnf install @development-tools cmake gcc-c++ which
dnf install @development-tools cmake gcc-c++ rust cargo
### macOS
Install the [Xcode Command Line Tools](https://mac.install.guide/commandlinetools/index.html) by opening a terminal and running
$ xcode-select --install
xcode-select --install
Install [Homebrew (`brew`)](https://brew.sh/) and in a new terminal run
$ brew install bash cmake
brew install bash cmake rust
Check that `PATH` is setup correctly
$ which bash cmake
which bash cmake
# /usr/local/bin/bash
# /usr/local/bin/cmake
### Windows + MSYS2
@ -72,9 +73,9 @@ Download and run the installer from [msys2.org](https://www.msys2.org/).
Launch an MSYS2 [environment](https://www.msys2.org/docs/environments/). UCRT64 is generally recommended: from the Windows *Start menu* select `MSYS2 MinGW UCRT x64`.
Assuming a UCRT64 environment, in Bash run
$ pacman -Suy
$ pacman -S base-devel git unzip mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-rust
pacman -Suy
pacman -S base-devel git unzip mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-rust
<!-- #### Headless Windows container -->
@ -113,27 +114,27 @@ It is possible that nim-codex can be built and run on other platforms supported
## Repository
In Bash run
$ git clone https://github.com/codex-storage/nim-codex.git repos/nim-codex && cd repos/nim-codex
git clone https://github.com/codex-storage/nim-codex.git repos/nim-codex && cd repos/nim-codex
nim-codex uses the [nimbus-build-system](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-build-system#readme), so next run
$ make update
nim-codex uses the [nimbus-build-system](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-build-system), so next run
make update
This step can take a while to complete because by default it builds the [Nim compiler](https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html).
To see more output from `make` pass `V=1`. This works for all `make` targets in projects using the nimbus-build-system
$ make V=1 update
make V=1 update
## Executable
In Bash run
$ make
The default `make` target creates the `build/codex` executable.
@ -145,8 +146,8 @@ See the [instructions](README.md#cli-options) in the main readme.
## Tests
In Bash run
$ make test
make test
### testAll
@ -156,9 +157,11 @@ $ make test
To run the integration tests, an Ethereum test node is required. Follow these instructions to set it up.
##### Windows (do this before 'All platforms')
1. Download and install Visual Studio 2017 or newer. (Not VSCode!) In the Workloads overview, enable `Desktop development with C++`. ( https://visualstudio.microsoft.com )
##### All platforms
1. Install NodeJS (tested with v18.14.0), consider using NVM as a version manager. [Node Version Manager (`nvm`)](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#readme)
1. Open a terminal
1. Go to the vendor/codex-contracts-eth folder: `cd /<git-root>/vendor/codex-contracts-eth/`
@ -177,6 +180,6 @@ The `testAll` target runs the same tests as `make test` and also runs tests for
To run `make testAll`.
Use a new terminal to run:
$ make testAll
make testAll
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ requires "bearssl >= 0.1.4"
requires "chronicles >= 0.7.2"
requires "chronos >= 2.5.2"
requires "confutils"
requires "ethers >= 0.7.1 & < 0.8.0"
requires "ethers >= 0.7.3 & < 0.8.0"
requires "libbacktrace"
requires "libp2p"
requires "metrics"
@ -540,13 +540,19 @@ proc taskHandler*(b: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx) {.gcsafe, async.} =
wantsBlocks = task.peerWants.filterIt(
it.wantType == WantType.WantBlock
it.wantType == WantType.WantBlock and not it.inFlight
proc updateInFlight(addresses: seq[BlockAddress], inFlight: bool) =
for peerWant in task.peerWants.mitems:
if peerWant.address in addresses:
peerWant.inFlight = inFlight
trace "wantsBlocks", peer = task.id, n = wantsBlocks.len
if wantsBlocks.len > 0:
trace "Got peer want blocks list", items = wantsBlocks.len
# Mark wants as in-flight.
let wantAddresses = wantsBlocks.mapIt(it.address)
updateInFlight(wantAddresses, true)
proc localLookup(e: WantListEntry): Future[?!BlockDelivery] {.async.} =
@ -563,13 +569,16 @@ proc taskHandler*(b: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx) {.gcsafe, async.} =
blocksDeliveryFut = await allFinished(wantsBlocks.map(localLookup))
# Extract successfully received blocks
blocksDelivery = blocksDeliveryFut
.filterIt(it.completed and it.read.isOk)
# All the wants that failed local lookup must be set to not-in-flight again.
successAddresses = blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address)
failedAddresses = wantAddresses.filterIt(it notin successAddresses)
updateInFlight(failedAddresses, false)
if blocksDelivery.len > 0:
trace "Sending blocks to peer", peer = task.id, blocks = blocksDelivery.len
await b.network.request.sendBlocksDelivery(
@ -579,13 +588,8 @@ proc taskHandler*(b: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx) {.gcsafe, async.} =
trace "About to remove entries from peerWants", blocks = blocksDelivery.len, items = task.peerWants.len
# Remove successfully sent blocks
proc(e: WantListEntry): bool =
not blocksDelivery.anyIt( it.address == e.address )
trace "Removed entries from peerWants", items = task.peerWants.len
task.peerWants.keepItIf(it.address notin successAddresses)
trace "Removed entries from peerWants", peerWants = task.peerWants.len
proc blockexcTaskRunner(b: BlockExcEngine) {.async.} =
## process tasks
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ type
cancel*: bool # Whether this revokes an entry
wantType*: WantType # Note: defaults to enum 0, ie Block
sendDontHave*: bool # Note: defaults to false
inFlight*: bool # Whether block sending is in progress. Not serialized.
WantList* = object
entries*: seq[WantListEntry] # A list of wantList entries
@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ type
CodexPrivateKey* = libp2p.PrivateKey # alias
EthWallet = ethers.Wallet
proc waitForSync(provider: Provider): Future[void] {.async.} =
var sleepTime = 1
while await provider.isSyncing:
notice "Waiting for Ethereum provider to sync..."
await sleepAsync(sleepTime.seconds)
if sleepTime < 10:
inc sleepTime
proc bootstrapInteractions(
s: CodexServer): Future[void] {.async.} =
## bootstrap interactions and return contracts
@ -73,6 +81,7 @@ proc bootstrapInteractions(
quit QuitFailure
let provider = JsonRpcProvider.new(config.ethProvider)
await waitForSync(provider)
var signer: Signer
if account =? config.ethAccount:
signer = provider.getSigner(account)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Variables
ARG BUILDER=ubuntu:lunar-20230415
ARG BUILDER=ubuntu:22.04
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ ARG BUILD_HOME
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git cmake curl make bash lcov build-essential nim
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git cmake curl make bash lcov build-essential rustc cargo
COPY . .
@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ ARG NAT_IP_AUTO
COPY --from=builder ${BUILD_HOME}/build/codex /usr/local/bin
COPY --chmod=0755 docker/docker-entrypoint.sh /
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgomp1 bash curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgomp1 bash curl jq && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["codex"]
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
# Environment variables from files
if [[ -n "${ENV_PATH}" ]]; then
[[ -f ${ENV_PATH} ]] && source ${ENV_PATH} || for f in ${ENV_PATH}/*; do source $f; done
set -a
[[ -f "${ENV_PATH}" ]] && source "${ENV_PATH}" || for f in "${ENV_PATH}"/*; do source "$f"; done
set +a
# Parameters
@ -490,6 +490,39 @@ asyncchecksuite "Task Handler":
await engine.taskHandler(peersCtx[0])
test "Should set in-flight for outgoing blocks":
proc sendBlocksDelivery(
id: PeerId,
blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]) {.gcsafe, async.} =
check peersCtx[0].peerWants[0].inFlight
for blk in blocks:
(await engine.localStore.putBlock(blk)).tryGet()
engine.network.request.sendBlocksDelivery = sendBlocksDelivery
address: blocks[0].address,
priority: 50,
cancel: false,
wantType: WantType.WantBlock,
sendDontHave: false,
inFlight: false)
await engine.taskHandler(peersCtx[0])
test "Should clear in-flight when local lookup fails":
address: blocks[0].address,
priority: 50,
cancel: false,
wantType: WantType.WantBlock,
sendDontHave: false,
inFlight: false)
await engine.taskHandler(peersCtx[0])
check not peersCtx[0].peerWants[0].inFlight
test "Should send presence":
let present = blocks
let missing = @[Block.new("missing".toBytes).tryGet()]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user