2024-01-15 10:45:04 -06:00
import std/os
import std/options
import std/math
import std/times
import std/sequtils
import std/importutils
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/datastore
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/stint
import pkg/poseidon2
import pkg/poseidon2/io
import pkg/nitro
import pkg/codexdht/discv5/protocol as discv5
feat: create logging proxy (#663)
* implement a logging proxy
The logging proxy:
- prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson),
- prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization,
- and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks
* Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names
* clean up
* add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict
* Allow specifying textlines and json format separately
Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks.
Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink.
* remove unneeded usages of std/json
We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json
* move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared
* fix NoColors ambiguity
Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows.
* Remove nre usage to fix Windows error
Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :)
* Add logutils module doc
* Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes`
Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt
* remove debug integration test config
debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs
* Use ## module doc to support docgen
* bump nim-poseidon2 to export fromBytes
Before the changes in this branch, fromBytes was likely being resolved by nim-stew, or other dependency. With the changes in this branch, that dependency was removed and fromBytes could no longer be resolved. By exporting fromBytes from nim-poseidon, the correct resolution is now happening.
* fixes to get compiling after rebasing master
* Add support for Result types being logged using formatIt
2024-01-23 18:35:03 +11:00
import pkg/codex/logutils
2024-01-15 10:45:04 -06:00
import pkg/codex/stores
import pkg/codex/clock
import pkg/codex/contracts
import pkg/codex/systemclock
import pkg/codex/blockexchange
import pkg/codex/chunker
import pkg/codex/slots
import pkg/codex/manifest
import pkg/codex/discovery
import pkg/codex/erasure
import pkg/codex/merkletree
import pkg/codex/blocktype as bt
import pkg/codex/node {.all.}
2024-01-29 21:03:51 +01:00
import ../../asynctest
2024-01-15 10:45:04 -06:00
import ../examples
import ../helpers
import ../helpers/mockmarket
import ../helpers/mockclock
import ./helpers
privateAccess(CodexNodeRef) # enable access to private fields
asyncchecksuite "Test Node - Basic":
test "Fetch Manifest":
manifest = await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
manifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
(await localStore.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet()
fetched = (await node.fetchManifest(manifestBlock.cid)).tryGet()
fetched == manifest
test "Block Batching":
let manifest = await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
for batchSize in 1..12:
(await node.fetchBatched(
batchSize = batchSize,
proc(blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[?!void] {.gcsafe, async.} =
check blocks.len > 0 and blocks.len <= batchSize
return success()
test "Store and retrieve Data Stream":
stream = BufferStream.new()
storeFut = node.store(stream)
oddChunkSize = math.trunc(DefaultBlockSize.float / 3.14).NBytes # Let's check that node.store can correctly rechunk these odd chunks
oddChunker = FileChunker.new(file = file, chunkSize = oddChunkSize, pad = false) # TODO: doesn't work with pad=tue
original: seq[byte]
while (
let chunk = await oddChunker.getBytes();
chunk.len > 0):
original &= chunk
await stream.pushData(chunk)
await stream.pushEof()
await stream.close()
manifestCid = (await storeFut).tryGet()
manifestBlock = (await localStore.getBlock(manifestCid)).tryGet()
localManifest = Manifest.decode(manifestBlock).tryGet()
data = await (await node.retrieve(manifestCid)).drain()
data.len == localManifest.datasetSize.int
data.len == original.len
sha256.digest(data) == sha256.digest(original)
test "Retrieve One Block":
testString = "Block 1"
blk = bt.Block.new(testString.toBytes).tryGet()
(await localStore.putBlock(blk)).tryGet()
let stream = (await node.retrieve(blk.cid)).tryGet()
defer: await stream.close()
var data = newSeq[byte](testString.len)
await stream.readExactly(addr data[0], data.len)
check string.fromBytes(data) == testString
test "Setup purchase request":
manifest = await storeDataGetManifest(localStore, chunker)
manifestBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
2024-02-19 12:12:10 -06:00
erasure = Erasure.new(store, leoEncoderProvider, leoDecoderProvider)
2024-01-15 10:45:04 -06:00
protected = (await erasure.encode(manifest, 3, 2)).tryGet()
2024-02-07 20:27:11 -06:00
builder = Poseidon2Builder.new(localStore, protected).tryGet()
2024-01-15 10:45:04 -06:00
verifiable = (await builder.buildManifest()).tryGet()
verifiableBlock = bt.Block.new(
codec = ManifestCodec).tryGet()
(await localStore.putBlock(manifestBlock)).tryGet()
request = (await node.setupRequest(
cid = manifestBlock.cid,
nodes = 5,
tolerance = 2,
duration = 100.u256,
reward = 2.u256,
proofProbability = 3.u256,
expiry = 200.u256,
collateral = 200.u256)).tryGet
(await verifiableBlock.cid in localStore) == true
request.content.cid == $verifiableBlock.cid
request.content.merkleRoot == builder.verifyRoot.get.toBytes